美学牙医学Esthetic Dentistry 又称美容牙医(科)学 Cosmetic Dentistry 或牙齿美学Dental Esthetics 或第四维牙医学Fourth Dimension Dentistry 牙周美学Periodontal Esthetics 种植美学Implant Esthetics 义齿美学Denture esthetics 义齿基美学Denture base esthetics 形态心理学Morphopsychology 牙因概念Dentogenic Concept SAP 概念SAP Concept 整体框架General Frame 前庭框架Vestibular Frame 美学平面Esthetic Plane 矢状参考Sagittal References 语音参考Phonetic References 垂直参考线Vertical Reference Lines 水平参考线Horizontal reference lines 主线Main Lines 辅线Accessory Lines 面中线Facial Midline 牙中线Dental Midline 尖牙乳头尖牙连线CPC Line 瞳孔连线Interpupillary line 唇线Lip Line 龈线Gingival Line 牙阴阳Dental Yin-Yang 牙阴阳美学Dental Yin-Yang Esthetics 牙变化中统一Dental Unity in variety 统一中牙齿多样性Dental Diversity In Unity 显性Dominance 渐变Gradation 视觉 Visual perception 视错觉Visual Illusion 牙齿(视)错觉Dental Illusion 阴性空隙 Negative Space又称黑色空隙 Dark Space 前牙阴性空隙Anterior Negative Space 侧阴性空隙Lateral Negative Space 颊侧空隙 Buccal Space 或称颊侧走廊 Buccal Corridor 冠内空隙Intracoronal Space 牙间空隙Interdental Space 牙弓间空隙Interarch Space 牙间隙Diastema 前牙言语空隙Anterior Speaking Space 后牙言语空隙Posterior Speaking space 美学构成 Esthetic Composition 面部构成Facial Composition 牙齿构成Dental Composition 牙面构成Dento-facial Composition 龈牙单位Dentogingival Unit 美学参数Esthetics Parameters 美学诊断Esthetic Diagnosis 美学评价Esthetic Evaluation 美学治疗计划Esthetic Treatment Planning 美学急诊Esthetic Emergency 病人欲望Patients’ Desires 病人偏爱Patients’ Preferences 电脑影像系统Computer Imaging System(CIS) 电脑辅助病人教育Computer-assisted Patient Education 牙医病人沟通Dentist-patient Communication 牙医技工沟通Dentist-Technician Communication 技工病人沟通Technician-patient Communication 知会同意Informed consent 电脑辅助沟通Computer-assisted Communication 美学沟通Esthetic Communication 色彩沟通Shade Communication 牙色Tooth Color 又称复合牙色Composite tooth color 本色 Family color 异色 Maverick Color 参色 Irregularity color 不透明水平Opacity level 透明水平Translucency level 透明Translucency 真正透明Real Translucency 表面透明Apparent Translucency 透明型Translucency type 颜色修饰剂Color modifiers 技工制作单Laboratory Prescription 美学单Esthetic Prescription 比色单Shade Prescription 选色 Shade Selection 色板Shade Guide 辅助色板Accessory Shade Guides 特制色条Custom Shade Tab 变色Discoloration 面形Facial Form又称面外观Facial Appearance 面型Facial types 牙面外观Dentofacial Appearance 牙形Tooth Form 又称牙齿外形Tooth Contour 或牙外观Dental Appearance 牙型 Tooth Types 自然牙外观Natural Dental Appearance 理想人造牙外观Idealized artificial Dental Appearance 牙弓形Arch Form 牙齿形态学Dental Morphology 牙龈形态学Gingival Morphology 牙槽嵴形态学Alveolar Ridge Morphology 研究模型Study Model 模型分析 Model Analysis 侧影分析Profile Analysis 美学诊断蜡模 Esthetic Diagnostic Waxing 绘画模拟Paint Simulation 蜡模拟Wax simulation 切平面Incisal Plane 凸出切平面Convex incisal plane 殴翼切平面Gull Wing incisal plane 混合型切平面Combination Pattern of Incisal Plane 龈平面Gingival Plane 切端轮廓Incisal silhouette 切端外展隙Incisal Embrasure 切端暴露Incisal Display 切终Incisal Egression 水平对称Horizontal or Running Symmetry 放射对称Radiating Symmetry 切龈融和Incisal-gingival Blend 侧影现出Profile Emergence 龈上凸起Supragingival Convexity或称颈部凸起Cervical Convexity 龈下外形 Subgingival Contours 微笑Smile 微笑构成Components of Smile 微笑分析Smile Analysis 微笑线Smile Line 高笑High Smile 低笑Low Smile 中笑Medium Smile 牙龈微笑Gummy Smile 媒体微笑Media Smile 直线笑Straight Smile 扁平微笑曲线Flat smile Curve 反转微笑线Reverse Smile Line 牙齿质地Tooth Texture 牙齿可见度Tooth visibility或称牙齿暴露Tooth Display 平均牙齿暴露量Average Tooth Display 可见静态区Static Area of Visibility 可见动态区Dynamic Area of Visibility 牙齿大小Tooth Size 牙牙比例Tooth-to-Tooth Proportion 牙齿排列Tooth Arrangement 牙齿方向Tooth Orientation 牙齿光泽Tooth Gloss 牙龈高度Gingival height 牙龈高点Gingival Zenith 过度外形Overcontour 金瓷修复体 Metal Ceramic Restoration or Ceramometal Restoration 又称金属烤瓷修复体 或烤瓷熔附金属修复体 Porcelain-fused-to-metal Restoration or PFM Restoration 牙齿预备Tooth Preparation 边缘设计Margin Design 瓷边缘Porcelain Margin 终线Finish Lines 组织处理技术Tissue Management Technique 沟内牙医学Intracrevicular Dentistry 抛光Polishing 全瓷冠All-ceramic Crown 铝瓷冠Aluminaceramic Crown又称 铝瓷甲冠Aluminous Porcelain Jacket Crown 瓷嵌体 Ceramic Inlay 瓷高嵌体 Ceramic Onlay 贴面Facing or Veneer 瓷贴面Porcelain Laminate veneers 丙烯酸贴面Acrylic Facing 漂白Bleaching 修形Contouring 釉质成形术Enameloplasty 粘接Bonding 染色Staining 特别技工室染色Custom Laboratory Staining 内源性染色Intrinsic Staining 外源性染色Extrinsic Staining 牙根覆盖Root Coverage 英中对照 A Accessory Lines 辅线 Accessory Shade Guides 辅助色板 Acrylic Facing 丙烯酸贴面 All-ceramic Crown 全瓷冠 Aluminaceramic Crown 铝瓷冠 Aluminous Porcelain Jacket Crown 铝瓷甲冠 Alveolar Ridge Morphology 牙槽嵴形态学 Anterior Negative Space 前牙阴性空隙 Anterior Speaking Space 前牙言语空隙 Apparent Translucency 表面透明 Arch Form 牙弓形 Average Tooth Display 平均牙齿暴露量 B Bleaching 漂白 Bonding 粘接 Buccal Corridor 颊侧走廊 Buccal Space 颊侧空隙 C Ceramic Inlay 瓷嵌体 Ceramic Onlay 瓷高嵌体 Cervical Convexity 颈部凸起 Color modifiers 颜色修饰剂 Composite tooth color 复合牙色 Ceramometal Restoration 金属烤瓷修复体 Combination Pattern of Incisal Plane 混合型切平面 Components of Smile 微笑构成 Contouring 修形 Computer-assisted Communication 电脑辅助沟通 Computer-assisted Patient Education 电脑辅助病人教育 Computer Imaging System(CIS)电脑影像系统 Cosmetic Dentistry 美容牙医(科)学 Custom Laboratory Staining 特别技工室染色 Custom Shade Tab 特制色条 D Dark Space 黑色空隙 Dental Appearance牙外观 Dental Composition 牙齿构成 Dental Diversity in Unity 统一中牙齿多样性 Dental Esthetics 牙齿美学 Dental Illusion 牙齿(视)错觉 Dental Midline 牙中线 Dental Morphology 牙齿形态学 Dental Unity in variety 牙变化中统一 Dental Yin-Yang 牙阴阳 Dental Yin -Yang Esthetics 牙阴阳美学 Dentist-patient Communication 牙医病人沟通 Dentist-Technician Communication 牙医技工沟通 Dentofacial Appearance 牙面外观 Dento-facial Composition 牙面构成 Dentogenic Concept牙因概念 Dentogingival Unit 龈牙单位 Denture esthetics 义齿美学 Denture base esthetics 义齿基美学 Diastema 牙间隙 Discoloration 变色 Dominance 显性 Dynamic Area of Visibility 可见动态区 E Enameloplasty釉质成形术 Esthetic Composition 美学构成 Esthetic Communication 美学沟通 Esthetic Dentistry 美学牙医学 Esthetic Diagnosis 美学诊断 Esthetic Diagnostic Waxing 美学诊断蜡模 Esthetic Emergency 美学急诊 Esthetic Evaluation 美学评价 Esthetics Parameters 美学参数 Esthetic Plane 美学平面 Esthetic Prescription 美学单 Esthetic Treatment Planning 美学治疗计划 Extrinsic Staining 外源性染色 F Facial Appearance 面外观 Facial Composition 面部构成 Facial Form 面形 Facial Midline 面中线 Facial Types 面型 Facing or Veneer 贴面 Family color 本色 Finish Lines 终线 Flat smile Curve 扁平微笑曲线 Fourth Dimension Dentistry 第四维牙医学 G General Frame 整体框架 Gingival Line 龈线 Gingival height 牙龈高度 Gingival Plane 龈平面 Gingival Morphology 牙龈形态学 Gingival Zenith 牙龈高点 Gradation 渐变 Gull Wing incisal plane 殴翼切平面 Gummy Smile 牙龈微笑 H High Smile 高笑 Horizontal reference lines 水平参考线 I Idealized artificial Dental Appearance 理想人造牙外观 Implant Esthetics 种植美学 Incisal plane切平面 Incisal silhouette 切端轮廓 Incisal Embrasure 切端外展隙 Incisal Display 切端暴露 Incisal Egression 切终 Incisal Plane 切平面 Incisal-gingival Blend 切龈融和 Informed consent 知会同意 Interarch Space 牙弓间空隙 Interdental Space 牙间空隙 Interpupillary line 瞳孔连线 Intracoronal Space 冠内空隙 Intracrevicular Dentistry 沟内牙医学 Intrinsic Staining 内源性染色 Irregularity color 参色 L Laboratory Prescription 技工制作单 Lateral Negative Space 侧阴性空隙 Lip Line 唇线 Low Smile 低笑 M Main Lines 主线 Margin Design 边缘设计 Maverick Color 异色 Media Smile 媒体微笑 Medium Smile 中笑 Metal Ceramic Restoration金瓷修复体 Model Analysis 模型分析 Morphopsychology 形态心理学 Natural Dental Appearance 自然牙外观 N Negative Space阴性空隙 O Opacity level 不透明水平 Overcontour 过度外形 P Paint Simulation 绘画模拟 Patients’ Desires 病人欲望 Patients’ Preferences 病人偏爱 Periodontal Esthetics 牙周美学 Porcelain Laminate veneers 瓷贴面 Phonetic References 语音参考 Polishing 抛光 Porcelain Margin 瓷边缘 Porcelain-fused-to-metal Restoration or PFM 瓷熔附金属修复体 Posterior Speaking space 后牙言语空隙 Profile Analysis 侧影分析 Profile Emergence 侧影现出 R Radiating Symmetry 放射对称 Real Translucency 真正透明 Restoration Running Symmetry 水平对称 Reverse Smile Line反转微笑线 Root Coverage 牙根覆盖 S Sagittal References 矢状参考 SAP Concept SAP 概念 Shade Communication 色彩沟通 Shade Guide 色板 Shade Prescription 比色单 Shade Selection 选色 Smile 微笑 Smile Analysis 微笑分析 Smile Line 微笑线 Staining 染色 Static Area of Visibility 可见静态区 Straight Smile 直线笑 Study Model 研究模型 Subgingival Contours 龈下外形 Supragingival Convexity 龈上凸起 T Technician-patient Communication 技工病人沟通 Tissue Management Technique 组织处理技术 Tooth Arrangement 牙齿排列 Tooth Color 牙色 Tooth Contour 牙齿外形 Tooth Display 牙齿暴露 Tooth Form 牙形 Tooth Gloss 牙齿光泽 Tooth Orientation 牙齿方向 Tooth Preparation 牙齿预备 Tooth Size 牙齿大小 Tooth Texture 牙齿质地 Tooth-to-Tooth Proportion 牙牙比例 Tooth Types 牙型 Tooth visibility 牙齿可见度 Translucency 透明 Translucency level 透明水平 Translucency type 透明型 V Vestibular Frame 前庭框架 Vertical Reference Lines 垂直参考线 Visual Illusion 视错觉 Visual perception 视觉 W Wax simulation 蜡模拟