船用随动操舵仪通用技术条件 General specifications of follow-up pilot for use in ships
船用陀螺罗经组合操舵仪技术条件 Specification of marine autopilot with gyro compass
船用防爆灯技术条件 Marine explosion-proof light - Specification
船用导航设备通用要求和试验方法 Marine navigational equipment - General requirements - Methods of testing and required test results
钢筋混凝土船船体质量要求和检验方法 Quality requirements and inspection methods for reinforced concrete hulls
国际航行船舶识别代码 Identification code for ships engaged in international voyage
管路松套伸缩接头 Piping sleeve expansion joints
船舶及海洋工程腐蚀与防护术语 Terminology for corrosion and protection for ship and marine engineering
不锈钢波形膨胀节 Stainless steel bellows expansion joints
金属波纹管膨胀节通用技术条件 General specification for metal bellows expansion joints
船舶通用术语 船用材料 General terminology for ships?Shipbuilding material
船用金属螺旋桨技术条件 Specification for marine metallic propeller
油污水分离装置 Oily water separating equipment
油船排油监控系统技术条件 Specification for oil discharge monitoring and controlsystems for oil tankers
船用控制气源净化装置 Cleaning equipments of controled air source for ship
船用气动系统通用技术条件 General technical specifications of pneumatic systems for ship
船用油水界面探测器技术条件 Marine oil-water interface detector specification
弹性阻尼簧片联轴器 Elastic damping leaf coupling
船舶工艺术语 修、造船设施 Terminology for ship technology - Repairing and shipbuilding facilities
船舶工艺术语 船体建造工艺 Terminology for ship technology - Hull construction
船舶工艺术语 安装工艺 Terminology for ship technology - Installation technology
船舶工艺术语 船舶建造质量检验 Terminology for ship technology - Ship construction quality inspection
船用起货设备检验规则和试验方法 The examination rules and test methods for the ships'cargo handling gear
船用中压活塞式空气压缩机 Marine reciprocating air compressor for medium pressure
船用高压活塞式空气压缩机 Marine reciprocating air compressor for high pressure
潜水装具用高压活塞式空气压缩机技术条件 Technical specification for high pressure reciprocating air diving apparatus
航海六分仪 Marine sextant
船用臂架起重机 Shipbuilding-jib cranes
船用低压活塞式空气压缩机 Marine reciprocating air compressor for low pressure
船舶控制设备用无油空气压缩机技术条件 Marine oil-free air compressor for control use - Technical specifications
船用同步发电机通用技术条件 General specification for synchronous generator in ship
船舶电站通用技术要求和试验方法 General technical requirement and testing method for marine power plant
船舶低压电力系统电缆的选择和敷设 Choice and installation of cables for low-voltage power systems in ships
船用同轴软电缆选择和敷设 Choice and installation of shipboard flexible coaxial cables
船用通信电缆和射频电缆的选择和敷设 Choice and installation of shipboard telecommunication cables and radio frequency cables
船舶电力推进系统技术条件 Specification for electric propulsion plant in ship
电压为 1kV以上至11kV的船舶交流电力系统 Marine a.c. electrical power systems with voltages in the range above 1kV upto and including 11kV
船用柴油发电机组通用技术条件 General specification for marine diesel generator set
气垫船术语 Terminology for air cushion vehicle
船用往复式液压缸通用技术条件 General specification of reciprocating hydraulic cylinder for ship
吊艇架装置技术条件 Technical requirement for lifeboat davit installation
潜水器与水下装置术语 Terminology for submersibles and underwater installations
海船机舱机械设备备件定额 Standard quantity of spare for engine room machinery of sea-going ship
船舶起居处所空气调节与通风设计参数和计算方法 Air-conditioning and ventilation of accommodation spaces on board ships - Design parameter and method of calculations
船用柴油机涡轮增压器技术条件 The technical specifications of turbochargers used for marine diesel engines
船用可调螺距螺旋浆技术条件 Technical requirements for marine controllable pitch propellers
赛艇、皮艇、划艇及其附件技术条件 Specification of rowing, kayak, canoe and theirs accessories
船舶通用术语 船舶系统 General terminology for ships-Ship system
船用废气锅炉技术要求 Marine exhaust gas boiler specification
船舶驾驶室集中控制屏(台)技术条件 Specification for marine centralized control board
船舶蓄电池装置 Marine battery installation
对海中远程无线电导航台站电磁环境要求 Electromegnetic environment requirements for sea long and middle range radionavigation stations and monitors
船用广播系统通用技术条件 General specification for shipboard broadcasting system
船用无线电通信设备一般要求 General requirements for shipboard radio communication installations
船用液压控制阀技术条件 General specification of hydraulic control valves for ship
船用液压泵液压马达技术条件 General specification of hydraulic pumps and motors for ship
射流管电液伺服阀 Jet-pipe electrohydraulic servo valve
移动式平台及海上设施用电工 电子产品环境试验一般要求 General rule of environmental tests of electric and electronic products for mobile platforms and offshore installations
移动式平台及海上设施用电工 电子产品环境条件参数分级 Parametric classification of environmental conditions of electric and electronic products for mobile platforms and offshore installations
船用声光报警信号器通用技术条件 Marine acoustic and optical alarm signaller general specification
内河船舶救生浮具 睡垫、枕头、座垫 Lifesaving appliances(bed-type, pillow-type and cushion-type) for inland waterway ships
船用空气瓶安全阀 Safety valves for marine air vessel
船用卤代烷灭火系统技术条件 Marine halon fire extinguishing system technical specifications
船用A级磁罗经通用技术条件 General specifications for marine A class magnetic compass
玻璃纤维增强塑料养殖船 Cultivating boat of glass fiber reinforced plastics
开敞式救生艇技术条件 Specification for open lifeboat
船用舷窗定位 Positioning for ship's side scuttles
船用普通矩形窗定位 Positioning for ship's ordinary rectangular windows
舰船饮用水净化器 Drinking water purifier for naval ships
船用应急活塞式空气压缩机 Marine emergency piston type air compressor
固定弧形踏步铝质舷梯 Fixing arc step aluminium alloy accommodation ladders
船用纤维索滑车 木壳滑车 Ships' blocks for fibre ropes--Wooden shell blocks
船用纤维索滑车 铁壳滑车 Ships' blocks for fibre ropes--Iron shell blocks
铝质舷梯翻梯装置 Turning device for aluminium accomodation ladders
船舶轴系滑动式中间轴承 Marine intermediate shafting sliding bearing
罗兰C系统通用技术条件 Generic specification for Loran-C system
子午仪卫星导航仪通用技术条件 Generic specification for navigators of transit satellite navigation system
卫星应急无线电示位标性能要求 Performance requirement for satellite emergency position indicating radio beacon
船用舷窗 Side scuttles for ships
套接式管接头 Sleeving pipe joints
船用转环卸扣 Ships' swivel shackle
船舶涂料修补性能测定法 Determination of repairability for ship coatings
船舶电动和电动液压操舵装置电气系统设计 Electrical system design of electric and electrohydraulic steering gear in ships
船用半导体变流器通用技术条件 General specification for marine semiconductor convertors
船用导航雷达电气及机械安装要求 Requirements for electrical and mechanical installation of marine navigational radar
船用导航雷达接口要求 Requirements for interface of marine navigational radar
船用辅锅炉机组性能试验规范 The properey test rule for marine auxiliary boiler unit
船用辅锅炉通用技术条件 General specification for marine auxiliary boiler
部分封闭救生艇技术条件 Partially enclosed lifeboat--Specification
小艇 耐火燃油软管 Small craft-Fire-resistant fuel hoses
小艇 非耐火燃油软管 Small craft--Non-fire-resistant fuel hoses
挠性杆联轴器 Flexible link coupling
弹性阻尼簧片减振器 Elastic damping leaf damper
船舶振动测量规程 Code for the measurement of ship vibration
船舶局部振动测量规程 Code for the measurement of local vibration of ship
内河开式划桨救生艇 Inland river open rowing lifeboats
船舶工艺术语 修船工艺 Terminology for ship technology--Ship repairing technology
游艇术语 Terminology for pleasure boat
船用柴油机排气排放污染物测量方法 Measurement method for emission pollutants of exhaust gas of marine diesel engine
全球海上遇险安全系统(GMDSS) 数字选择呼叫(DSC)设备性能要求 Global maritime distress and safety system--Performance requirements for digital selective calling (DSC) equipment
全球海上遇险安全系统(GMDSS) 搜救雷达应答器(SART)性能要求 Global maritime distress and safety system--Performance requirements for marine search and rescue radar transponder (SART)
船舶货舱温湿度仪技术要求及试验方法 Technical requirements and testing methods for temperature and humidity instruments for cargo hold of vessel
内河旅游船星级的划分及评定 Star-rating standard for cruise ships on inland river
全球海上遇险与安全系统(CMDSS)船用无线电设备和海上导航设备通用要求测试方法和要求的测试结果 Shipborne radio equipment forming part of the (global maritimedistress and safety system) and marine Mavigational equipment--general requirements,methods of testing and required test results
内河船舶分类与代码 Classification and codes of inland navigation ship
中国海区水上助航标志形状显示规定 The regulations for the shape of the marks of maritime buoyage system in China
全球海上遇险和安全系统(GMDSS)术语 Terms for global maritime distress and safety system
救生艇壳体玻璃纤维增强塑料层合板技术条件 Technical conditions of lifeboat glass fiber reinforced plastics laminate
船舶机舱辅机振动烈度评价 Evaluation of vibration severity for marine engine-room auxiliaries
自由降落救生艇技术条件 Technical requirement of free-fall lifeboat
自由降落救生艇降放装置技术条件 Technical requirement of launching appliances for free-fall lifeboat
扭转振动减振器 Torsional vibration absorbers
船舶维修保养体系 总则 The ship mainteance system--General rules
船舶维修保养体系 船舶设备分类及代码 The ship maintenance system--Numberring of ship equipments and code number
船舶维修保养体系 船舶维修保养的分级、标准周期代码及周期允差 The ship maintenance system--Maintenance grades,standard code and permissible deviation for maintenance period of ship
船舶维修保养体系 工作卡的格式及其栏目 The ship maintenance system--Code snd description for the work card
船舶维修保养体系 工作卡的首排及其表示方法 The ship maintenance system--Planning schedule work cards in the first maintenance period
船舶维修保养体系 船舶维修计划营运管理方法 The ship maintenance system--The management of action cycle for maintenance pian
船舶维修保养体系 表格样式 The ship maintenance system--Samples of tables
船舶溢油应变部署表 Emergency list for shipboard oil spillage
甲板减压舱 Deck decompression chamber
造船 通风系统图识别颜色 Shipbuilding--Identification colours for schemes for ventilation systems
造船 球鼻艏和侧推器符号 Shipbuilding--Bulbous bow and side thruster symbols
小艇 艇体标识 代码 Small craft--Hull identification--Coding system
全球海上遇险和安全系统(GMDSS)船用单边带收、发信机技术要求 Technical requirements for transmitter and receiver for globle marine distress & safty system
船用集装箱绑扎件 Container lashing fitting for ships
滨海设施外加电流阴级保护系统 Impressed current cathodic protection system for coastal structures
造船及海上结构物 挖泥船 分类 Shipbuilding and marine structures--Dredgers--Classification
造船及海上结构物 窗和舷窗 词汇 Shipbuilding and marine structures--Windows and side scuttles--Vocabulary
造船 船舶主尺度 计算机应用的术语及定义 Shipbuilding--Principal ship dimensions--Terminology and definitions for computer application
差分全球定位系统(DGPS)技术要求 Technical requirements of differential global positioning system
船用耐火窗技术条件 Specifications for ships'fire-resistant windows
船用电解海水防污装置设计和安装 Design and installation of electrolysis of seawater anti-fouling system for ship
船舶危险区域防爆电气设备的选用 Selection of explosion proof electrical equipment in ship hazardous areas
船用电力和通信电缆护套材料 Sheathing materials for shipboard power and telecommunication cables
船用电力电缆绝缘材料 Insulating materials for shipboard power cables
造船 管路系统 信息传递 Shipbuilding--Pipework--Information transfer
造船 船体型线 船体几何元素的数字表示 Shipbuilding--Shipline--Numerical representaion of elements of the hull geometry numerical
小艇 电气装置 防止点燃周围可燃性气体的保护 Small craft--Electrical devices--Protection against ignition of surrounding flammable gases
船用法兰非石棉材料垫片 Marine flange for non-asbestos gaskets
浮油回收装置 Oil spill skimmer
额定电压6kV、10kV及15kV挤包绝缘单芯和三芯船用电力电缆 Single-and three-core shipboard power cables with extruded solid insulation for rated voltages 6kV,10kV and 15kV
小艇 遥控操舵系统 Small craft--Remote steering systems
小艇 功率15 - 40kW舷外挂单机遥控操舵系统 Small craft--Remote steering systems for single outboard motors of 15 to 40kW power
小艇 电动舱底泵 Small craft--Electrically operated bilge-pumps
小艇 电动风机 Small craft--Electrical fans
牺牲阳极电化学性能试验方法 Test methods for electrochemical properties of sacrificial anodes
江海直达货船船型系列 Ship form series of river/coastal cargo ship
三峡枢纽过坝货船(队)尺度系列 Dimensions series of cargo carrier(train)passing the lock of three gorges dam
小艇 舷外机便携式燃油系统 Small craft--Portable fuel systems for outboard motors
小艇 舷外机的静推力测定 Small craft--Static thrust measurement for outboard motors
小艇 电气装置 避雷保护 Small craft--Electrical devices--Lightning protection
航空无线电导航台站电磁环境要求 Electromagnetic environment requirements for aeronautical radionavigation stations
飞机地面供电连接器 Connectors for ground electrical supplies
仪表着陆系统(ILS)下滑信标性能要求和测试方法 Performance requirements and test methods for ILS glide path beacon
仪表着陆系统(ILS)航向信标接收机性能要求和测试方法 Performance requirements and test methods for ILS localizer receiver
仪表着陆系统(ILS)下滑信标接收机性能要求和测试方法 Performance requirements and test methods for ILS glide slope receiver
仪表着陆系统(ILS)航向信标性能要求和测试方法 Performance requirements and test methods for ILS localizer
航空航天管路识别标志 Aerospace--Pipelines--Identification
飞行力学 概念、量和符号 坐标轴系和运动状态变量 Flight mechanics--Concepts,quantities and symbols--Axis systems and motion state variables
飞行力学 概念、量和符号 力、力矩及其系数和导数 Flight mechanics--Concepts,quantities and symbols--Forces, moments, their coefficients and derivatives
飞行力学 概念、量和符号 飞机稳定性和操纵性 Flight mechanics--Concepts,quantities and symbols--Stability and control of aircraft
飞行力学 概念、量和符号 飞行性能 Flight mechanics--Concepts,quantities and symbols--Flight performance
飞行力学 概念、量和符号 飞行测量 Flight mechanics--Concepts,quantities and symbols--Flight measurements
飞行力学 概念、量和符号 飞机几何形状 Flight mechanics--Concepts,quantities and symbols--Aircraft geometry
飞行力学 概念、量和符号 飞行点和飞行包线 Flight mechanics--Concepts,quantities and symbols--Flight points and flight envelopes
民用航空器飞行事故等级 Classification standard for flying accidents of aircraft
飞机飞行模拟机鉴定程序 Airplane flight simulator qualification procedures
飞机飞行模拟机等级要求 Airplane flight simulator standards
飞机飞行训练器鉴定程序 Airplane flight training device qualification procedures
飞机飞行训练器等级要求 Airplane flight training device standards
空气动力学 概念、量和符号 Aerodynamics--Concepts,quantities and symbols--Part 1 Aerodynamic terms in common use
空气动力学 概念、量和符号 第2部分 坐标轴系和飞行器运动状态量 Aerodynamics--Concepts,quantities and symbols--Part 2 Axis systems and aircraft motion state quantities
空气动力学 概念、量和符号 Aerodynamics--Concepts,quantities and symbols--Part 3 Aircraft geometry
空气动力学 概念、量和符号 第4部分 飞行器的空气动力、力矩及其系数和导数 Aerodynamics--Concepts,quantities and symbols--Part 4 Aerodynamic forces,moments,their coefficients and derivatives of aircraft
飞机 维护及其安全警告标志 Aircraft--Identi fication of servicing,maintenance,ground handling and safety/hazard points
通用航空机场设备设施 Ground equipments of general aviation aerodrome
普通平带 General flat belting
起重机械 最大起重量系列 Lifting appliance Range of maximun capacitios
电动桥式起重机跨度和起升高度系列 Overhead travelling crane--Span series and lifting height series
带式输送机 基本参数与尺寸(GB994 - 996-1977被GB/T 987-1991代替应废止) Belt conveyors - Basic parameters and dimensions
带式输送机 滚筒 基本参数与尺寸 Belt conveyor pulleys - Basic parameters and dimensions
带式输送机 托辊 基本参数与尺寸 Belt conveyor idlers - Basic parameters and dimensions
TD型带式输送机螺旋拉紧装置 基本参数与尺寸(已代替应废止) Screw thread belt tighteners for type TD belt conveyor--Specifications
TD型带式输送机垂直拉紧装置 基本参数与尺寸(已代替应废止) Vertical belt tighteners for type TD belt conveyor--Specifications
TD型带式输送机车式拉紧装置 基本参数与尺寸(已代替应废止) Trolley type belt tighteners for type TD belt conveyor--Specifications
集装箱吊具的尺寸和起重量系列 Dimensional and capacity series for freight container spreader
运输带导电性规范和试验方法 Conveyor belts--Electrical conductivity--Specification and method of test
输送带酒精喷灯燃烧性能规范和试验方法 Conveyor belts--Flame retardation--Specifications and test method
V 带的层间粘合强度测定方法 V belts - Determination of ply adhesion
织物芯输送带拉伸强度和伸长率测定方法 Conveyor belts of textile carcase--Test method for tensile strength and elongation
起重机设计规范 Design rules for cranes
起重吊钩 名词术语 Lifting hooks--Nomenclature
输送带尺寸 Conveyor belts--Dimensions
双臂式装载机 试验方法 Method for testing the gathering arm loaders
塔式起重机性能试验 Performance test for tower cranes
叉车 挂钩型货叉 术语 Fork lift trucks--Hook-on type fork arms--Vocabulary
平衡重式叉车 稳定性 基本试验 Counter balanced lift trucks--Stability--Basic tests
前移式和插腿式叉车 稳定性试验 Reach and straddle fork lift trucks--Stability tests
乘驾式高起升车辆 护顶驾 技术要求和试验方法 High-lift rider trucks--Overhead guards--Specification and testing
塔式起重机安全规程 Safety code for tower cranes
叉车 货叉 技术要求和试验 Fork-lift trucks--Fork arms--Technical characteristics and testing
叉车货叉的尺寸 Fork lift trucks--Fork arms--Dimensions
叉车 挂钩型货叉和货叉架 安装尺寸 Fork-lift trucks--Hook-on type fork arms and fork arm carriages--Mounting dimensions
输送带标志 Conveyor belts - Marking
钢丝绳芯输送带覆盖层厚度的测定 Steel cord conveyor belts--Cover thickness measurement
钢丝绳芯输送带纵向拉伸强度的测定 Steel cord conveyor belts - Longitudinal traction test - Measurement of tensile strength
输送带与传动带术语 Terms of conveyor belts and transmission belts
起重机试验规范和程序 Cranes--Test code and procedures
起重机械用钢丝绳检验和报废实用规范 Wire rope for lifting appliances--Code of practice for examination and discard
钢丝绳用楔形接头 Cuneiform conector for use with steel wire ropes
钢丝绳用普通套环 General purpose thimbles for use with steel wire ropes
钢丝绳用重型套环 Heavy thimbles for use wire steel wire ropes
钢丝绳用压板 Clamping plates for fixing steel wire ropes
钢丝绳夹 Wire rope grips
起重机械安全规程 Safety rules for lifting appliances
汽车起重机和轮胎起重机试验规范 一般要求 Test code for truck crane and mobile crane--General requirements
汽车起重机和轮胎起重机试验规范 合格试验 Test code for truck crane and mobile crane--Conformity test
汽车起重机和轮胎起重机试验规范 稳定性的确定 Test code for truck crane and mobile crane--Determination of stability
汽车起重机和轮胎起重机试验规范 结构试验 Test code for truck crane and mobile crane--Structure test
机动工业车辆名词术语 Powered industrial trucks--Terminology
土方机械 牵引力测试方法 Earth-moving machinery--Method of test for the measurement of draw-bar pull
挖掘机名词术语 机械式 Excavators terminology--Cable operated type
液压挖掘机--术语 Hydraulic excavators--Terminology
输送带的层间粘合强度测定方法 Conveyor belts--Determination of ply adhesion
平带的层间粘合强度测定方法 Flat belts--Determination of ply adhesion
平带全厚度拉伸强度和伸长率测定方法 Flat transmission belting--Test method of full thickness tensile strength and elongation
建筑卷扬机试验规范和方法 Construction winch--Test code and procedures
起重机械名词术语 铁路起重机 Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Railway cranes
起重机械名词术语 起重机械类型 Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Types of lifting appliances
起重机械名词术语 主要参数 Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Parameters
起重机械名词术语 一般概念 Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--General concepts
起重机械名词术语 机构和零部件 Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Mechanism and component parts
起重机械名词术语 安全指示装置 Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Limiting and indicating devices
起重机械名词术语 流动式起重机 Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Mobile cranes
起重机械名词术语 浮式起重机 Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Floating cranes
起重机械名词术语 塔式起重机 Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Tower cranes
起重机械名词术语 门座起重机 Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Portal slewing cranes
起重机械名词术语 桅杆起重机 Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Derrick cranes
起重机械名词术语 桥式起重机 Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Overhead travelling cranes
起重机械名词术语 门式起重机 Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Portal bridge cranes
起重机械名词术语 缆索起重机 Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Cable cranes
起重机械名词术语 悬挂单轨系统 Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Underslung monorail systems
起重机械名词术语 冶金起重机 Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Metallurgy cranes
起重机械名词术语 堆垛起重机 Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Stacking cranes
起重机械名词术语 港口起重机 Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Port cranes
起重机械名词术语 集装箱起重机 Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Container cranes
液压挖掘机试验方法 Testing method of hydraulic excavators
通用桥式起重机 限界尺寸 Boundary dimensions of E.O.T.cranes
施工升降机 术语 Builder's hoist - Terminology
臂架型起重机 起重力矩限制器 通用技术条件 Jib type cranes--Load moment limiters--General technical requirements
输送带成槽性试验方法 Conveyor belts--Troughability--Method of test
输送带 具有橡胶或塑料覆盖层的普通用途织物芯输送带 Conveyor belts--Specification for rubber or plastics covered conveyor belts of textile constr uction for general use
输送带带芯抗撕裂性试验方法 Conveyor belts--Carcass tear resistance--Method of test
输送带滚筒摩擦试验方法 Conveyor belts--Drum friction--Method of test
土方机械 司机座椅 振动试验方法和限值 Earth-maving machinery--Operater seat--Vibration testing method and limiting levels
土方机械 司机的身材尺寸与司机的最小活动空间 Earth-moving machinery--Human physical dimensions of operators and minimum operator space envelope
土方机械 基本类型 术语 Earth-moving machinery--Basic types--Vocabulary
土方机械 测定重心位置的方法 Earth-moving machinery--Method for locating the centre of gravity
推土机 术语 Tractor-dozers--Terminology
土方机械 司机座椅标定点 Earth-moving--Seat index point
土方机械 轮胎式机器转向尺寸的测定 Earth-moving machinery--Determination of turning dimensions of wheeled machines
土方机械 司机操纵和其它显示符号 第1部分: 通用符号 Earth-moving machinery--Symbols for operator controls and other display--Part 1: Common symbols
土方机械 司机操纵和其它显示符号 第2部分: 机器、工作装置和附件的特殊符号 Earth-moving machinery--Symbols for operator controls and other display--Part 2: Specific symbols for machines,equipment and accessories
土方机械 司机的操纵 Earth-moving machinery--Operator's controls
钢丝绳 Steel wire ropes
液压挖掘机分类 Hydraulic excavators - Classcifiation
液压挖掘机 技术条件 Hydraulic excavators--Technical specifications
液压挖掘机 结构与性能 Hydraulic excavators--Construction and performance
液压挖掘机 结构强度试验方法 Hydraulic excavators - Testing method of structure strength
塔式起重机技术条件 Specification for tower crane
普通用途钢丝绳芯输送带 Steel cord conveyor belts for general use
起重吊钩 机械性能、起重量、应力及材料 Lifting hooks--Mechanical properties, lifting capacities,stresses and materials
起重吊钩 直柄吊钩技术条件 Lifting hooks--Technical conditions of shank hook
起重吊钩 直柄吊钩使用检查 Lifting hooks--Inspection of shank hook in service
起重吊钩 直柄单钩毛坯件 Lifting hooks--Blanks of shank hook with point
起重吊钩 直柄单钩 Lifting hooks--Shank hooks with point
施工升降机检验规则 Building hoist--Inspecting regulations
施工升降机技术条件 Building hoist--Specification
施工升降机安全规则 Building hoist--Safety rules
施工升降机试验方法 Building hoist--Testing method
挖掘装载机术语 Backhoe loader--Terminology
挖掘装载机参数 Backhoe loader--Classification
挖掘装载机技术条件 Backhoe loader--Specification
桥式和门式起重机制造及轨道安装公差 Cranes--Overhead travelling cranes and portal bridge cranes--Tolerances of manufacture and tracks laying
装载机的作用力和倾翻载荷的测量方法 Loaders - Methods of measuring tool forces and tipping loads
带式输送机 技术条件 General specifications for belt conveyers
埋刮板输送机型式与基本参数 Type and basic parameters of En-Masse conveyer
埋刮板输送机 技术条件 Technical specification of En-Masse conveyer
埋刮板输送机 试验方法 Test method of En-Masse conveyer
卷扬式启闭机 型式与基本参数 Water gate's hoister--Types and basic parameters
卷扬式启闭机 技术条件 Water gate's hoister--Specification
V 带难燃性规范和试验方法 V-belts - Specification of the fire-resistivity and the test method
一般用途难燃输送带 Frame retardant conveyor belts for general use
机动工业车辆 安全规范 Powered industrial trucks--Safety code
土方机械行驶速度测定 Earth-moving machinery?Determination of ground speed
5D型集装箱吊具技术条件 Specifications of spreader for 5D freight containers
输送带机械接头强度的测定 静态试验方法 Conveyor belts - Determination of strength of mechanical fastening - Static test method
连续搬运设备 架空索道术语 Continuous handling equipment - Term of aerial ropeways
150t以下履带起重机性能试验方法 Test method of performance for crawler crane with cifting capacity up to 150 tons
液压挖掘机 起重能力测试方法 Hydraulic excavators - Methods of measuring lift capacity
液压挖掘机 挖掘力测试方法 Hydraulic excavators - Methods of measuring tool forces
港口连续装卸设备安全规程--散粮筒仓系统 Safety rules on port's continuous handling facilities - Grain silos system
港口连续装卸设备安全规程 气力卸船机 Safety rules on port's continuous handling facilities - Pneumatic unloader
港口连续装卸设备安全规程 带式输送机 Safety rules on port's continuous handling facilities?Belt conveyers
港口连续装卸设备安全规程 埋刮板输送机 Safety rules on port's continuous handling facilities - Mass conveyer
港口连续装卸设备安全规程 斗式提升机 Safety rules on port's continuous handling facilities - Bucket elevator
塔式起重机设计规范 Design rules for tower cranes
带式输送机托辊用电焊钢管 Welded steel pipe for supporting roller of belt conveyer
土方机械 检测孔 Earth-moving machinery--Diagnostic ports
通用桥式起重机 General purpose overhead cranes
通用门式起重机 General purpose gantry cranes
通用桥式和门式起重机司机室 技术条件 Specification for cabins of overhead travelling cranes and portal bridge cranes for general purposes
运输机械术语 运输机械类型 Terms of conveying machinery--Types of conveying machinery
运输机械术语 主要参数 Terms of conveying machinery--Main parameters
运输机械术语 装置和零部件 Terms of conveying machinery--Unit and component parts
运输机械术语 带式输送机 Terms of conveying machinery--Belt conveyor
运输机械术语 埋刮板输送机 Terms of conveying machinery--En masse conveyor
运输机械术语 板式输送机 Terms of conveying machinery--Slat conveyor
运输机械术语 螺旋输送机 Terms of conveying machinery--Screw conveyor
运输机械术语 流体输送机 Terms of conveying machinery--Fluid conveyor
运输机械术语 提升机 Terms of conveying machinery--Elevator
150t以下履带起重机技术条件 Technical requirement for cranes with litting capacity up to 150 tons
工业车轮 Industrial wheels
工业脚轮 Industrial castors
臂式斗轮堆取料机 型式与基本参数 Bucket wheel stacker reclaimer--Types and basic parameters
港口浮式起重机安全规程 Safety rules for port floating crane
港口装卸用吊钩使用技术条件 Specifications for the operation of hook used in the port cargo handling
港口装卸用吊环使用技术条件 Specification for the operation of the swing used in the port cargo handling
港口装卸用链式吊索使用技术条件 Specifications for the operation of chain slings used in the port cargo handling
港口装卸用钢丝绳吊索使用技术条件 Specifications for the operation of wire rope slings used in the port cargo handling
港口装卸用纤维绳吊索使用技术条件 Specifications for the operation of fibre sling used in the port cargo handling
港口吸粮机技术条件 Specifications of port pneumatic grain unloader
港口吸粮机试验方法 Test methods of port pneumatic grain unloader
港口轮胎起重机技术条件 Specifications of port wheel crane
港口轮胎起重机试验方法 Test methods for port wheel crane
土方机械 排液、加液和液位螺塞 Earth-moving machinery--Drain, fill and level plugs
土方机械 轮式机械的转向能力 Earth-moving machinery--Rubber-tyred machines--Steering capability
轮胎式集装箱门式起重机技术条件 Rubber tired transtainer--Specifications
带式输送机安全规范 Safety regulations of belt conveyor
土方机械 检测用仪表 Earth-moving machinery--Service instrumentation
岸边集装箱起重机试验方法 Test method for the quayside container crane
岸边集装箱起重机技术条件 Specifications of quayside container crane
轮胎式集装箱门式起重机试验方法 Test method of rubber-tyred transtainer
织物芯输送带弹性模量试验方法 Conveyor belts--Determination of elastic modulus
面接触钢丝绳 Facial contacted wire ropes
钢丝绳吊索--插编索扣 Steel wire ropes--Spliced eye termination for slings
输送带丙烷燃烧器燃烧试验方法 Test method for burn test of conveyor belt using propane burner
振动给料机安全规范 Safety code for vibration feeder
竖井罐笼提升信号系统安全技术要求 Safety technical requirements for shaft cage hoisting signal system
罐笼安全技术要求 Safety technical requirements for cage
港口高塔柱式轨道起重机技术条件 Specifications for port rail-mounted high mast type crane
集装箱正面吊运起重机试验方法 Test method for the crane of container front-handling mobile
土方机械 发动机净功率试验规范 Earth-moving machinery--Engine test code--Net power
土方机械 司机视野准则 Earth-moving machinery--Operator's field of view--Criteria
土方机械 司机视野评定方法 Earth-moving machinery--Operator's field of view--Evaluation method
钢丝绳芯输送带覆盖层与带芯层粘合强度试验方法 Steel cord conveyor belts--Adhesion strength test of the cover to the core layer
连续搬运设备 带承载托辊的带式输送机 运行功率和张力的计算 Continuous mechanical handling equipment--Belt conveyors with carrying idlers--Calculation of operation power and tensile forces
土方机械 最小入口尺寸 Earth-moving machinery Minimum access dionen
土方机械 通道装置 Earth moving machinery-Access systems
土方机械 操作和维修空间 棱角倒钝 Earth-moving machinery-Operator station and maintenance areas Bluntness of edges
输送用模锻易拆链 Drop-forged rivetless chains for conveyors
港口门座起重机技术条件 Specifications for the harbour portal crane
港口门座起重机修理技术规范 Repairing technigue rules for the harbour portal crane
土方机械 落物保护结构 实验室试验和性能要求 Earth-moving machinery--Falling-object protective structures--Laboratory tests and performance requirements
土方机械 保护结构的实验室鉴定 挠曲极限量的规定 Earth-moving machinery--Laboratory evaluations of protective structures--Specifications for deflection-limiting volume
塔式起重机可靠性试验方法 Method of reliability test for tower cranes
塔式起重机结构试验方法 Test method for the tower crane structures
机械式停车设备 通用安全要求 Mechanical parking systems--General safety requirement
起重机和起重机械 技术性能和验收文件 Cranes and lifting appliances--Technical characteristics and acceptance documents
起重机 起重机操作手册 第1部分: 总则 Cranes--Crane driving manual--Part 1: General
工业车辆 叉车货叉在使用中的检查和修复 Industrial trucks--Inspection and repair of fork arms in service on fork-lift trucks
土方机械 提升臂支承装置 Earth-moving machinery--Lift-arm support devices
土方机械 座椅安全带及其固定器 Earth-moving machinery--Seat belts and seat belt anchorages
土方机械 翻车保护结构 试验室试验和性能要求 Earth-moving machinery--Roll-over protective structures--Laboratory tests and performance requirements
集装箱正面吊运起重机安全规程 Safey code for the container reach stacker
桥式抓斗卸船机安全规程 Safety code for the bridge type grab ship unloader
港口起重机 验收试验规则 Harbour crane--Acceptance test rule
港口起重机 稳定性基本要求 Harbour crane--General requirements for stability
港口起重机 技术性能和验收文件 Harbour crane--technical characteristics and acceptance documents
港口起重机 供需必备文件 Harbour crane--Information to be provided
起重机 维护手册 第1部分: 总则 Cranes--Maintenance manual--Part 1: General
土方机械 尺寸的定义和符号 第1部分: 主机 Earth-moving machinery--Definitions of dimensions and symbols Part 1: Base machine
土方机械 尺寸的定义和符号 第2部分: 工作装置 Earth-moving machinery--Definitions of dimensions and symbols Part 2: Equipment
包装容器 钢桶 Packing containers--Steel drum
黄麻麻袋的技术条件 Gunnybags--Technical requirements
黄麻麻袋的分等规定 Gunnybags--Grading stipulation
黄麻麻袋、麻布的包装和标志 Gunnybags, hessiancloth--Packaging and marking
黄麻麻袋、麻布验收规定 Gunnybags, hessiancloth--Rules of acceptance
家用电器包装通则 General requirements for packings of household electrical appliances
系列1集装箱--分类、尺寸和额定质量 Series 1 freight containers--Classification,dimensions and ratings
集装箱角件的技术条件 The specification of corner fittings for freight containers
集装箱代码、识别和标记 Freight containers--Coding,identification and marking
集装箱名词术语 Freight containers--Terminology
联运通用平托盘 主要尺寸及公差 General-purpose flat pallets for through transit of goods--Principal dimensions and tolerances
5D型通用集装箱的技术条件和试验方法 Specification and testing for 5D general purpose containers
1CC、1C和1CX型通用集装箱的技术条件和试验方法 Specification and testing for 1CC, 1C and 1CX general purpose containers
托盘术语 Pallets for materials handling--Vocabulary
包装术语 基础 Packaging terms--Basic terms
包装术语 机械 Packaging terms--Machinery
包装术语 防护 Packaging terms--Protection
啤酒瓶 Beer bottles
玻璃瓶罐内应力检验方法 Glass containers--strees examination--method of test
玻璃瓶罐耐内压力试验方法 Glass containers--Internal pressure resistance--Method of test
玻璃容器 抗热震性和热震耐久性试验方法 Glass containers - Thermal shock resistance and thermal shock endurance - Test methods
玻璃容器内表面耐水侵蚀性能测试方法及分级 Test method and classification for hydrolytic resistance of the interior surfaces of glass containers
防霉包装 Mould-proof packaging
包装 运输包装件 试验时各部位的标示方法 Packaging - Complete, filled transport packages - Identification of parts when testing
包装 运输包装件 温湿度调节处理 Packaging--Transport packages--Temperature and humidity conditioning
包装 运输包装件 静载荷堆码试验方法 Packaging - Complete, filled transport packages - Stacking tests using static load
包装 运输包装件压力试验方法 Packaging--Transport packages--Compression test method
包装 运输包装件 跌落试验方法 Packaging--Transport packages--Vertical impact test method by dropping
包装 运输包装件 滚动试验方法 Packaging--Transport packages--Rolling test method
包装 运输包装件 正弦定频振动试验方法 Packaging--Transport packages--Sinusoidal vibration test method at constant frequency
包装 运输包装件 六角滚筒试验方法 Packaging--Transport packages--Method of revolving hexagonal drum test
包装 运输包装件 喷淋试验方法 Packaging - Complete, filled transport packages - Water spray test
包装 运输包装件 正弦变频振动试验方法 Packaging--Transport packages--Sinusoidal vibration test method using a variable vibration frequency
包装 运输包装件 水平冲击试验方法 Packaging--Transport packages--Horizontal impact test methods
包装 运输包装件 浸水试验方法 Packaging--Transport packages--Water immersion test method
包装 运输包装件 低气压试验方法 Packaging--Transport packages--Low air pressure test method
包装 运输包装件 倾翻试验方法 Packaging--Transport packages-Toppling test method
包装 运输包装件 可控水平冲击试验方法 Packaging--Transport packages--Controlled horizontal impact test method
运输包装件基本试验 采用压力试验机的堆码试验方法 Basic tests for transport packages?Stacking test using compression tester
包装 运输包装件 编制性能试验大纲的一般原理 Packaging--Transport packages--Gencral principles for the compilation of Performance test schedules
包装 运输包装件 编制性能试验大纲的定量数据 Packaging--Transport packages--Quantitative data for the compilation of performance test schedules
包装 运输包装件 流通试验信息记录 Packaging--Transport packages--Information to be recorded in distribution trials
包装 运输包装件 碰撞试验方法 Packaging--Transport packages--Bump test method
包装 运输包装件 防霉试验方法 Packaging--Transport packages--Mould-proof Packaging test method
包装 运输包装件 单元货物稳定性试验方法 Packaging--Transport packages--Unit loads stability test methods
防锈包装 Rustproof packaging
硬质直方体运输包装尺寸系列 Dimensions of rigid rectangular packages--Transport packages
联运通用平托盘 性能要求 General-purpose flat pallets for through transit of goods--Performance requirements
联运通用平托盘 试验方法 General-purpose flat pallets for through transit of goods--Test methods
出口产品包装用瓦楞纸箱 Corrugated box for export products
防潮包装 Moistureproof packaging
1AAA、1AA、1A和1AX型通用集装箱的技术条件和试验方法 Specification and testing for 1AAA,1AA,1A and 1AX general purpose containers
大型运输包装件试验方法 Test methods for large transport packages
液氮生物容器 Liquid nitrogen biological container
食品塑料周转箱 Plastic container for food
瓶装酒、饮料塑料周转箱 Plastic crates for beverage bottled
平板玻璃集装器具 架式集装器及其试验方法 Flat glass container--Frame-type container and its test method
平板玻璃集装器具 箱式集装器及其试验方法 Flat glass container--Box-type container and its test method
运输包装收发货标志 Transport package shipping mark
瓦楞纸箱 Corrugated box
棉花包装 Cotton baling
钙塑瓦楞箱 Calp box
硬包装容器透湿度试验方法 Test methods for water vapor transmission of rigid containers
软包装容器透湿度试验方法 Test method for water vapor permeability of flexible containers
框架木箱 Wooden framed case
包装术语 木容器 Packaging terms--Wooden containers
包装机械型号编制方法 Editorial nominating method for the model designation of packaging machinery
防水包装 Waterproof packaging
系列1: 集装箱的技术要求和试验方法 保温集装箱 Series 1: Thermal containers--Specification and testing
缓冲包装设计方法 Package cushioning design method
包装用缓冲材料动态压缩试验方法 Testing method of bynamic compression for package cushioning materials
包装用缓冲材料静态压缩试验方法 Testing method of static compression for package cushioning materials
包装用缓冲材料振动传递特性试验方法 Testing method of vibration transmissibility for package cushioning materials
使用缓冲包装材料进行的产品机械冲击脆值试验方法 Test method for mechanical shock fragility rating of products-using package cushioning materials
包装容器 铝易开盖两片罐 Packaging containers--Aluminium easy open end and two-piece can
一般货物运输包装通用技术条件 General specification for transport packages of general cargo
真空 真空充气 包装机通用技术条件 General technical specification of vacuum packaging machine and vacuum-gas flushing packaging machine
棉花打包机系列参数 Series parameter for cotton press
水泥包装袋 Sacks for packing cement
集装箱在铁路上的装卸和拴固 Freight containers--Handling and securing in railways
圆柱形复合罐 Round composite cans
集装袋 Flexible freight container
电化铝烫印箔 Hot stamping foil
聚乙烯自粘保鲜膜 Cling wrap polyethylene film for keeping fresh of food
铁路货运钢制平托盘 Steel flat pallets for railway goods traffic
开顶金属圆罐规格系列 A series of specifications for light gauge metal containers-open-top-round cans
运输包装用木制底盘 Wooden skid - assemblies for transport package
日用陶瓷纸箱包装技术条件 Packaging specification of corrugated box for domestic ceramics
销售包装设计程序 Designing procedure for selling packages
药品包装用铝箔 Aluminium foils packaging for medicine
防护用内包装材料 Inner packaging materials in preservation
钢质通用集装箱修理技术要求 The technical requirements of repairs for steel general purpose containers
集装箱公路中转站站级划分及设备配备 Classification of highway transfer station and installation provided for freight containers
普通木箱 Wooden boxes
纸箱制图 Paperboard containers drawings
包装术语 菱镁砼容器 Packaging terms - Magnesium oxychloride concrete containers
包装术语 金属容器 Packaging terms - Metal containers
包装容器 菱镁砼箱 Packaging containers - Magnesium oxychloride concrete case
包装容器 气雾罐 Packaging containers--aerosol cans
机械工业产品湿热带防护包装方法通则 General rule for damp heat protective packaging methods of machinery products
机械工业产品湿热带防护包装通用技术条件 General specification for damp heat protective packaging of machinery products
包装容器 竹胶合板箱 Packing containers - Cases with plybamboo
机械式冷藏集装箱 堆场技术管理要求 Specification and management requirements of the stacking yard for mechanical refrigerated containers
圆柱体运输包装尺寸系列 Packaging--Dimensions of cylinder transport package
包装容器 钢桶封闭器 Packing containers - Closure of drums
包装容器 钢提桶 Packing containers - Steel pails
机电产品包装通用技术条件 General specifications for packagings of mechanical and electrical products
包装图样要求 Specification for packaging drawing
包装术语 印刷 Package printing terms
冠形瓶盖 Crown cap
袋类运输包装尺寸系列 Packaging--Dimensions of sack transport packages
贮奶罐 Milk tanks
大口径液氮容器 Large calibre liquid nitrogen container
包装容器 纸桶 Packing containers--Fibre drum
气相防锈包装材料选用通则 General rules for selection of packaging materials with volatile corrosion inhibitor
镀锡薄钢板圆形罐头容器技术条件 Technical specifications of round tin-Plate container for canned foods
玻璃纤维增强不饱和聚酯树脂食品容器 Food containers of glass fiber reinforced unsaturated polyester resin
包装容器3 - 10吨柔性集装袋 Packaging container 3 -10t flexible freight container
出口电石包装钢桶 Packing steel drum for calcium carbide of export
包装 缓冲材料 蠕变特性试验方法 Packaging--Cushioning materials--Test method for creep properties
包装容器 扭断式铝防盗瓶盖 Packaging volume aluminium caps of pilfer proof
航空货运集装单元技术要求 Specification for air cargo unit load devices
包装容器 工业用薄钢板圆罐 Packing containers pails of sheet for industrial
软包装件密封性能试验方法 Test method for leaks in sealed flexible packages
运输包装件抽样检验 The sampling inspection for transport packages
包装 单元货物尺寸 Packaging--Unit load size
塑料平托盘 Plastics flat pallets
压敏胶粘带水渗透率试验方法 Test method for water penetration rate of pressure-sensitive tapes
压敏胶粘带水蒸汽透过率试验方法 Test method for water vapor transmission of pressure-sensitive tapes
喷雾器试验方法 Test methods for manual sprayer
集装箱设备交接单 Equipment interchange receipt for freight container
现场发泡包装材料 Foam--in-place packaging materials
现场发泡包装 Foami--in-place packaging
集装箱门框密封条 The door gasket for freight containers
包装容器 固碱钢桶 Paking containers--Caustic alkali steel drum
内销电石包装钢桶 Calcium carbide steel drum for the home market
包装材料试验方法 相容性 Test of packaging materials--Compatability
包装材料试验方法 接触腐蚀 Test of packaging materials Contact corrosivity
包装材料试验方法 气相缓蚀能力 Test of packaging materials--Vapors corrosion inhibiting ability
塑料包装制品回收标志 Marking for plastic packing products recycling
飞机底舱集装箱技术条件和试验方法 Aircraft--Lower deck containers--Specification and testing
托盘包装 Pallet package
运输包装件尺寸界限 Dimensional constraints for transport package
货物类型、包装类型和包装材料类型代码 Codes for types of cargo,packages and packaging materials
系列1: 液体、气体及加压干散货罐式集装箱 技术要求和试验方法 Series 1: Tank containers for liquids, gases and pressurized dry bulk--Specification and testing
系列1: 平台式、台架式集装箱 技术要求和试验方法 Series 1: Platform and platform-based containers--Specification and testing
包装废弃物的处理与利用 通则 General rule of packaging waste disposal and utilization
包装容器 重型瓦楞纸箱 Packing containers--Heavy duty corrataed box
包装材料 重型瓦楞纸板 Packing malerial--Heavy duty corrataed fibre board
双向拉伸聚苯乙希(BOPS)片材 Biaxially oriented polystyrene (BOPS) sheet
液氮容器夹层真空度检验方法 Test methods for interspace vacuum of liquid nitrogen containers
包装材料试验方法 透湿率 Test method for vapor transmission rate of packaging materials
包装材料试验方法 透油性 Test method for oil transmission rate of packaging material
包装用双向拉伸聚脂薄膜 Biaxially oriented polyester film for package
食品包装用聚偏二氯乙烯(PVDC)片状肠衣膜 Poly vinylidene chloride(PVDC) flat-film for food-packaging
系列1: 无压干散货集装箱技术要求和试验方法 Series 1: Specification and testing for non-pressurized containers of dry bulk
袋成型 充填 封口机 Bag forming, filling and sealing machine
包装容器 方桶 Packing containers square pail
包装 包装容器 气密试验方法 Packaging packing containers Air-tight test method
系列1: 集装箱装卸和拴固 Series 1 freight containers-handling and securing
食品用包装材料及其制品的浸泡试验方法通则 General principle for the determination of migration of packaging materials and their products
系列1集装箱--罐式集装箱的接口 Series 1 freight containers--Interface connections of tank containers
气雾剂阀门 Aerosol valve
集装袋运输包装尺寸系列 Packaging--Dimensions of flexible freight container transport packages
包装 玻璃容器 螺纹瓶口尺寸 Packaging--Glass containers--Thread finish dimensions
柔性版装潢印刷品 Decorative products by flexo printing
易开盖三片罐 Three-Piece can with easy open end
啤酒桶 Keg
航空运输集装器的管理 Management of unit load device for air transport
集装箱 空/陆/水(联运)通用集装箱技术要求和试验方法 Freight containers--Air/surface (intermodal) general purpose containers--Specification and tests
包装术语 工业包装袋 纸袋 Packaging--Sacks--Vocabulary and types--Paper sacks
包装术语 工业包装袋 热塑性塑料软质薄膜袋 Packaging--Sacks--Vocabulary and types--Sacks made from thermoplastic flexible film
包装容器 塑料防盗瓶盖 Packaging volume--plastic pilferproof closure
集装箱自动识别 Freight containers--Automatic identification
包装容器 危险品包装用塑料桶 Packing containers plastic drum for packages of dangerous goods
液体食品无菌包装用纸基复合材料 Paper based laminated material using for aseptic package of liquid food
航空货运集装板 技术条件和试验方法 Air cargo pallets--Specification and testing
航空货运集装板网 技术条件和试验方法 Air cargo pallet nets--Specification and testing
航空货运保温集装箱热性能要求 Air cargo insulated containers Thermal efficiency requirements
液体食品无菌包装用复合袋 Laminated bags using for aseptic package of liquid food
包装回收标志 Packaging recycle mark
包装容器 1m3金属中型散装箱 Packing container 1m3steel middle-sized bulk case
汽车运输液体危险危险货物常压容器(罐体)通用技术条件 General specification for normal pressure tank body of transportation liquid dangerous goods
棉帘子布 Cotton cord fabrics
棉本色纱线 Cotton grey yarns
本色棉纱线试验方法 Methods of testing for cotton yarn
本色棉纱线包装和标志 Cotton yarn--Packing and marking
本色棉纱线验收规则 Rules of acceptance for cotton yarn
棉本色布 Cotton grey fabric
本色棉布试验方法 Methods of testing for grey cotton cloth
本色棉布包装和标志 Packaging and marking for grey cotton cloth
本色棉布验收规则 Rules of acceptance for grey cotton cloth
棉印染布 Printed and dyed cotton fabric
印染布日晒牢度试验方法 Test methods of light fastness for printed and dyed fabrics
印染布皂洗牢度试验方法 Test methods of soap fastness for printed and dyed fabrics
印染布摩擦牢度试验方法 Test methods of rubbing fastness for printed and dyed fabrics
印染布汗渍牢度试验方法 Test methods of fastness to perspiration for printed and dyed fabrics
印染布熨烫牢度试验方法 Test methods of ironing fastness for printed and dyed fabrics
纺织品耐刷洗色牢度试验方法 Textiles - Testing method for colour fastness to wet scrubbing
印染布幅宽和长度试验方法 Test methods of length and width for printed and dyed fabrics
印染布密度试验方法 Test methods of density for printed and dyed fabrics
印染布断裂强度和伸长试验方法 Test methods of breaking strength and elongation for printed and dyed fabrics
印染布湿状断裂强度试验方法 Test methods of wet breaking strength for printed and dyed fabrics
印染布重量试验方法 Test methods of weight for printed and dyed fabrics
印染布缩水率试验方法 Test methods of shrinkage for printed and dyed fabrics
印染布缝纫断裂强度试验方法 Test methods of stitching strength for printed and dyed fabrics
印染布撕破强度试验方法 Test methods of tearing strength for printed and dyed fabrics
印染布折皱弹性试验方法 Test methods of wrinkle recovery for printed and dyed fabrics
印染布防雨效能试验方法 Test methods of water-proof property for printed and dyed fabrics
印染棉布包装和标志 Packaging and marking of printed and dyed fabrics
印染棉布验收规则 Rules of inspection and acceptance for printed and dyed fabrics
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐光和耐气候色牢度蓝色羊毛标准 Textiles-tests for colour fastness Blue wool stardards for colour fastness to light and weathering
黄麻麻袋、麻布试验方法 Gunnybags, hessiancloth--Methods of testing
黄麻麻布的技术条件 Hessiancloth - Technical requirements
黄麻麻布的分等规定 Hessiancloth--Grading stipulation
棉花 细绒棉 Cotton--Upland cotton
绵羊毛 wool
生丝 Raw silk
生丝试验方法 Method of testing for raw silk
蚕丝、合纤筛网技术要求 Technical requirements of knitted screening of mixed natural silk and synthetic fibre
棉帘子布试验方法 Methods of testing cotton cord fabrics
纺织品 纱线捻度的测定 第1部分: 直接计数法 Textiles--Determination of twist in yarn Part 1: Direct counting method
纺织品 纱线捻度的测定 第2部分: 退捻加捻法 Textiles--Determination of twist in yarn Part 2: Untwist-retwist method
黄麻绞包麻线的技术条件和分等规定 Skeined colour jute threads--Technical requirements and grading stipulation
黄麻电缆麻纱、线的技术条件和分等规定 Jute yarns and threads for cables--Technical requirements and grading stipulation
黄麻钢丝绳芯麻纱的技术条件和分等规定 Jute yarns for wire rope cores--Technical requirements and grading stipulation
黄麻麻纱、线的包装和标志 Jute yarns and threads--Packaging and marking
黄麻麻纱、线的验收规定 Jute yarns and threads--Acceptance inspection regulation
黄麻麻纱、线试验方法 Jute yarns and threads--Methods of testing
橡胶工业用棉帆布 Cotton canvas for rubber industry
纺织品 二组分纤维混纺产品定量化学分析方法 Textiles--Binary fibre mixtures--Quantitative chemical analysis
纺织品 三组分纤维混纺产品定量化学分析方法 Textiles--Ternary fibre mixtures--Quantitative chernical analysis
纺织品 甲醛的测定 第一部分: 游离水解的甲醛(水萃取法) Textiles--Determination of formaldehyde--Part 1: Free and hydrolized formaldehyde(Water extraction method)
纺织品 甲醛的测定 第二部分: 释放甲醛(蒸气吸收法) Textiles--Determination of formaldehyde--Part 2: Released formaldehyde(vapour absorption method)
纺织 纺织材料性能和试验术语 第1部分; 纤维和纱线 Textiles--Terms of textile material properties and test--Part 1: Fibre and yarn
纺织 纺织材料性能和试验术语 第2部分: 织物 Textiles--Terms of textile material properties and test--Part 2: Fabric
纺织 纺织材料性能和试验术语 第3部分: 通用 Textiles--Terms of textile material properties and test--Part 3: General
纺织品 纱条条干不匀试验方法 电容法 Textiles--Testing method for unevenness of textile strands--Using capacitance testing equipment
碳纤维复丝拉伸性能检验方法 Test method for tensile properties of carbon fiber strands
碳纤维复丝纤维根数检验方法 (显微镜法) Test method for number of filaments in carbon fiber strands by microscopy
碳纤维直径和当量直径检验方法 (显微镜法) Test method for diameter and equivalent diameter of carbon fiber by microscopy
碳纤维增强塑料孔隙含量检验方法 (显微镜法) Test method for void content of carbon fiber reinforced plastics by microscopy
碳纤维增强塑料纤维体积含量试验方法 Test method for fiber volume content of carbon fiber reinforced plastics
纺织品 织物折痕回复性的测定 回复角法 Textiles--Determination of the recovery from creasing of a folded specimen by measuring the angle of recovery
纺织品和纺织制品厚度的测定 Determination of thickness of textiles and textile products
纺织品 卷装纱 单根纱线断裂强力和断裂伸长率的测定 Textiles--Yarns from packages--Determination of single-end breaking force and elongation at break
纺织品 织物撕破性能 第1部分:撕破强力的测定 冲击摆锤法 Textiles--Tear properties of fabrics--Part 1: Determination of tear force--Ballistic pendulum method (Elmendorf)
纺织品 织物撕破性能 第2部分:舌形试样撕破强力的测定 Textiles--Tear properties of fabrics--Part 2: Determination of tear force of tongue shaped test specimens
纺织品 织物撕破性能 第3部分:梯形试样撕破强力的测定 Textiles--Tear properties fabrics--Part 3: Determination of tear force of trapezoidal shaped test specimens
织物梯形法撕破强力试验方法 Tearing strength of fabrics by the trapezoid method
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐摩擦色牢度 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Colour fastness to rubbing
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐洗色牢度:试验1 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Colour fastness to washing: Test 1
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐洗色牢度:试验2 Testiles--Tests for colour fastness--Colour fastness to washing: Test 2
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐洗色牢度:试验3 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--colour fastness--Colour fastness to washing: Test 3
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐洗色牢度:试验4 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Colour fastness to wasning: Test 4
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐洗色牢度:试验5 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Colour fastness to washing: Test 5
纺织品耐汗渍色牢度试验方法 Textiles--Testing method for colour fastness to perspiration
纺织品 织物拉伸性能 第1部分:断裂强力和断裂伸长率的测定 条样法 Textiles--Tensile properties of fabrics--Part 1: Determination of breaking force and elongation at breaking force--Strip method
纺织品 织物拉伸性能 第2部分: 断裂强力的测定 抓样法 Textiles--Tensile properties of fabrics Part 2: Determination of breaking force--Grab method
纺织名词术语 (化纤部分) Textile terms and terminology (Parts of chemical fibers)
玻璃纤维产品代号 Designation for glass fibres
机织物长度的测定 Textiles--Woven fabrics--Measurement of length of pieces
机织物幅宽的测定 Textiles--Woven fabrics--Measurement of width of pieces
机织物密度的测定 Textiles--Woven fabrics--Determination of number of threads per unit length
机织物单位长度质量和单位面积质量的测定 Textiles--Woven fabrics--Determination of mass per unit length and mass per unit area
皮革 涂层沾着牢度测定方法 Leather--Determination of adhesion of finish
皮革 吸水性测定方法 Leather--Determination of absorption of water
皮革 透气性测定方法 Leather--Determination of air permeability
皮革成品部位的区分 Discrimination of the location of leather
皮革成品缺陷的测量和计算 Calculation and measuring the defects of leather
皮革成品验收规则 The rules of examination of leather for acceptance
皮革成品的包装、标志、运输和保管 Packing, marking, transportation and conservation of leather
羊毛束纤维断裂强度试验方法 Method of test for breaking tenacity of wool fibre bundles
纱线线密度的测定 绞纱法 Textiles--Yarn from packages--Determination of linear density (mass per unit length) by the srein method
纺织织物 抗渗水性测定 静水压试验 Textile fabrics--Determination of resistance to water penetration--Hydrostatic pressure test
纺织织物 表面抗湿性测定 沾水试验法 Textile fabrics--Determination of resistance to surface wetting--Spray test
纺织品 织物起球试验 圆轨迹法 Textiles--Assessing the rate of pilling of fabrics--Circular locus method
纺织品 织物起球试验 马丁代尔法 Textiles--Assessing the rate of pilling of fabrics--Martindale method
纺织品 织物起球试验 起球箱法 Textiles--Assessing the rate of pilling of fabrics--Pilling box method
绳索 鉴别用的颜色标记 Ropes and cordage--Colour code for identification
精梳涤棉混纺本色纱线 Combed polyester/cotton blended grey yarn
精梳涤棉混纺本色布 Combed polyester/cotton grey fabrics
精梳涤棉混纺印染布 Combed polyester/cotton printed and dyed fabrics
纺织品 织物透气性的测定 Textiles--Determination of the permeability of fabrics to air
纺织品 燃烧性能试验 氧指数法 Textiles--Burning behaviour--Oxygen index method
纺织品 燃烧性能试验 垂直法 Textiles--Burning behaviour--Vertical method
纺织品 燃烧性能 垂直方向试样火焰蔓延性能的测定 Textiles--Burning behaviour--Flame spread properties of vertically oriented specimens
环锭细纱机、环锭捻线机锭距 Spindle gauges for ring-spinning and ring doubling frames
树脂整理剂中总甲醛含量的测定方法 Resin finishing agent--Determination of total formaldehyde content
树脂整理剂中游离甲醛含量的测定方法 Resin finishing agent--Determination of free formaldehyde content
树脂整理剂中羟甲基甲醛含量的测定方法 Resin finishing agent--Determination of methylol formaldehyde content
树脂整理剂中不挥发组分的测定方法 Resin finishing agent--Determination of the nonvolatile content
树脂整理剂粘度的测定方法 Resin finishing agent--Determination of the viscosity
树脂整理剂加催化剂后溶液稳定性的测定方法 Resin finishing agent--Method of determination for the stability of solution after adding catalyst
纺织名词术语 (棉部分) Textile terms and definitions (Cotton)
纺织名词术语 (毛部分) Textile terms and definitions (Wool)
纺织名词术语 (麻部分) Textile terms and definitions (Jute,ramie, flax, hemp)
纺织品 针织物 术语 Textiles--Knitted fabrics--Vocabulary
纺织品 非织造布 术语 Textiles--Nonwovens--Terms
纺织名词术语 (纺织复制品部分) Textile terms and definitions (Textile end products)
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐干洗色牢度 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Colour fastness to dry cleaning
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐有机溶剂摩擦色牢度 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Colour fastness to rubbing:organic solvents
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐水色牢度 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Colour fastness to water
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐海水色牢度 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Colour fastness to sea water
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐酸斑色牢度 Textiles--Tests of colour fastness--Colour fastness to spoting:Acid
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐碱斑色牢度 Textiles--Tests of colour fastness--Colour fastness to spotting:Alkali
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐水斑色牢度 Textiles--Tests of colour fastness--Colour fastness to spotting:Water
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐干热(热压除外)色牢度 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Colour fastness to dry heat (excluding pressing)
苎麻理化性能试验取样方法 Sampling method of physical and chemical properties of ramie fiber
苎麻束纤维断裂强度试验方法 Testing method of bundle breaking tenacity of ramie fiber
苎麻回潮率、含水率试验方法 Testing method of moisture regain and moisture content of ramie fiber
苎麻纤维支数试验方法 Count testing of ramie fiber
苎麻纤维白度试验方法 Testing method of whiteness of ramie fiber
苎麻单纤维断裂强度试验方法 Testing method of single fiber breaking tenacity of ramle
苎麻纤维长度试验方法 Testing method of length of ramie fiber
苎麻纤维素聚合度测定方法 Testing method of degree of polymerization of ramie cellulose
苎麻化学成分定量分析方法 Method of quantitative analysis of ramie chemical components
纺织机械术语 纺机牵伸装置 Textile machinery terminology--Drafting arrangements for spinning machines
纺织机械术语 纺前准备、纺和并(捻)机械等效术语一览表 Textile machinery terminology--Spinning preparatory machinery, spinning and doubling(twisting) machinery--List of equivalent terms
纺织机械术语 环锭纺纱、捻线锭子 术语对照表 Textile machinery terminology Spindles for ring-spinning and doubling machines list of equivalent terms
纺织机械术语 织机分类和术语 Textile machinery terminology--Classification and vocabulary for weaving machines
纺织机械术语 络筒机 Textile machinery terminology--Cone and cheese winding machines
纺织机械术语 卷纬机 Textile machinery terminology--Pirn winding machines
纺织机械术语 转杯纺纱机 Textile machinery terminology--Rotor type open-end spinning machines
纺织机械术语 纱线和中间产品的卷装 Textile machinery terminology--Packages of yarns and intermediate products
纺织机械术语 针织机分类和术语 Textile machinery terminology--Classification and vocabulary for knitting machines
纺织机械术语 织造前经纱准备机械 Textile machinery terminology--Preparing machinery of warp for weaving
纺织机械术语 经轴 Textile machinery terminology--Beams for winding
纺织机械术语 染整机器分类和名称 Textile machinery terminology--Dyeing and finishing machinery classification and nomenclature
纺织机械术语 拉幅机 Textile machinery terminology--Stenters
纺织机械术语 卷绕基本术语 Textile machinery terminology--Winding--Basic terms
玻璃纤维毡试验方法 第1部分: 苯乙烯溶解度的测定 Test method for glass mats Part 1: Determination of styrene solubility
玻璃纤维毡试验方法 第2部分: 拉伸断裂强力的测定 Test method for glass mats Part 2: Determination of tensile breaking force
玻璃纤维毡试验方法 第3部分: 厚度的测定 Test method for glass mats Part 3: Determination of thickness
棉纤维试验取样方法 Sampling cotton fibres for testing
棉纤维长度试验方法 罗拉式分析仪法 Test method for length of cotton fibres--Roller analyser
棉纤维长度试验方法 光电长度仪法 Test method for length of cotton fibres--Photoelectric length method
棉纤维成熟度试验方法 中腔胞壁对比法 Test method for maturity of cotton fibres--Lumen and wall thickness constract method
棉纤维成熟度试验方法 偏光仪法 Test method for maturity of cotton fibres?Polarized apparatus method
棉纤维线密度试验方法 中段称重法 Test method for linear density of cotton fibres--Cut middles method
棉纤维断裂强力试验方法 束纤维法 Test method for breaking strength of cotton fibres--Flat bundle method
原棉回潮率试验方法 烘箱法 Test method for moisture regain in raw cotton by oven drying
原棉回潮率试验方法 电测器法 Test method for moisture regain in raw cotton by electrical moisture meter
原棉疵点试验方法 Test method for fault in raw cotton
纺织品 色牢度试验 试验通则 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--General principle of testing
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐热压色牢度 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Colour fastness to hot pressing
纺织品色牢度试验方法 用仪器对贴衬织物沾色程度评级 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Instrumental assessment of the degree of staining of adjacent fabrics
山羊板皮 Raw goat skin
棉纤维“马克隆值”试验方法 Test method for Micronaire value of cotton fibres
原棉含杂率试验方法 Test method for percentage of trash content in raw cotton
羊毛回潮率试验方法 烘箱法 Test method for moisture regain of wool--Drying oven method
羊毛纤维长度试验方法 梳片法 Test Method for measure length of the wool fibre--Comb sorter
合成纤维长丝取样方法 Sampling method for synthetic filament yarns
合成纤维长丝回潮率试验方法 Standard test method for moisture regain in synthetic filament yarns by over-drying
合成纤维长丝含油率试验方法 Test method for determination of oil synthetic filament yarns
合成纤维长丝热收缩率试验方法 Test method for thermal shrinkage of synthetic filament yarns
合成纤维变形丝卷缩性能试验方法 Test method for crimp contraction properties of textured filament yarns
涤纶长丝染色均匀度试验方法 Test method for dyeing uniformity of polyester filament yarns
锦纶 6 中低分子物含量测定方法 Method for determination of low molecular weight compounds content in polyamide 6
纺织品的调湿和试验用标准大气 Standard atmospheres for textiles conditioning and testing
绳索 试验用的取样和调湿 Ropes--Sampling and conditioning for testing
温石棉纤维干式分级方法 Method for dry classification of chrysotile asbestos fibre
温石棉纤维长度湿式分级方法 Method for wet classification of chrysotile asbestos fibre by length distribution
温石棉纤维长度快速湿式分级方法 Method for rapid wet classification of chrysotile asbestos fibre by length distribution
温石棉比表面积测定方法 Method for specific surface area of chrysotile asbestos
温石棉中砂料与未解离石棉含量测定方法 Method for grit and crude content in chrysotile asbestos
温石棉水分测定方法 Method for moisture content of chrysotile asbestos
树脂整理剂折射率的测定方法 Resin finishing agent--Testing method for refractive index
树脂整理剂比重的测定方法 Resin finishing agent--Testing method for specific gravity
棉蜡光缝纫线 Cotton glazed sewing thread
棉缝纫线 Cotton sewing thread
涤纶缝纫线 Spun polyester sewing thread
缝纫线试验方法 Testing method of sewing thread
缝纫线润滑性试验方法 Testing method for lubrication of sewing thread
缝纫线验收规则 Acceptance examination regulation for sewing thread
缝纫线包装标志和运输保管 Requirement of packing, transport and store for sewing thread
羊毛毛丛自然长度试验方法 Test method for measure length of the wool staple natural formation
冼净羊毛油、灰、杂含量试验方法 Standard test method for oil,ash and vegetable matter in scoured wool
原毛冼净率试验方法 烘箱法 Test method for the determination of scoured yield of greasy wool
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐热水色牢度 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Colour fastness to hot water
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐沸煮色牢度 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Colour fastness to potting
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐加压汽蒸色牢度 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Colour fastness to decatizing
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐汽蒸色牢度 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Colour fastness to steaming
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐次氯酸盐漂白色牢度 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Colour fastness to bleaching: Hypochlorite
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐过氧化物漂白色牢度 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Colour fastness to bleaching: Peroxide
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐亚氯酸钠轻漂色牢度 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Colour fastness to bleaching: Sodium chlorite (mild)
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐亚氯酸钠重漂色牢度 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Colour fastness to bleaching: Sodium chlorite (severe)
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐丝光色牢度 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Colour fastness to mercerizing
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐有机溶剂色牢度 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Colour fastness to organic solvents
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐碱煮色牢度 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Colour fastness to soda boiling
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐交染色牢度: 羊毛 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Colour fastness to cross-dyeing:Wool
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐脱胶色牢度 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Colour fastness to degumming
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐甲醛色牢度 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Colour fastness to formaldehyde
纤维级聚乙烯醇树脂 Polyvinyl alcohol resins for fibre grade
纺织品色牢度试验 毛标准贴衬织物规格 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Specification for standard adjacent fabric: Wool
纺织品色牢度试验 棉和粘纤标准贴衬织物规格 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Specification for standard adjacent fabric: Cotton and viscose
纺织品色牢度试验 聚酯标准贴衬织物规格 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Specification for standard adjacent fabric: Polyester
纺织品色牢度试验 聚丙烯腈标准贴衬织物规格 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Specification for standard adjacent fabric: Acrylic
纺织品色牢度试验 丝标准贴衬织物规格 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Specification for standard adjacent fabric: Silk
羊毛 含碱量的测定 Wool--Determination of alkali content
羊毛 含酸量的测定 Wool--Determination of acid content
羊毛 在碱中溶解度的测定 Wool--Determination of solubility in alkali
纺织品 水萃取液pH值的测定 Textiles--Determination of pH of the aqueous extract
增强材料 机织物试验方法 第1部分: 玻璃纤维厚度的测定 Reinforcements--Test method for woven fabrics Part 1: Determination of thickness for glass fibre
增强材料 机织物试验方法 第2部分: 经、纬密度的测定 Reinforcements--Test method for woven fabrics Part 2: Determination of number of yarns per unit length of warp and weft
增强材料 机织物试验方法 第3部分:宽度和长度的测定 Reinforcements--Test method for woven fabrics Part 3: Determination of width and length
增强材料 机织物试验方法 第4部分: 弯曲硬挺度的测定 Reinforcements--Test method for woven fabrics Part 4: Determination of flexural stiffness
增强材料 机织物试验方法 第5部分: 玻璃纤维拉伸断裂强力和断裂伸长的测定 Reinforcements--Test method for woven fabrics Part 5: Determination of tensile breaking force and elongation at break for glass fibre
增强材料 纱线试验方法 第1部分:线密度的测定 Reinforcements--Test method for yarns Part 1: Determination of linear density
增强材料 纱线试验方法 第2部分: 捻度的测定 Reinforcements--Test method for yarns Part 2: Determination of twist
增强材料 纱线试验方法 第3部分: 玻璃纤维断裂强力和断裂伸长的测定 Reinforcements--Test method for yarns Part 3: Determination of breaking force and breaking elongation for glass fibre
增强材料 纱线试验方法 第4部分:硬挺度的测定 Reinforcement--Test method for yarns Part 4: Determination of stiffness
增强材料 纱线试验方法 第5部分: 玻璃纤维纤维直径的测定 Reinforcement--Test method for yarns Part 5: Determination of fibre diameter for glass fibre
增强材料 纱线试验方法 第6部分: 捻度平衡指数的测定 Reinforcement--Test method for yarns Part 6: Determination of twist balance index
苎麻 Ramie
纺织品 胀破强度和胀破扩张度的测定 弹性膜片法 Textiles--Determination of bursting strength and bursting distension--Diaphragm method
三股和八股聚丙烯单丝或薄膜绳索特性 Three-strand and eight-strand polypropylene monofilament or film ropes--Required characteristics
出口生旱獭皮检验方法 Inspection method for raw marmot skin export
出口山羊板皮检验方法 Inspection method for goat export
出口生猾皮检验规程 Inspection method for raw kid skin export
出口生水貂皮检验规程 Inspection method for raw mink skin export
出口生黄鼠狼皮检验方法 Inspection method for raw weasel skin export
出口猪鬃 Bristles for export
出口染黑猪鬃 Black dyed bristes for export
出口漂白猪鬃 Bleached white bristles for export
出口水煮猪鬃 Boiled bristles for export
出口猪鬃检验方法 The method of inspection for export bristles
钢丝绳破断拉伸试验方法 Method of breaking tensile test for steel wire ropes
纺织品 色牢度试验 表面颜色的测定通则 Textiles tests for colour fastness General principles for measurement of surface colour
纺织品 色牢度试验 相对白度的仪器评定方法 Textiles tests for colour fastness Instrumental assessment of relative whiteness
纺织品 色牢度试验 色差的计算 Textiles tests for colour fastness calculation of colour differences
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐光色牢度: 日光 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness Colour fastness to light: Daylight
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐人造光色牢度: 氙弧 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness Colour fastness to artificial light: Xenon arc fading lamp test
纺织品耐光色牢度试验方法: 碳弧 Textiles--Testing method for colour fastness to light: Carbon arc
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐气候色牢度: 室外曝晒 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness Colour fastness to weathering: Out door exposure
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐人造气候色牢度: 氙弧 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness Colour fastness to artifical weathering: Xenon arc fading lamp test
纺织品 色牢度试验 光致变色的检验和评定 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness Detection and assessment of photochromism
耐光色牢度试验仪用湿度控制标样 Humidity test control for colour fastness to light
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐氯化水色牢度(游泳池水) Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Colour fastness to chlorinated water(swimming-pool water)
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐缩呢色牢度: 碱性缩呢 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness Colour fastness to milling: Alkaline milling
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐酸性毡合色牢度: 剧烈的 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness Colour fastness to acid-felting: Severe
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐酸性毡合色牢度: 温和的 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness Colour fastness to acid-felting: Mild
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐硫熏色牢度 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness Colour fastness to stoving
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐褶裥色牢度: 蒸汽褶裥 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness Colour fastness to pleating: Steam pleating
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐炭化色牢度: 氯化铝 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness Colour fastness to carbonizing: Aluminium chloride
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐炭化色牢度: 硫酸 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness Colour fastness to carbonizing: Sulfuric acid
纺织品 色牢度试验 耐氯化色牢度 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness Colour fastness to chlorination
纺织品耐染浴中金属铬盐色牢度试验方法 Textiles--Testing method for colour fastness to metals in the dye--bath:chromium Salts
纺织品耐染浴中铁和铜金属色牢度试验方法 Textiles--Testing method for colour fastness to metals in the dyebath: Iron and Copper
针织机 圆机的公称直径 Knitting machines--Nominal diameters of circular machines
针织机 大公称直径圆机的针数 Knitting machines--Numbers of needles for circular knitting machines with large diameter
针织机针距 Pitches of knitting machines needles
纺织机械 圆锥滚筒分条整经机 最大有效宽度 Textile machinery--Cone sectional warping machines--Maximum usable width
纺织品 测定尺寸变化的试验中织物试样和服装的准备、标记及测量 Textiles--Preparation,marking and measuring of fabric specimens and garments in tests for determination of dimensional change
纺织品 试验用家庭洗涤和干燥程序 Textiles--Domestic washing and drying procedures for textile testing
纺织品在洗涤和干燥时尺寸变化的测定 Determination of textile dimensional change in washing and drying
纺织品 织物因冷水浸渍而引起的尺寸变化的测定 Textiles--Determination of dimensional changes of fabrics induced by cold-water immersion
纺织品 机织物 近沸点 商业洗烫后尺寸变化的测定 Textiles--Woven fabrics--Determination of dimensional change on commercial laundering near the boiling point
机织物 一般术语和基本组织的定义 Textiles--Woven fabrics--Definitions of general terms and basic weaves
纺织品质量的测定 词汇 Textiles--Determination of mass--Vocabulary
纺织品和服装使用说明的图形符号 Care labelling code of textiles and apparel
织物光泽测试方法 Textile fabrics--Test method of gloss
纺织纱线的标示 Textiles - Designation of yarns
纺织纱线及有关产品捻向的标示 Textiles--Designation of the direction of twist in yarns and related products
纺织纤维和纱线的形态 词汇 Textiles--Morphology of fibres and yarns--Vocabulary
纱线断裂强力的试验方法 绞纱法 Textiles--Yarns from packages--Method of test for breaking strength of yarn--Skein method
钢丝绳术语 Steel wire ropes--Terminology
纺织品 燃烧性能 织物表面燃烧时间的测定 Textiles-burning behaviour--Determination of surface burning time of fabrics
纺织品 燃烧性能 垂直方向试样易点燃性的测定 Textiles-burning behaviour--Determination of ease of ignition of vertically oriented specimens
绳索 有关物理和机械性能的测定 Ropes--Determination of certain physical and mechanical properties
电梯用钢丝绳 Steel wire ropes for elevators
聚氯乙烯人造革 Polyvinyl chloride artificial leather
聚氨酯干法人造革 Polyurethane dry-processing artificial leather
涤纶牵伸丝 Polyester drawn yarn
锦纶66浸胶帘子布 Nylon 66 dipped tyre cord fabric
锦纶 6浸胶帘子布 Nylon 6 dipped tyre cord fabric
桑蚕茧(干茧)检验方法 Testing method of mulberry silkworm cocoon (dried cocoon)
柞蚕丝织物 Tussah silk fabrics
桑蚕茧(干茧)分级 Classification of mulberry silkworm cocoons (dried cocoons)
棉纺机械工作宽度 Cotton spinning machinery--Working width
出口小湖羊皮检验方法 Inspection method of raw Chekiang lamb skin for export
出口盐湿猪皮检验方法 Inspection method of salted pig skin for export
出口生猞猁皮检验方法 Inspection method of raw lynx skin for export
出口生貉子皮检验方法 Inspection method of raw raccoon skin for export
增强制品试验方法 第1部分: 含水率的测定 Test method for reinforcement products Part 1: Determination of moisture content
增强制品试验方法 第2部分: 玻璃纤维可燃物含量的测定 Test method for reinforcement products Part 2: Determination of combustible matter content for glass fibre
增强制品试验方法 第3部分: 单位面积质量的测定 Test method for reinforcement products Part 3: Determination of mass per unit area
不锈钢丝绳 Stainless steel wire ropes
纺织材料公定回潮率 Commercial misture regains of textiles
纺织材料含水率和回潮率的测定 烘箱干燥法 Determination of moisture content and moisture regain of textile--Oven-drying method
棉及化纤纯纺、混纺纱线外观质量黑板检验方法 Determination of appearance quality of yarns made of cotton or man-made fibres,or their blends by winding on the black board
化学纤维单纤维断裂强力和断裂伸长的测定 Man-made fibres--Determination of breaking strength and elongation of individual fibres
西宁毛 Xining wool
精纺、粗纺梳毛机锡林宽度和针布宽度 Worsted and woollen cards--Width of cylinder and width on the wire
出口桑蚕丝织物 Silk fabrics for export
出口合成纤维丝织物 Synthetic filament yarn fabrics for export
出口和服坯绸 Grey kimono silk for export
柞蚕鲜茧 Fresh cocoon of tussah
出口羽毛检验方法 Inspection method of feather for export
出口水洗羽毛检验方法 Inspection method of washed feather for export
纺织品 用于化学试验的实验室样品和试样的准备 Textiles - Proparation of laboratory test samples and test specimens for chemical testing
羊毛纤维直径试验方法 投影显微镜法 Test method for determining wool fibres diameter by the projection microscope
纺织品耐氧化氮色牢度试验方法 Textiles - Test for colour fastness to nitrogen oxides
纺织品耐烟熏色牢度试验方法 Textiles - Test for colour fastness to burnt gas fumes
纺织品耐大气中臭氧色牢度试验方法 Textiles - Test for colour fastness to ozone in the atmosphere
纺织品耐热空气硫化色牢度试验方法 Textiles - Test for colour fastness to vulcanizing:Hot air
纺织品耐一氯化硫色牢度试验方法 Textiles - Test for colour fastness to vulcanizing:Sulphur monochloride
纺织品耐直接蒸汽硫化色牢度试验方法 Textiles - Test for colour fastness to vulcanizing:Open steam
纺织品羊毛染料耐化学法褶皱、褶裥和定型色牢度试验方法 Textiles - Test for colour fastness of wool dyes to processes using chemical means for creasing, pleating and setting
纺织品耐羊毛酸性氯化色牢度试验方法 二氯异氰尿酸钠 Textiles - Test for colour fastness to acid chlorination of wool:Sodium dichloroisocyanurate
织物勾丝试验方法 Textile fabrics - Testing method for assessing the degree of snagging
纺织品保温性能试验方法 Textiles--Testing method for warmth retention property
铺地纺织品燃烧性能在室温下片剂试验 Textile floor coverings - Burning behaviour - Tablet test at ambient temperature
子午线轮胎用钢丝帘线 Steel cord for radial tyre
粗直径钢丝绳 Large diameter steel wire ropes
纺织品色牢度试验 聚酰胺标准贴衬织物规格 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness--Specification for standard adjacent fabric: Polyamide
纺织品色牢度试验多纤维标准贴衬织物规格 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness--Specification for standard adjacent fabric:Maltifibre
羊毛纤维平均直径测定法 气流法 Determination for mean diameter of wool fibres by airflow method
簇绒地毯 Tufting carpet
牛皮 Cattle skin
铺地材料临界辐射通量的测定 辐射热源法 Floor coverings?Determination of critical radiant flux using a radiant heat energy source
三股聚酰胺复丝绳索 Three-strand polyamide multifilament ropes
三股聚酯复丝绳索 Three-strand polyester multifilament ropes
三股聚乙烯单丝绳索 Three-strand polyethylene monofilament ropes
绳索和绳索制品 系船用的天然纤维绳索与化学纤维绳索之间的等效性 Ropes and cordage - Equivalence between natural fibre ropes and man-made fibre ropes for use in the mooring of vessels
纺织品 天然纤维 术语 Textiles - Natural fibres - Generic names and definitions
纺织品 变形长丝纱 术语 Textiles - Textured filament yarns - Vocabulary
黄、洋(红)麻纤维试验取样方法 Sampling method of the jute and kenaf fibres
黄、洋(红)麻束纤维断裂强力试验方法 Test method for breaking strength of jute and kenaf fibres
黄、洋(红)麻纤维线密度试验方法 中段称重法 Test method for linear density of jute and kenaf fibres - Cut middles method
黄、洋(红)麻纤维柔软度试验方法 捻度计试验法 Test method for softness of jute and kenaf fibres - Twist tester method
黄、洋(红)麻纤维回潮率试验方法 烘箱法 Test method for moisture regain in jute and kenaf fibres by oven drying
黄、洋(红)麻纤维含杂率试验方法 Test method for percentage of trash content in jute and kenaf fibres
牦牛原绒 Raw hair and underfleece of yak
牦牛原绒含绒率试验方法 Test method for percentage of fine underfleece content in raw hair and underfleece of yak
纺织品耐家庭和商业洗涤色牢度试验方法 Textiles - Testing method for colour fastness to domestic and commercial laundering
羊毛水解物中磺基丙氨酸含量的测定 纸电泳法和比色法 Determination of systeic acid content of wool hydrolysates by paper electrophoresis and colorimetry
羊毛水解物中胱氨酸含量的测定 比色法 Determination of cystine content of wool hydrolysates by colorimetry
橡胶或塑料涂覆织物 低温冲击试验 Rubber or plastics coated fabrics--Low-temperature impact test
硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶橡胶片材和橡胶涂覆织物 挥发性液体透过速率的测定(质量法) Rubber,vulcanized or thermoplastic-Rubber sheet and rubber-coated fabric-Determination rate of volatile liquids(gravimetic technique)
纺织品静电测试方法 Electrostatic test methods for textile
织物透湿量测定方法 透湿杯法 Fabrics - Determination of water vapour transmission rate - Dish method
织物防钻绒性试验方法 Textile fabrics - Testing method for penetration resistance to feather and down
输送带用钢丝绳 Steel wire ropes for conveyer belts
胶管用钢丝绳 Steel wire ropes for rubber hose
熟黄麻 Jute
熟红麻 Kenaf
纺织品机织物组织代码及示例 Textiles--Weaves--Coding system and examples
粘胶长丝 Viscose filament yarn
土工布术语 Geotextiles--Vocabulary
土工布的取样和试样准备 Geotextiles--Sampling and preparation of test specimens
土工布厚度测定方法 Geotextiles--Determination of thickness
土工布单位面积质量的测定方法 Geotextiles--Determination of mass per unit area
土工布梯形法撕破强力试验方法 Standard test method for trapezoid tearing strength of geotextiles
土工布透气性的试验方法 Geotextiles--Test method for air permeability
纺织品 色牢度试验 亚麻和苎麻标准贴衬织物规格 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Specification for standard adjacent fabric of linen and ramie
纺织品 耐氧化氮和烟熏色牢度试验用控制标样和褪色标准 Textiles--Test control reference and fading standard for tests of colour-fastness to nitrogen oxides and burt gas fumes
纺织品 耐热性能的测定方法 Textiles--Method for the determination of the ability of textiles to heat resistance
纺织品 耐久压烫织物经家庭洗涤和干燥后外观的评定方法 Textiles-Method for assessing the appearance of durable press fabrics after domestic washing and drying
纺织品 耐久压烫产品经家庭洗涤和干燥后褶裥外观的评定方法 Textiles--Method for assessing the appearance of creases in durable press products after domestic washing and drying
纺织品 耐久压烫产品经家庭洗涤和干燥后接缝外观的评定方法 Textiles--Method for assessing the appearance of seams in durable press products after domestic washing and drying
机织物中纱线抗滑移性测定方法 缝合法 The method for determination of slippage resistance of yarns in woven fabrics--Seam method
机织物中纱线抗滑移性测定方法 模拟缝合法 The method for determination of slippage resistance of yarns in woven fabrics--Simulated seam method
机织物中纱线抗滑移性测定方法 摩擦法 The method for determination of slippage resistance of yarns in woven fabrics--Friction method
机织物及制品 接缝强力和接缝效率试验方法 Woven fabric and its products--Testing method for seam strength and seam efficiency
棉、麻、绢丝机织物耐磨试验方法 Testng method for determination of the resistance to abrasion of cotton, ramie and silk spinning fabrics
用校准棉样校准棉纤维试验结果 Standardizing cotton fibre test results by use of calibration cottons
棉纤维成熟度试验方法 显微镜法 Test method for maturity of cotton fibres--Microscopic method
棉纤维成熟度测定方法 气流法 Cotton fibres--Determination of maturity--Air flow method
棉纤维长度试验方法 梳片法 Test method for length of cotton fibres--Comb sorter method
棉纤维长度试验方法 自动光电长度仪法 Test method for cotton length--Auto-photoelectric stapler
棉纤维长度(跨距长度)和长度整齐度的测定 Textiles--Cotton fibres--Determination of length(span length) and length uniformity
纺织纤维长度分布参数试验方法 电容法 Test method for textile fibre length distribution parameters--Electric condenser method
棉纤维断裂比强度的测定 平束法 Cotton fibres--Determination of breaking tenacity of flat bundles
棉花颜色试验方法 测色仪法 Test method for colour of Cotton colorimeter method
棉纤维含糖程度试验方法 比色法 Test method for degree of sugar contains in cotton fibres-Colorimetry
棉花分级室的模拟昼光照明 Artificial daylighting illumination for cotton classing rooms
纺织纤维鉴别试验方法 着色剂法 Test method for textile fibres identification--Stain method
山羊原绒 Cashmere hair
骆驼原绒 Raw camel hair and underfleece
长毛兔兔毛 Angora rabbir hair
纤维用亚麻原茎 Raw stems for fibre flax
纤维用亚麻雨露干茎 Dew retting stem of fibre flax
兔毛纤维试验取样方法 Sampling method of Angora rabbit hair for testing
兔毛纤维长度试验方法 Test method for measure length of Angora rabbit hair
兔毛含杂率试验方法 Test method for the percentage of impurities in Angora rabbit hair
兔毛回潮率试验方法 烘箱法 Test method for moisture regain of Angora rabbit hair--Drying oven method
兔毛单纤维断裂强度和伸长试验方法 Test method for breaking strength and elongation of Angora rabbit hair single fibre
兔毛纤维细度试验方法 Test method for diameter of Angora ribbit hair
兔毛纤维白度试验方法 Test method for whiteness of Angora rabbit hair
兔毛乙醚萃取物试验方法 Test method for extractable matter by ether from Angora rabbit hair
兔毛纤维卷曲性能试验方法 Test method for crimp properties of Angora rabbit hair
桑蚕经纬捻线丝 Thrown silk for warp and weft
夹层结构或芯子吸水性试验方法 Test method for water absorption of sandwich constructions or cores
纺织玻璃纤维 无捻粗纱 棒状复合材料弯曲强度的测定 Textile glass--Rovings--Determination of flexural strength of rod composites
机织地毯 Woven carpets
染色毛皮耐摩擦色牢度测试方法 Dyeing fur--Testing method for colour fastness to rubbing
羊毛试验取样方法 The sampling methods for wool testing
羊毛纤维类型含量试验方法 Test method for determination of wool fibre type content
原毛净毛率试验方法 油压法 Test method for wool content of raw wool by oil pressure method
棉本色灯芯绒 Cotton grey corduroy
棉印染灯芯绒 Dyed or printed cotton corduroy
合成短纤维取样方法 Sampling method of synthetic staple fibres
合成短纤维线密度试验方法 Testing method for linear density of synthetic staple fibres
合成短纤维长度试验方法 Testing method for length of synthetic staple fibres
合成短纤维断裂强力及断裂伸长试验方法 Testing method for breaking strength and breaking elongation of synthetic staple fibres
合成短纤维卷曲性能试验方法 Testing method for crimping performance of synthetic staple fibres
合成短纤维疵点试验方法 Testing method for defect of synthetic staple fibres
合成短纤维含油率试验方法 Testing method for oil content of synthetic staple fibres
合成短纤维回潮率试验方法 Testing method for moisture regain of synthetic staple fibres by oven
合成短纤维比电阻试验方法 Testing method for specific resistance of synthetic staple fibres
合成纤维长丝及变形丝线密度试验方法 Testing method for linear density of synthetic filament yarns and textured yarns
合成纤维长丝及变形丝断裂强力及断裂伸长试验方法 Testing method for breaking strength and breaking elongation of synthetic filament yarns and textured yarns
合成纤维长丝捻度试验方法 Testing method for twist of synthetic filament yarns
化学纤维长丝电子条干不匀率试验方法 Testing method for yarn irregularity of man-made filament yarns by means of electronic evenness tester
涤纶低弹丝 Polyester drawn textured yarn
维纶短纤维 Vinylon cut fibre
粘胶短纤维 Viscose staple fiber
涤纶短纤维 Polyester staple
纺织品综合色牢度试验方法 Textiles--Testing method of comprehensive colour fastness
纺织品耐光、汗复合色牢度试验方法 Textiles--Testing method for complex colour fastness to light-perspiration
织物拒水性测定 邦迪斯门淋雨法 Textiles--Determination of water repellency of fabrics by the Bundesmann rain-shower test
柞蚕水缫丝 Tussah silk water reeled
山羊绒、绵羊毛及其混合纤维定量分析方法 Quantitative analysis method of cashmere,wool and their mixture fibers
猪原鬃 Unfailed bristles
裘皮 小湖羊皮 Fur--Cheki and lamb skin
裘皮 三北羔皮 Fur--Persin lamb skin
裘皮 滩二毛皮、滩羔皮 Fur--Sheep kivskin,sheep lambskin
裘皮 猾子皮 Fur--Raw goatling skin
纺织织物 燃烧性能 45°方向燃烧速率测定 Textile fabrics--Burning behaviour--The 45°test determination of flame spread rate
纺织织物 燃烧性能 45°方向损毁面积和接焰次数测定 Textile fabrics--Burning behaviour--The 45°test determination of damaged area and ignition times
地毯在长时间、重静负载后厚度减少的试验方法 Textile floor coverings determination of thickness loss after prolonged,heavy static loading
地毯燃烧性能 45°试验方法及评定 Carpets burning behaviour--Test method at 45°and assessment
裘皮 黄鼬皮 Fur--Yellow weasel skins
裘皮 貉皮 Fur--Raccoon dog skins
裘皮 水貂皮 Fur--Raw mink skin
土工布 鉴别标志 Geotextiles--Identification on site
土工布孔径测定方法 干筛法 Geotextiles--Determining apparent opening size of a geotextile by dry si eving
土工布顶破强力试验方法 Test method for determining the puncture resistance of geotextiles
机织物与针织物纬斜和弓纬试验方法 Test method for skewness and bow in woven and knitted fabrics
机织品 烟浓度测定 减光系数法 Textiles--Determination of smoke density--Light extinction method
剑麻 白棕绳 White sisal rope
剑麻钢丝绳芯 Steel wire ropes--Sisal main cores
剑麻纤维 Sisal fibre
制绳机械设备通用技术条件 General requirements for rope laying machinery
手工打结羊毛地毯 Hand-knotted woollen carpet
针刺地毯 Needle-punched carpet
纺织机械用图形符号 Graphical symbols for textile machinery
桑蚕鲜茧 Mulberry silkworm fresh cocoons
土工布 拉伸试验方法 宽条样法 Geotextiles--Wide width tensile test
土工布透水性测定方法 Geotextile--Determination of water flow
手工打结地毯绒簇经密、纬密的试验方法 Hand-knotted carpets--Determination of number of tufts per unit length
马海毛 Mohair
洗净马海毛 Scoured mohair
洗净马海毛含草、杂率试验方法 Test method for the percentage of burry and impurities in scouredscoured mohair
洗净马海毛纤维长度试验方法 手排法 Test mothod for length of scoured mohair--Array diagram method
纺织纤维 线密度试验方法 振动仪法 Textile fibres--Determination of linear density--Vibroscope method
纺织纤维 短纤维长度和长度分布的测定 单纤维测量法 Textile fibres--Determination of length and length distribution of staple fibres--Measurement of single fibres
棉纤维含糖试验方法 定量法 Test method for sugar in cotton fibers--Quantitative method
腈纶短纤维 Polyarcryl staple
锦纶牵伸丝 Nylon drawn yarn
涤纶工业长丝 Polyester filament for industry
再生纤维素丝织物 Regenerated rayon filament fabrics
双面涂覆聚氯乙烯阻燃防水布、篷布 Flame-resistant and water-proof fabrics and terpaulines coated with PVC on both sides
家具用皮革 Upholstery leather
大麻原麻 Raw hemp
棉纤维长度试验方法 中段称重法 Test methods for length of cotton fibres--Middle weighting method
特种动物纤维与绵羊毛混合物含量的测定 Quantitative determination for mixtures of special animal fibre and wool
土工布 接头/接缝宽条拉伸试验方法 Geotextiles--Tensile test for joints/seams by wide-width method
纺织品 色牢度试验 颜色1/1标准深度的仪器测定 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Instrumental determination of 1/1 standard depth of colour
纺织品 色牢度试验 高温耐光色牢度: 氙弧 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--colour fastness to artificial light at high temperatures:Xenon arc
纺织品 织物在低压下的干热效应 第1部分: 织物的干热处理程序 Textiles--Effect of dry heat on fabrics under low pressure--Part 1: Procedure for dry-heat treatment of fabrics
纺织品 织物在低压下的干热效应 第2部分: 受干热的织物尺寸变化的测定 Textiles--Effect of dry heat on fabrics under low pressure--Part 2: Determination of dimensional change in fabrics exposed to dry heat
纺织品 织物紫外线透过率的试验方法 Textiles--Testing method for transmission of ultraviolet ray
纺织品 棉纱线 贸易规格 Textiles--Cotton yarns--Specifications for trade
合成纤维丝织物 Synthetic filament yarn fabrics
亚麻纤维细度的测定 气流法 Determination of fineness of flax fiber permeametric method
亚麻打成麻 Scutched flax
土工布及其有关产品 有效孔径的测定 湿筛法 Geotextiles and geotextile-related products--Determination of the characteristic opening size-wet sieving method
国旗用织物 Fabric for National Flag
阻燃机织物 Woven flame retardant fabrics
纺织品 禁用偶氮染料检测方法 气相色谱/质谱法 Textiles--Test method of the use of banned azo colourants Gas chromatography/mass spectrography method
纺织品 禁用偶氮染料检测方法 高效液相色谱法 Test method of the use of banned azo colourants High pressure liquid chromatography method
纺织品 禁用偶氮染料的检测方法 薄层层析法 Textiles--Test method of the use of banned azo colourants Thin--Layer chromatography
纺织品 重金属离子检测方法 原子吸收分光光度法 Textiles--Test method of heavy metal ions--Atomic absorption spectrophotometry
纺织材料 热转变温度试验方法 差示扫描量热法 Textile material--Test method for themo transition temperature--Differential scanning calorimetry(DSC)
纺织品 织物燃烧试验前的家庭洗涤程序 Textiles--Domestic laundering procedures for textile fabrics prior to flammability testing
纺织品 织物燃烧试验前的商业洗涤程序 Textiles--Commercial laundering procedure for textile fabrics prior to flammability testing
棉絮片发烟燃烧性能试验方法 Test method for smoldering combustion potential of coffon-Based batling
土工布 多层产品中单层厚度的测定 Determination for thickness of single layers of multilayer geotextile-Related products
土工布及其有关产品 动态穿孔试验 落锥法 Geotextiles and geotextile-related products--Dynamic perforation test(Cone-drop test)
土工布及其有关产品 抗氧化性能的试验方法 Geotextiles and geotextile-related products--Test method for determining the resistance to oxidation
土工布及其有关产品 抗酸、碱液性能的试验方法 Geotextiles and geotextile-related products--Test method for determining the resistance to liquids of acids and bases
土工布及其有关产品 平面内水流量的测定 Geotextiles and geotextile-related products--Determination of water flow capacity in their plane
土工布及其有关产品 磨擦特性的测定 第1部分: 直接剪切试验 Geotextiles and geotextile-related products--Determination of friction characteristics--Part 1: Direct shear test
土工布及其有关产品 抗磨损性的测定 砂布/滑块法 Geotextiles and geotextile-related products Determination of Abrasion resistance Sand paper/sliding block method
土工布及其有关产品 拉伸蠕变和拉伸蠕变断裂性能的测定 Geotextiles and geotextile-related products--Determination of the tensile creep and creep rupture behaviour
土工合成材料 短纤针刺非织造土工布 Geosynthetics--Synthetic staple fibers needlepunched nonwoven geotextiles
土工合成材料 长丝纺粘针刺非织造土工布 Geosynthetics--Synthetic filament spunbonded and needlepunched nonwoven geotextiles
土工合成材料 长丝机织土工布 Geosynthetics--Synthetic filament woven geotextiles
土工合成材料 裂膜丝机织土工布 Geosynthetics--Slit and split film yarn woven geotextiles
土工合成材料 非织造复合土工膜 Geosynthetics--Geocomposites made of geononwoven and geomembrance
纺织纤维白度色度试验方法 Test method for whiteness and chromaticity of textile fibres
羽绒羽毛 Down and feather
棉纤维 线密度试验方法 排列法 Cotton fibre--Determination of linear density--Array method
热熔法用丙纶短纤维 Polypropylene staple fiber used by melting method
本色布布面疵点检验方法 Methods of inspection for grey fabric surface defects
印染布布面疵点检验方法 Methods of inspection for printed and dyed fabric surface defects
纺织机械安全要求 Safety requirements for textile machinery
皮革 针孔撕裂强度测定方法 Leather--Determination of the stitch tear resistance
沥青防水卷材用基胎 聚酯非织造布 The base for bitumen felts--Polyester nonwovens
地毯静电性能评定 模拟人体步行试验法 Carpet--Assessment of static electrical propensity--Analogue walking test
大麻纤维 第1部分: 大麻精麻 Hemp fibre--Part 1: Raw white degummed hemp
大麻纤维 第2部分: 大麻麻条 Hemp fibre--Part 2: Raw white hemp sliver
大麻纤维 第3部分: 大麻落麻 Hemp fibre--Part 3: Raw white hemp noil
大麻纤维试验方法 第1部分: 含油率试验方法 Test methode for hemp fibre--Part 1: Test method for oil content in hemp fibre
大麻纤维试验方法 第2部分: 残胶率试验方法 Test method for hemp fibre--Part 2: Test method for residual gum content in hemp fibre
大麻纤维试验方法 第3部分: 长度试验方法 Test method for hemp fibre--Part 3: Test method for length of hemp fibre
大麻纤维试验方法 第4部分: 细度试验方法 Test method for hemp fibre--Part 4: Test method for fineness of hemp fibre
大麻纤维试验方法 第5部分: 断裂强度试验方法 Test method for hemp fibre--Part 5: Test method for breaking strength of hemp fibre
大麻纤维试验方法 第6部分: 疵点试验方法 Test method for hemp fibre--Part 6: Test method for defect in hemp fibre
山羊绒 Cashmere
纺织品 织物弯曲长度的测定 Textiles--Determination of bending length of fabrics
纺织品 红外蓄热保暖性的试验方法 Textiles-testing method for thermal retention with accumulated by infrared ray
玻璃纤维无捻粗纱 Glass fiber roving
玻璃纤维无捻粗纱布 Glass fibre woven roving
连续玻璃纤维纱 Glass filament yarn
玻璃纤维导风筒基布 Glass fibre fabric for ducting
印制板用E玻璃纤维布 E-glass fabric woven for printed boards
增强材料术语及定义 Vocabulary--Terms for reinforcements
絮用纤维制品通用技术要求 Ceneral technical requirement for products with wadding fibre
棉花加工机械安全要求 Security requirement of cotton processing machinery
纺织品 甲醛含量的限定 Textiles--Limit to formaldehyde content
纺织品 有机氯杀虫剂残留量的测定 Textiles--Determination of the residues of organochlorine pesticides
纺织品 2-萘酚残留量的测定 Textiles--Determination of the residues of 2-naphthalenol
纺织品 五氯苯酚残留量的测定 第1部分: 气相色谱 质谱法 Textiles--Determination of the residues of pentachlorophenol Part 1: Gas chromatography/mass spectrography
纺织品 五氯苯酚残留量的测定 第2部分: 气相色谱法 Textiles--Determination of the residues of pentachlorophenol Part 2: Gas chromatographyvmethod
橡胶或塑料涂覆织物 低温弯曲试验 Rubber--or plastics-coated fabrics--Low-temperature bend test
室内装饰装修材料 地毯、地毯衬垫及地毯胶粘剂有害物质释放限量 Indoor decorating and refurbishing materials--Limitations of harmful substances emitted from carpets,carpet cushions and adhesives
服装号型 男子 Size designation of clothes--Men
服装号型 女子 Size designation of clothes--Women
服装号型 儿童 Size designation of clothes--Children
棉针织内衣皂洗牢度试验方法 Methods of testing for the soap endurance of cotton knitting underwears
棉针织内衣汗渍牢度试验方法 Methods of testing for the sweat endurance of cotton knitting underwears
棉针织内衣染色摩擦牢度试验方法 Methods of testing for the rubbing endurance of cotton knitting underwears
衬衫 Shirts
棉服装 Cotton wadded clothes
男西服、大衣 Men's suits and coats
女西服、大衣 Women's suits and coats
男、女西裤 Women and Men's trousers
男女衬衫规格 Sizes for shirts and blouses
男女单服套装规格 Sizes for zhongshan coats,jackets and trousers
皮鞋工业术语 Technical terms for leather shoe industry
中国鞋号及鞋楦系列 Chinese shoe sizing and last systems
鞋号 Shoes sizes
鞋楦尺寸检测方法 Method of inspection for last sizes
聚氯乙烯微孔塑料拖鞋 Polyvinyl chloride cellular plastic slippers
鞋类通用检验方法 耐折试验方法 General test method for footwear--Test method of flexing resistance
鞋类通用检验方法 耐磨试验方法 General test method for footwear--Test method of abrasion resistance
鞋类通用检验方法 剥离强度试验方法 General test method for footwear--Test method of peeling strength
鞋类通用检验方法 硬度试验方法 General test method for footwear--Test method of hardness
鞋类通用检验方法 外观检验方法 General test method for footwear--Test method of appearance
线迹的分类和术语 Stitch types--classification and terminology
家用缝纫机 缝厚能力测试方法 Household sewing machines--Determination of sewing capacity
家用缝纫机 送料方向稳定性测试方法 Household sewing machines--Determination of directional stability
家用缝纫机缝料层潜移量测试方法 Household sewing machines--Determination of creep of one ply of material over another
针棉织品包装 Package of cotton gooda and kintwear
消费品使用说明 纺织品和服装使用说明 Instruction for use of products of consumer interest Instruction for use of textiles and apparel
棉针织内衣规格尺寸系列 A series of size of cotton knitted underwear
布鞋分类 Classification of cloth shoes
棉针织内衣 Cotton knitted underwear
皮鞋后跟结合强度试验方法 Test method for bond strength of leather shoe heels
家用缝纫机机头噪声声功率级的测试方法 Method of sound power levels of noise emitted by household sewing machine head
羽绒服装 Down garments
男女毛呢套装规格 Sizes for woollen garments
旅游鞋 Athletic footwear
服装人体测量的部位与方法 Location and method of anthropometric surveys for garment
缝纫机包装 Sewing machine packing
成鞋动态防水性能试验方法 Test method for dynamic waterproofness of finished footwear
服装人体头围测量方法与帽子尺寸代号 Clothes--Survey methed for human body head round and size designation for headwear
丝绸服装 Silk garments
敌百虫原药 Trichlorfon technical
溴甲烷原药 Methyl bromide technical
氯化苦 Chloropicrin
硫酸铜 Copper sulfate
农业机械切割器 Cutter bars for agricultural machinery
农业拖拉机动力输出轴 Power take-off for agricultural tractors
农业轮式拖拉机后置式三点悬挂装置 第1部分: 1、2、3和4类 Agricultural wheeled tractors--Rear-mounted three-point linkage--Part 1: Categories 1,2,3 and 4
农用轮式拖拉机三点悬挂装置 第二部分: 1N类 Agricultural wheeled tractors--Three-point linkage--Part 2: CategorY 1 N
农业轮式拖拉机三点悬挂装置 第三部分: 0 类 Agricultural wheeled tractors--Three-point linkage--Part 3: Categories 0
农用轮式拖拉机三点悬挂装置 第四部分:0类 Agricultural wheeled tractors--Three-point linkage--Part 4: Category 0
农药水分测定方法 Testing method of water in pesticides
农药pH值的测定方法 Determination method of pH value for pesficides
农药熔点测定方法 Testing method of melting point for pesticides
农药乳液稳定性测定方法 Determination method of emulsion stability for pesticide
商品农药验收规则 Commodity pesticide regulations for acceptance
商品农药采样方法 Sampling method for commodity pesticides
滩羊 Sheep with long-staple wool
南阳牛 Breeding stock--Farm cattle: Nanyang breed
东北细毛羊 Breeding stock--Northeast fine-wool sheep
金华猪 Breeding stock--Jinhua pigs
内江猪 Breeding stock--Neijiang pigs
新疆细毛羊 Breeding stock--Xinjiang fine-wool sheep
尿素 Urea
尿素测定方法 总氮含量的测定 Determination of urea Determination of total nitrogen content
尿素测定方法 缩二脲含量的测定 分光光度法 Determination of urea Determination of biuret content Spectrophotometric method
尿素测定方法 水分的测定 卡尔 - 费休法 Determination of urea Determination water content Karl Fisher method
尿素测定方法 铁含量的测定 邻菲 罗啉分光光度法 Determination of urea Determination of iron content 1,10-Phenanthroline spectrophotometric method
尿素测定方法 碱度的测定 容量法 Determination of Urea Determination of alkalinity titrimetric method
尿素测定方法 水不溶物含量的测定 重量法 Determination of urea Determination of water insolution matter content Weight method
尿素测定方法 粒度的测定 筛分法 Determination of Urea Determination of particle size Sieve method
尿素测定方法 硫酸盐含量的测定 目视比浊法 Determination of urea Determination of sulphate content Visible turbidimetric method
尿素测定方法 亚甲基二脲含量的测定 分光光度法 Determination of Urea-Determination of methylenediurea content-Spectrophotometric method
敌敌畏乳油 Dichlorvos emulsifiable concentrates
敌敌畏原油 Dichlorvos technical
烤烟 Flue-cured tobacco
林木种子检验规程 Rules for forest tree seed testing
宁乡猪 Breeding stock--Ningxiang pigs
农业拖拉机动力输出轴安全防护罩型式尺寸和强度要求 Power take-off safety shield for agricultural tractors--Types, dimensions and strength specifications
农业拖拉机动力输出皮带轮圆周速度和宽度 Power take-off pulley for agricultural tractors--Peripheral speed and width
拖拉机拖挂装置型式尺寸和安装要求 Tractor's connective equipment for trailers--Types, dimensions and mounting requirements
农业拖拉机牵引装置型式尺寸和安装要求 Darwbars for agricultural tractors--Types dimensions and mounting requirements
井用潜水泵型式和基本参数 Submersible pumps for deep well - Types and basic parameters
对硫磷原药 Parathion technical
50%对硫磷乳油 50%Parathion emulsifiable concentrate
牧草种子检验规程 扦样 Rules for forage seed testing Sampling
牧草种子检验规程 净度分析 Rules for forage seed testing Purity analysis
牧草种子检验规程 其他植物种子数测定 Rules for forage seed testing Determination of other seeds by number
牧草种子检验规程 发芽试验 Rules for forage seed testing Germination test
牧草种子检验规程 生活力的生物化学(四唑)测定 Rules for forage seed testing Biochemical (topographical tetrazolium) test for viability
牧草种子检验规程 健康测定 Rules for forage seed testing Seed health testing
牧草种子检验规程 种及品种鉴定 Rules for forage seed testing Verification of species and cultivar
牧草种子检验规程 水分测定 Rules for forage seed testing Determination of moisture content
牧草种子检验规程 重量测定 Rules for forage seed testing Weight determination
牧草种子检验规程 包衣种子测定 Rules for forage seed testing Testing coated seeds
牧草种子检验规程 检验报告 Rules for forage seed testing Testing report
硝酸铵 Ammonium nitrate
氯化铵 Ammonium chloride
卡尔.费休法测定尿素、硝酸铵中水分 Determination of water in urea and ammonium nitrate by Karl Fischer method
中国黑白花奶牛 The black and white dairy cattle of China
棉花原种生产技术操作规程 Rules of operation for the production technology of cotton stock seed
农业用碳酸氢铵 Ammonium bicarbonate for agricultural use
肥料中氨态氮含量的测定 蒸馏后滴定法 Fertilizers--Determination of ammoniacal nitrogen conent--Titrimetric method after distillation
肥料中硝态氮含量的测定 氮试剂重量法 Fertilizers--Determination of nitrate nitrogen content--Nitron gravimetric method
肥料中尿素态氮含量的测定 尿素酶法 Fertilizers--Determination of urea nitrogen content--Urease method
肥料中氨态氮含量的测定 甲醛法 Fertilizers--Determination of ammoniacal nitrogen content Formaldehyde method
甲胺磷乳油 Methamidophos emulsifiable concentrates
农药乳化剂检验的一般规定 General rule for pesticide emulsifier detection
农药乳化剂水分测定方法 Method of moisture determination for pesticide emulsifiers
农药乳化剂氢离子浓度测定方法 Method of hydrogen ion concentration determination for pesticide emulsifiers
农药乳化剂乳化性能测定方法 Method of emulsifiability test for pesticide emulsifiers
农药乳化剂苯不溶物测定方法 Method of benzene-insoluble substances determination for pesticide emulsifiers
农药乳化剂闪点测定方法 (闭口杯法) Method of flash point determination (closed cup test) for pesticide emulsifiers
农药包装通则 General rule for packing of pesticides
乌珠穆沁羊 Ujimqin sheep
中卫山羊 Zhongwei goat
农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法 第1 部分 通用要求 Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 1: General requirements
农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法 第2 部分 整机参数测定 Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 2: Measurements of tractor parameters
农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法 第3 部分 动力输出轴功率试验 Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 3: PTO power tests
农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法 第4 部分 液压提升能力和输出功率试验 Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 4: Hydraulic lifting capacity and power tests
农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法 第5 部分 转向和离合器操纵试验 Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 5: Turning and clutch operating tests
农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法 第6 部分 制动试验 Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 6: Braking tests
农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法 第7 部分 视野测定 Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 7: Measurements of operator's field vision
农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法 第8 部分 噪声测量 Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 8: Measurements of noise
农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法 第9 部分 牵引功率试验 Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 9: Drawbar power tests
农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法 第10部分 低温起动试验 Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 10: Low temperature starting tests
农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法 第11部分 高温适应性试验 Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 11: Suitability tests for hot atmosphere
农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法 第12部分 使用试验 Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 12: Working tests
网线标识 Designation of netting yarns
网片标识 Designation of netting
绳索标识 Designation of rope
浮子标识 Designation of float
牛冷冻精液 Frozen semen of bovine
农业机械图形符号 Granhical symbols for agricultural machinery
农业机械图形符号 第二部分 Graphical symbols for agricultural machinery--Part 2
农林拖拉机和机械、草坪和园艺动力机械 操作者操纵机构和其它显示装置用符号 第1部分:通用符号 Tractors,machinery for agriculture and forestry,powered lawn and garden equipment-Symbols for operator controls and other displays--Part 1: Common symbols
农林拖拉机和机械、草坪和园艺动力机械 操作者操纵机构和其它显示装置用符号 第2部分:农用拖拉机和机械用符号 Tractors,machinery for agriculture and forestry,powered lawn and garden equipment-Symbols for operator controls and other displays--Part 2: Symbols for agricultural tractors and machinery
农林拖拉机和机械、草坪和园艺动力机械 操作者操纵机构和其它显示装置用符号 第3部分:草坪和园艺动力机械用符号 Tractors,machinery for agriculture and forestry,powered lawn and garden equipment-Symbols for operator controls and other displays--Part 3: Symbols for powered lawn and garden equipment
农药安全使用标准 Standards for safety application of pesticides
农林拖拉机和机具 锁销和弹性销 尺寸和要求 Tractor and machinery for agriculture and forestry--Linch pins and spring pins--Dimensions and requirements
农业挂车 Agricultural trailer
农用挂车试验方法 Test methods for agricultural trailers
粮食作物种子 禾谷类 Seeds of food crops--Cereals
粮食作物种子 豆类 Seeds of food crops--Legumina
粮食作物种子 赤豆、绿豆 Seeds of food corps-Red bean and mung bean
粮食作物种子 荞麦 Seeds of food corps-Buckwheat
粮食作物种子 燕麦 Seeds of food corps-Oats
种薯 Seed yams
经济作物种子 纤维类 Seeds of economic--Fibres
经济作物种子 油料类 Seeds of economic crops--Oil crops
辽宁绒山羊 White fuzz goat of liao ning
湖羊 Huyang sheep
农药通用名称 Common name for pesticides
中国哈密瓜种子 The seed of Chinese hami melon
合成纤维渔网片断裂强力与断裂伸长率试验方法 Testing method for breaking load and elongation of netting of synthetic fibre
柑桔苗木产地检疫规程 Plant quarantine rules for producing areas of citrus nursery stocks
渔具分类、命名及代号 The classification and nomenclature with its code name of fishing gear
农业机械试验条件 测定方法的一般规定 Measuring methods for agricultural machinery testing conditions--general rules
农林拖拉机和机械 动力输出万向节传动轴安全防护罩 第1部分: 强度试验 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry--Guards for power take-off(PTO) drive-shafts--Part 1: Strengh test
农林拖拉机和机械 动力输出万向节传动轴安全防护罩 第2部分: 磨损试验 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry--Guards for power take-off(PTO) drive-shafts--Part 2: Wear test
链锯 导板 Chain saw--Guide bar
链锯 锯链 Chain saws--Saw chain
油锯 耳旁噪声测定方法 Portable chain saws--Measurement at the operator's position of air-borne noise
油锯 台架试验方法 Gasoline powered chain saws--Bench test methods
油锯 技术条件 Portable chain saws--Technical requirements
油锯 林区生产试验方法 Portable chain saws--Methods of production test in forest
油锯 手传振动测定方法 Portable chain saws--Measurement of hand-transmitted vibration
农药可湿性粉剂润湿性测定方法 Testing method for the wettability of dispersible powders of pesticides
56%磷化铝片剂 56% Aluminium phosphide tablets
烟草和烟草制品 醋酸纤维滤棒 Tobacco and tobacco products--Acetate fiber filter rod
卷烟 抽样 Cigarettes--Sampling
卷烟 包装、标志与贮运 Cigarettes--Packing , marking, storage and transport
卷烟 卷制技术要求 Cigarettes--Making technical requirement
卷烟 感官技术要求 Cigarettes--Sense technical requirement
卷烟 主流烟气与烟丝化学技术指标 Cigarettes--Mainstream smoke and chemical technical specification of cut tobacco
卷烟 质量综合判定 Cigarettes--Quality comprehensive judgement
农业机械生产试验方法 Productive testing methods for agricultural machinery
旋耕机械 Rotary tiller
旋耕机械 试验方法 Rotary tiller--Testing methods
旋耕机械 刀和刀座 Rotary tiller--Rotary blades and blade holders
秦川牛 Qinchuan cattle
热压机通用技术条件 General specification of the hot press
仔猪、生长肥育猪配合饲料 Formula feed for starter and finisher swine
产蛋后备鸡、产蛋鸡、肉用仔鸡配合饲料 Formula feed for replacament pullets, layers and broilers
配合饲料粉碎粒度测定法 Determination for formula feed particle size
配合饲料混合均匀度的测定 Determination of mixing homogeneity for formula feed
三河牛 San-he cattle
稻麦脱粒机试验方法 Testing method for rice and wheat thresher
种子清选机试验方法 Test methods for seed
香料烟 分级技术要求 Aromatic tobacco--Grading
香料烟 包装、标志与贮运 Aromatic tobacco--Packing,marking,storage and transport
香料烟 检验方法 Aromatic tobacco--testing method
主要造林树种苗木质量分级 Tree seedling quality grading of major species for afforestation
育苗技术规程 Technical regulations for cultivation of tree seedlings
豆科主要栽培牧草种子质量分级 Qualities grading of main cultivated legume seeds
禾本科主要栽培牧草种子质量分级 Qualities grading of main cultivated grasses seeds
白沙蒿、伏地肤种子质量分级 Qualities grading of main cultivated artemisia sphaerocaphala and kochia prastrata seeds
手扶拖拉机试验方法 Methods of test for walking tractor
农林拖拉机和机械车轮在轮毂上安装尺寸 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry-Wheel-to-hub fixing dimensions
农业拖拉机驾驶座及主要操纵装置位置尺寸 Agricultural tractors--Operator's seating accommodation--Dimensions
农业拖拉机驾驶座标志点 Agricultural tractors--Operator's seat index point
农业拖拉机驾驶室的门道、紧急出口与驾驶员的工作位置尺寸 Agricultural tractors--Access, exit and the operator's workplace--Dimensions
马铃薯种植机试验方法 Method of test for potato planters
水稻插秧机试验方法 Method of test for rice transplanter
肥料和土壤调理剂 术语 Fertilizers and soil conditioners--Vocabulary
饲料中粗蛋白测定方法 Method for the determination of crude protein in feedstuffs
饲料粗脂肪测定方法 Method for the determination of crude fat in feedstuffs
饲料中粗纤维测定方法 Method for determination of crude fiber in feedstuffs
饲料水分的测定方法 Method for the determination of moisture in feedstuffs
饲料中钙的测定方法 Method for the determination of calcium in feedstuffs
饲料中总磷量的测定方法 光度法 Method for the determination of phosphorus in feedstuffs--Photometric method
饲料中粗灰分的测定方法 Method for the determination of crude ash in feedstuffs
饲料中水溶性氯化物的测定方法 Method for the determination of water-Soluble chloride in feedstuffs
久效磷含量分析方法 Analytical method of content for monocrotophos
氰戊菊酯原药 Fenvalerate technical
20%氰戊菊酯乳油 20% Fenvalerate emulsifiable concentrates
氧乐果含量分析方法 Analytical method of content for omethoate
多菌灵原药含量分析方法 Analytical method of content for carbendazim technical
园艺工具 分类与命名 Garden tools classification and nomenclature
园艺工具 检验规则、标志与包装 Rules of inspection, marking and packaging for gerden tools
林业机械 术语 Forestry machinery--Terminology
中国梅花鹿种鹿 Breeding stock of Chinese Deer (Cervus hortulorum)
东北马鹿种鹿 Breeding stock of Manchurian Wapiti (Cervus xanthopygus)
关中驴 Guan zhong donkey
人参种子 Ginseng seed
人参种苗 Ginseng seedling
拖拉机术语 整机 Tractor terminology--Complete tractor
拖拉机术语 传动系 Tractor terminology--Transmission system
拖拉机术语 制动系 Tractor terminology--Braking system
拖拉机术语 行走系 Tractor terminology--Running gears and undercarriages
拖拉机术语 转向系 Tractor terminology--Steering system
拖拉机术语 液压悬挂系及牵引、拖挂装置 Tractor terminology--Hydraulic hitch system and drawbar, hook
拖拉机术语 驾驶室、驾驶座和覆盖件 Tractor terminology--Cab, seat and sheet metal
拖拉机动力输出轴和牵引装置的使用要求 Operating requirements for tractor power take-off and drawbars
渔具、渔具材料量、单位及符号 Quantities, units and symbols of fishing gear and materials for fishing gear
渔网网目尺寸测量方法 Fishing nets--Method of measure for mesh size
网目尺寸测量用的预加张力 Pre-tension for determination of the mesh size
粮食干燥机试验方法 Testing methods for grain dryer
饲料粉碎机试验方法 Test method for feed mills
单粒(精密)播种机试验方法 Testing methods of single seed drills(precision drills)
谷物收获机械名词术语 Terminology for grain harvesting machinery
农用轮式拖拉机三点悬挂农具快速挂接器 3N类 Three-Point hitch implement quick-attaching coupler of agricultural wheeled tractors--Category 3N
农林轮式拖拉机防护装置强度试验方法和验收条件 Agricultural and forestry wheeled tractors--Protective structures--Test method in the strength and acceptance conditions
荣昌猪 Rong Chang swine
林业机械图形符号 Graphical symbols for forestry machinery
饲料添加剂 维生素A乙酸酯微粒 Feed additive-Vitamin A acetate beadlets
饲料添加剂 维生素E粉 Feed additive Vitamin E powder
饲料添加剂 维生素 K3 (亚硫酸氢钠甲萘醌) Feed additive--Vitamin K3 (menadions sodium bisulfite)
饲料添加济 维生素B1 (盐酸硫胺) Feed additive--Vitamin B1 (thiamine hydrochloride)
饲料添加济 维生素 B1 (硝酸硫胺) Feed additive--Vitamin B1 (thiamine mononitrate)
饲料添加剂 维生素 B2 (核黄素) Feed additive--Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
饲料添加剂 维生素 B6 Feed additive--Vitamin B6
饲料添加剂 D-泛酸钙 Feed additive--Dextro calcium pantothenate
饲料添加剂 烟酸 Feed additive--Nicotinic acid
饲料添加剂 烟酰胺 Feed additive--Nicotinamide
饲料添加剂 叶酸 Feed additive--Folic acid
饲料添加剂 维生素C (抗坏血酸) Feed additive--Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
马铃薯种薯产地检疫规程 Plant quarantine rules for producing areas of seed potato
棉花原(良)种产地检疫规程 Plant quarantine rules for producing areas of stock (superior) cotton seed
小麦种子产地检疫规程 Plant quarantine rules for producing areas of wheat seed
甘薯种苗产地检疫规程 Plant quarantine rules for producing areas of sweet potato seedling and sweet potato seed
主要农作物种子包装 Seed packing of main agricultural crops
主要农作物种子贮藏 Seed storage of main agricultural crops
紫胶原胶 Sticklac
铡草机 安全技术要求 Safety technical requirements for choppers
林木种子质量分级 Classification of forest tree seed quality
绿肥种子 Seed of green manure crops
收获机械 谷物联合收割机 粮箱容量及卸粮机构性能的测定 Equipment for harvesting--Combine harvester--Determination and designation of grain tank capacity and unloading device performance
饲料收获机械的相关配套尺寸 Dimensional compatibility of forage harvesting machinery
收获机械 联合收割机 试验方法 Equipment for harvesting--Combine harvesters--Test procedure
太湖猪 Tai hu pig
挤奶设备技术要求 Milking machine installation--Specification
挤奶设备试验方法 Milking machine installation--Mechanical tests
杀虫双水剂 Bisultap aqueous solution
农药合理使用准则(一) Cuideline for safety application pesticides(Ⅰ)
农药合理使用准则(二) Cuideline for safety application pesticides(Ⅱ)
农药合理使用准则(三) Cuideline for safety application pesticides(Ⅲ)
农药合理使用准则(四) Guideline for safety application of pesticides (Ⅳ)
农药合理使用准则(五) Guideline for safety application of pesticides(V)
农药合理使用准则(六) Cuideline for safety application pesticides(Ⅵ)
苹果苗木产地检疫规程 Plant quarantine rules for producing areas of apple seeding
水稻种子产地检疫规程 Plant quarantine rules for producing areas of rice seeds
饲料中黄曲霉素B1的测定 The method of determination of aflatoxin B1 in feedstuff
农业轮式拖拉机 驾驶座传递振动的试验室测量与限值 Laboratory measurement and limits of operator's seat transmitted vibration for agricultural wheeled tractors
北京黑猪 Beijing black pig
上海白猪 Shanghai white pig
哈尔滨白猪 Harbin white pig
三江白猪 Sanjiang white pig
湖北白猪 Hubei white pig
浙江中白猪 Zhejiang middle white pig
固体化学肥料包装 Packing of solid chemical fertilizers
液体无水氨 实验室样品的采取 Liquefied anhydrous ammonia--Taking a laboratory sample
液体无水氨 氨含量的测定 Liquefied anhydrous ammonia--Estimating of ammonia content
液体无水氨 残留物含量的测定 重量法 Liquefied anhydrous ammonia--Determination of residue content--Gravimetric method
液体无水氨 残留物含量的测定 容量法 Liquefied anhydrous ammonia--Determination of residue content--Titrimetric method
液体无水氨 水分的测定 卡尔.费休法 Liquefied anhydrous ammonia--Determination of water content--Karl fischer method
液体无水氨 油含量的测定 重量法和红外光谱法 Liquefied anhydrous ammonia--Determination of oil content--Gravimetric and infrared spectrometric method
液体无水氨 铁含量的测定 邻菲罗啉分光光度法 Liquefied anhydrous ammonia--Determination of iron content--o-Phenanthroline spectrophotometric method
复混肥料 实验室样品制备 Preparation of laboratory samples for compound fertilizers
复混肥料中总氮含量的测定 蒸馏后滴定法 Determination of total nitrogen content for compound fertilizers-Titrimetric method after distillation
复混肥料中有效磷含量测定 Determination of available phosphorus content for compound fertilizers
复混肥料中钾含量测定 四苯基合硼酸钾重量法 Determination of potassium content for compound fertilizers--Potassium tetraphnhylborate gravimetric method
复混肥料中游离水含量测定 真空烘箱法 Determination of free water for compound fertiliZers--Vacuum oven method
复混肥料中游离水含量测定 卡尔.费休法 Determination of free water for compound fertiliZers--Karl fiecher method
探鱼仪工作频率分配及其防止声波干扰技术条件 The technical requirements of operational frequency distribution and anti-interference of sound for fish finders
渔业资源基本术语 Fundamental terms of fisheries resource science
中国林木种子区 油松种子区 Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Pinus tabulaeformis Carr
中国林木种子区 杉木种子区 Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Cunning hamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook.
中国林木种子区 华山松种子区 Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Pinus armandii Franch.
中国林木种子区 樟子松种子区 Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Pinus sylvestris var.mongolica Litvin.
中国林木种子区 马尾松种子区 Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Pinus massoniana Lamb.
中国林木种子区 云南松种子区 Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Pinus yunnanensis Franch.
中国林木种子区 兴安落叶松种子区 Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Larix gmelinii Rupr.
中国林木种子区 长白落叶松种子区 Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Larix olgensis Henry.
中国林木种子区 华北落叶松种子区 Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr.
中国林木种子区 侧柏种子区 Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Platycladus orientalis (Linn) Franco.
中国林木种子区 云杉种子区 Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Picea asperata Mast.
中国林木种子区 白榆种子区 Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Ulmus pumila L.
中国林木种子区 红松种子区 Seed zones of Chinese forest trees--Seed zones of Pinus koraiensis Sieb.et zucc.
白肋烟 Burley tobacco
饲料添加剂 维生素E(原料) Feed additive Vitamin E
饲料添加剂 维生素A/D3 微粒 Food additive--Vitamin A/D3 beadlets
谷物条播机 试验方法 Test methods of grain drills
农林拖拉机和机械、草坪和园艺动力机械 使用说明书编写规则 Tractors machinery for agriculture and forestry,powered lawn and garden equipment--Operator's manuals--Content and presentation
农业机械和设备 散装物料机械装载尺寸 Agricultural machines and equipment--Dimensions for machanical leading with bulk goods
农业机械 料斗人工装载高度 Agricultural machinery--Hoppers-manual loading height
甲基对硫磷原药 Parathion-methyl technical
80%甲基对硫磷原药溶液 80%Parathion-methyl technical concentrate solution
50%甲基对硫磷乳油 50%Parathion-methyl emulsifiable concentrates
百菌清原药 Chlorothalonil technical
百菌清可湿性粉剂 Chlorothalonil wetable powders
井冈霉素水剂 Jinggangmeisu aqueous solution
辛硫磷原药 Phoxim technical
40%辛硫磷乳油 Phoxim emulsifiable concentrate
晶体乐果 Crystallo-dimethoate
林丹 Lindan
柑桔嫁接苗分级及检验 Graded standard of citrus budlling and its inspection
饲料添加剂 维生素D3微粒 Feed additive vitamin D3 beadlets
饲料添加剂 维生素B12 (氰钴胺)粉剂 Feed additive--Vitamin B12 powder (cyanocobalamin cobione)
苹果苗木 Apple nursery stocks
青鱼鱼苗、鱼种质量标准 Standard for guality of black carp fry and fingerling
林木种子贮藏 Tree seed storage
团头鲂鱼苗、鱼种质量标准 Standards for quality of blunt head bream fry and fingerling
磷酸一铵、磷酸二铵 Monoammonium phosphate and diammonium phosphate
磷酸一铵、磷酸二铵中总氮含量测定 蒸馏后滴定法 Determination of total nitrogen content for monoammonium phosphate and diammonium phosphate Titrimetric method after distillation
磷酸一铵、磷酸二铵中有效磷含量的测定 Determination of available phosphous content for monoammonium phosphate and diammonium phosphate
磷酸一铵、磷酸二铵中水分的测定 Determination of water content for monoammonium phosphate and diammonium phosphate
磷酸一铵、磷酸二铵粒度的测定 Determination of particle size for monoammonium phosphate and diammonium phosphate
磷酸一铵、磷酸二铵颗粒平均抗压强度测定 Determination of granula average crushing strength for monoammonium phosphate and diammonium phosphate
便携式风力灭火机 技术条件 Portable pneumatic extinguishers-Technical specification
便携式风力灭火机 台架试验方法 Portable pneumatic extinguishers-Bench test methods
便携式风力灭火机 使用安全规程 Portable pneumatic extinguishers-Safety requirements
便携式风力灭火机 手传振动的测定 Portable pneumatic extinguishers-Measurement of hand-transmitted vibration
便携式风力灭火机 耳旁噪声的测定 Portable pneumatic extinguishers-Measurement of airborne noise at the operator's ear
油锯 使用安全规程 Portable chain saws--Safety requirements
割灌机 使用安全规程 Brush saw--Safety requirements
油料饼粕中水分及挥发物测定法 Method for determination of moisture and volatile matter content in oilseed residues
青饲料收获机 试验方法 Test methods for forage harvester
农林拖拉机和机械 安全技术要求 第一部分: 总则 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry--Technical means for ensuring safety--Part 1: General
农林拖拉机和机械 安全技术要求 第5部分:驱动式耕作机械 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry--Technical means for ensuring safety--Part 5: Power-driven soil-working equipment
农林拖拉机和机械 安全技术要求 第6部分:植物保护机械 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry--Technical means for ensuring safety--Part 6: Equipment for crop protection
农林拖拉机和机械 安全技术要求 第7部分:联合收割机、饲料和棉花收获机 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry--Technical means for ensuring safety--Part 7: Combine harvesters,forage and cotton harvesters
农林拖拉机和机械 安全技术要求 第8部分:排灌泵和泵机组 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry--Technical means for ensuring safety--Part8: Irrigation pumps and machines
农林拖拉机和机械 安全技术要求 第9部分:播种、栽种和施肥机械 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry--Technical means for ensuring safety--Part 9: Equipment for sowing,planting and distributing fertilizer
农林拖拉机和机械 安全技术要求 第12部分:便携式动力绿篱修剪机 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry-- Technical means for ensuring safety--Part 12:Portable powered hedge-trimmers
农林拖拉机和机械 安全技术要求 第13部分:后操纵式和手持式动力草坪修整机和草坪修边机 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry--Technical means for ensuring safety--Part 13: Powered walk-behind and hand-held lawn trimmers and lawn edge trimmers
糖料甜菜 Sugar beet
糖料甜菜试验方法 Analytical method of sugar beet
糖料甘蔗 Sugar cane
糖料甘蔗试验方法 Analytical method of sugar cane
多菌灵原药 Carbendazim technical
硝酸磷肥 Nitrophosphate
硝酸磷肥中总氮含量的测定 蒸馏后滴定法 The determination of total nitrogen content for nitrophosphate titrimetric method after distillation
硝酸磷肥中磷含量的测定 磷钼酸喹啉重量法 The determination of phosphorus content for nitrophosphate - Quinoline phosphomolybdate gravimetric method
硝酸磷肥中游离水含量的测定 卡尔.费休法 The determination of water content for nitrophosphate - Karl fischer method
硝酸磷肥中游离水含量的测定 烘箱法 The determination of water content for nitrophosphate - Oven method
硝酸磷肥粒度测定 The determination of particle size for nitrophosphate
硝酸磷肥颗粒平均抗压强度测定 The determination of average crushing strength for nitrophosphate
饲料工业通用术语 General terms in feed industry
饲料标签 Feed label
微量元素预混合饲料混合均匀度测定法 Determination for mixing homogeneity of mineral premix
农业轮式拖拉机驾驶员全身振动的测量 Agricultural wheeled tractors - Measurement of whole-body vibration of the operator
农业轮式拖拉机和后悬挂农具的匹配 Matching of agricultural wheeled tractors and rear mounted implements
农业轮式拖拉机前悬挂装置 第一部分: 1、2类 Agricultural wheeled tractors - Front-mounted linkage - Part 1: Category 1, 2
农用轮式拖拉机前置动力输出轴 Front-mounted power take-off for agricultural wheeled tractors
旋转割草机 术语 Terminology for rotary mowers
旋转割草机 型式与基本参数 Rotary mowers - Types and basic parameters
往复式割草机 型式与基本参数 Reciprocating mowers - Types and basic parameters
散装乳冷藏罐 Refrigerated bulk milk tanks
茶树种子和苗木 Seed and seedling of tea plant
草鱼鱼苗、鱼种质量标准 Standards for quality of grass carp - Fry and fingerling
鳙鱼鱼苗、鱼种质量标准 Standards for quality of bighead carp - Fry and fingerling
南海区拖网网囊最小网目尺寸 The minimum mesh size of the trawl cod-end in South China Sea
农业轮式拖拉机和机具三点悬挂挂接器 第1部分: U型框架式挂接器 Agricultural wheeled tractors and implements-Three-point hitch couplers--Part 1: U-frame coupler
木质活性炭试验方法 表观密度的测定 Test methods of wooden activated carbon--Determination of apparent density
木质活性炭试验方法 粒度的测定 Test methods of wooden activated carbon--Determination of particle size distribution
木质活性炭试验方法 氯化物的测定 Test methods of wooden activated carbon--Determination of chloride content
木质活性炭试验方法 灰分含量的测定 Test methods of wooden activated carbon--Determination of ash content
木质活性炭试验方法 水分含量的测定 Test methods of wooden activated carbon--Determination of moisture content
木质活性炭试验方法 四氯化碳吸附率(活性)的测定 Test methods of wooden activated carbon--Determination of carbon tetrechloride activity
木质活性炭试验方法 强度的测定 Test methods of wooden activated carbon--Determination of abrasion resistance
木质活性炭试验方法 pH值的测定 Test methods of wooden activated carbon--Determination of pH
木质活性炭试验方法 碘吸附值的测定 Test methods of wooden activated carbon--Determination of lodine number
木质活性炭试验方法 焦糖脱色率的测定 Test methods of wooden activated carbon--Determination of decolorization of caramel
木质活性炭试验方法 亚甲基蓝吸附值的测定 Test methods of wooden activated carbon--Determination of methylene blue adsorption
木质活性炭试验方法 硫酸奎宁吸附值的测定 Test methods of wooden activated carbon--Determination of quinine sulpoate adsorption
木质活性炭试验方法 苯酚吸附值的测定 Test methods of wooden activated carbon--Determination of phenol adsorption
木质活性炭试验方法 未炭化物的测定 Test methods of wooden activated carbon--Determination of uncarbonized sbstances
木质活性炭试验方法 氰化物的测定 Test methods of wooden activated carbon--Determination of cyanide
木质活性炭试验方法 硫化物的测定 Test methods of wooden activated carbon--Determination of sulphide
木质活性炭试验方法 硫酸盐的测定 Test methods of wooden activated carbon--Determination of sulphate
木质活性炭试验方法 酸溶物的测定 Test methods of wooden activated carbon--Determination of acid-soluble substance
木质活性炭试验方法 铁含量的测定 Test methods of wooden activated carbon--Determination of iron content
木质活性炭试验方法 锌含量的测定 Test methods of wooden activated carbon--Determination of zine content
木质活性炭试验方法 钙镁含量的测定 Test methods of wooden activated carbon--Determination of calcium and magnesium content
木质活性炭试验方法 重金属的测定 Test methods of wooden activated carbon--Determination of Heavy metals
三环唑原药 Tricyclazole technical
草甘膦原药 Glyphosate technical
农用硝酸稀土化学分析方法 重量法测定稀土氧化物总量 Chemical analysis of nitrate of rare earth for agriculture - Determination of total rare earth oxide content - Gravimetric method
农用硝酸稀土化学分析方法 汞量法测定氯含量 Chemical analysis of nitrate of rare earth for agriculture - Determination of chlorine content - Mercurimetric method
农用硝酸稀土化学分析方法 发生氢化物火焰原子吸收光谱法测定砷含量 Chemical analysis of nitrate of rare earth for agriculture - Determination of arsenic content - Hydride generation flame atomic absorption spectrophotometric method
农用硝酸稀土化学分析方法 火焰原子吸收光谱法测定汞含量 Chemical analysis of nitrate of rare earth for agriculture - Determination of mercury content - Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometric method
农用硝酸稀土化学分析方法 二苯氨基脲分光光度法测定铬含量 Chemical analysis of nitrate of rare earth for agriculture - Determination of chrome content - sys-Diphenyl carbazide spectrophotometric method
农用硝酸稀土化学分析方法 火焰原子吸收光谱法测定铅、镉含量 Chemical analysis of nitrate of rare earth for agriculture - Determination of lead and cadmium content - Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometric method
农用硝酸稀土化学分析方法 Cl-TBP萃淋树脂分离分光光度法测定钍含量 Chemical analysis of nitrate of rare earth for agriculture - Determination of thorum content - Spectrometric method with Cl-TBP levextred resin separation
农用硝酸稀土化学分析方法 重量法测定水不溶物含量 Chemical analysis of nitrate of rare earth for agriculture - Determination for the water insoluble matter content--Gravimetric method
苹果无病毒母本树和苗木检疫规程 Plant quarantine rules for mother tree and seedling of virus-free apple
种子加工机械术语 Seed processing machinery - Terminology
饲料卫生标准 Hygienical standard for feeds
饲料中总砷的测定 Determination of total arsenic in feeds
饲料中铅的测定方法 Method for determination of lead in feeds
饲料中汞的测定方法 Method for determination of mercury in feeds
饲料中镉的测定方法 Method for determination of cadmium in feeds
饲料中氟的测定方法 Method for determination of fluorine in feeds
饲料中氰化物的测定方法 Method for determination of glycosidic hydrocyanic acid in feeds
饲料中亚硝酸盐的测定方法 Method for determination of nitrite in feeds
饲料中游离棉酚的测定方法 Method for determination of fere gossypol in feeds
饲料中异硫氰酸酯的测定方法 Method for determination of isothiocyanates in feeds
饲料中铬的测定方法 Method for determination of chromium in feeds
饲料中恶唑烷硫酮的测定方法 Method for determination of oxazolidinethione in feeds
饲料中六六六、滴滴涕的测定 Determination of HCH and DDT in feeds
饲料中沙门氏菌的检验方法 Method for determination of Salmonella in feeds
饲料中霉菌的检验方法 Method for determination of Molds in feeds
饲料中细菌总数的测定方法 Method for determination of aerobic bacterial count in feeds
工业五硫化二磷 Technical phosphorus pentasulfide
肥料采样报告格式 Layouts for fertilizer sampling report
肥料 堆密度的测定方法 Determination of bulk density for fertilizers
烟叶中有机氯杀虫剂残留量的测定方法 A method for the determination of organochlorine pesticide residues in tobacco leaves
烟叶中有机磷杀虫剂残留量的测定方法 A method for the determination of organophosphorues pesticide residues in tobacco leaves
烟叶中含氮农药残留量的测定方法 A method for the determination of agricultural chemicol residues containing nitrogenous in tobacco leaves
杀螟硫磷原药 Fenitrothion technical
杀螟硫磷乳油 Fenitrothion emulsifiable concentrate
木质味精精制用颗粒活性炭 Wooden granular activated carbon for refining of sodium glutamate
木质净水用活性炭 Wonden activated carbon for water purification
糖液脱色用活性炭 Activated carbon for refining of sugar
针剂用活性炭 Activated carbon for refinement of injection
乙酸乙烯合成触媒载体活性炭 Catalyst support activated carbon for vinyl acetate synthesis
手扶拖拉机通用技术条件 The general specification for walking tractors
农业轮式拖拉机驾驶员全身振动的评价指标 Agricultural wheeled tractors--Evaluation criteria of whole body vibration of the operator
农业拖拉机和自走式机具密封驾驶室加压系统试验方法 Agricultural tractors and self-propelled machines--Test method for enclosure pressurization systems
农业拖拉机和自走式机具封闭驾驶室采暖和通风系统性能试验方法 Agricultural tractors and self-propelled machines--Performance of heating and ventilation systems in closed cabs--Method of test
饲料中碘的测定方法 硫氰酸铁-亚硫酸催化动力学法 Method for the determination of iodine in feedstuffs--Ferric thiocyanate-nitric acid catalytic kinetic method
饲料中硒的测定方法 2,3-二氨基萘荧光法 Method for the determination of selenium in feedstuffs--(DAN) fluorometrt
饲料中钴的测定方法 原子吸收光谱法 Method for the determination of cobalt in feedstuffs--Atomic absorption spectroscopy
饲料中铁、铜、锰、锌、镁的测定方法 原子吸收光谱法 Method for the determination of the iron, copper, manganese, zinc and magnesium in feedstuffs--Atomic absorption spectroscopy
农药登记卫生用杀虫剂室内药效试验方法 喷射剂的室内药效测定方法 Efficacy test methods of public health insecticides for pesticide registration--Method of laboratory efficacy test for spray
农药登记卫生用杀虫剂室内药效试验方法 气雾剂的室内药效测定方法 Efficacy test methods of public health insecticides for pesticide registration--Method of laboratory efficacy test for aerosol
农药登记卫生用杀虫剂室内药效试验方法 小型烟雾剂及烟雾片的室内药效测定方法 Efficacy test methods of public health insecticides for pesticide registration--Method of laboratory efficacy test for smoke and smoke tablet
农药登记卫生用杀虫剂室内药效试验方法 蚊香的室内药效测定方法 Efficacy test methods of public health insecticides for pesticide registration--Method of laboratory efficacy test for mat
农药登记卫生用杀虫剂室内药效试验方法 电热片蚊香的室内药效测定方法 Efficacy test methods of public health insecticides for pesticide registration--Method of laboratory efficacy test for electric mat
农药登记卫生用杀虫剂室内药效试验方法 电热液体蚊香的室内药效测定方法 Efficacy test methods of public health insecticides for pesticide registration--Method of laboratory efficacy test for electric liquid
农药登记卫生用杀虫剂室内药效试验方法 蜚蠊毒饵的室内药效测定方法 Efficacy test methods of public health insecticides for pesticide registration--Method of laboratory efficacy test for cockroach bait
农药登记卫生用杀虫剂室内药效试验方法 模拟现场药效测定方法 Efficacy test methods of public health insecticides for pesticide registration--Method of analogous site efficacy test
林木良种审定规范 The standard of examination and approval of improved varieties of forest tree
林木种质资源保存原则与方法 Conservation principle and method of germplasm resources of forest trees
主要造林阔叶林树种良种选育程序与要求 Selection and breeding of procedure and request of the main broadleaf trees improved variety
林木引种 Introduction of exotic forest trees
割灌机 技术条件 Brush saws--Technical requirements
割灌机 试验方法 Brush saws--Test methods
割灌机 操作者耳旁噪声测定方法 Measurement at the operator's position of airborne noise emitted by brush saws
割灌机 手感振动测定方法 Brush saws--Measurements of hand-transmitted vibration
牧草和青饲料收获机械分类及术语 Classification and terminology for machine of hay and forage harvesting
铧式犁 型式与参数 Mouldboard plough--Types and parameters
铧式犁 技术条件 Mouldboard plough--Technical requirements
铧式犁 试验方法 Mouldboard plough--Test method
草坪和园艺拖拉机三点悬挂装置 Lawn and garden tractors--Three-point hitch
搂草机试验方法 Testing methods for rake
收获机械制动性能测定方法 Determination of braking performance for harvesting machinery
圆草捆打捆机试验方法 Testing methods for large cylindrical pick-up baler
复混肥料中砷、镉、铅的测定 试样溶液制备 Determination of arsenic, cadmiun and lead content for compound fertilizers--Preparation of test sample solution
复混肥料中砷的测定方法 Determination of arsenic element content for compound fertilizers
复混肥料中镉的测定方法 Determination of cadmium element content for compound fertilizers
复混肥料中铅的测定方法 Determination of lead element content for compound fertilizers
复混肥料中钼的测定方法 硫氰酸钠分光光度法 Determination of molybdenum content for compoud fertilizers--Thiocyanate spectrophotometric method
复混肥料中硼的测定方法 甲亚胺-H酸分光光度法 Determination of boron content for compound fertilizers--Azomethine-H spectrophotometric method
复混肥料中锰的测定方法 Determination of manganese content for compound fertilizers
复混肥料中锌的测定方法 Determination of zinc content for compound fertilizers
饲料显微镜检查方法 Method for the test of feed microscopy
饲料采样方法 Methods for sampling of feed
饲料中维生素B1测定方法 Method for the determination of vitamin B1 in feeds
饲料中维生素B2测定方法 Method for the determination of vitamin B2 in feeds
饲料中维生素B6测定方法 Method for determination of vitamin B6 in feed
拖拉机和农林机械车轮侧向负载疲劳试验方法 Wheels side load fatigue test methods for tractors, agricultural and forestry machines
拖拉机和农林机械车轮扭转疲劳试验方法 Wheels torsion fatigue test methods for tractors, agricultural and forestry machines
农药可湿性粉剂悬浮率测定方法 Determination method of suspensibility of wettable powders for pesticides
农业机械用变速(半宽)V带 Variable-speed(half wide)V-belts for agricultural machinery
实验动物 寄生虫学等级及监测 Laboratory animal--Standards and monitoring for parasitology
实验动物 微生物学等级及监测 Laboratory animal--Microbiological standards and monitoring
实验动物 哺乳类实验动物的遗传质量控制 Laboratory animal Genetic quality control of mammalian laboratory animals
实验动物 配合饲料通用质量标准 Laboratory animals--Formula feeds Genoral gnecd tg stamd ard
实验动物 配合饲料卫生标准 Laboratory animals--Formula feed Hygienic standars
实验动物 小鼠大鼠配合饲料 Laboratory animals--Mice and rats formula feeds
实验动物 兔配合饲料 Laboratory animals--Rabbits formula feeds
实验动物 豚鼠配合饲料 Laboratory animals--Guinea pigs formula feeds
实验动物 地鼠配合饲料 Laboratory animals--Hamsters formula feeds
实验动物 犬配合饲料 Laboratory animals--Dogs formula feeds
实验动物 猴配合饲料 Laboratory animals--Monkeys formula feeds
实验动物 配合饲料 常规营养成分的测定 Laboratory animals--Formula feeds determination of routine nutrients
实验动物 配合饲料氨基酸的测定 Laboratory animals--Formula feeds determination of amino acids
实验动物 配合饲料维生素的测定 Laboratory animals--Formula feeds determination of vitamins
实验动物 配合饲料 矿物质和微量元素的测定 Laboratory animals--Formula feeds determination of minerals and trace elements
实验动物 环境及设施 Laboratory animal--Requirements of environment and housing facilities
实验动物 沙门菌检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of salmonella sp
实验动物 单核细胞增生性李斯特杆菌检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of Listeria monocytogenes
实验动物 耶尔森菌检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of Yersinia sp
实验动物 皮肤病原真菌检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of pathogenic dermal fungi
实验动物 多杀巴斯德杆菌检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of Pasteurella multocida
实验动物 支气管鲍特杆菌检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of Bordetella bronchiseptica
实验动物 支原体检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of Mycoplasma sp
实验动物 鼠棒状杆菌检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of Corynebacterium kutscheri
实验动物 泰泽病原体检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of Tyzzer's organism
实验动物 大肠埃希菌0115a,c:K(B)检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of Escherichia coli O115a,c:K(B)
实验动物 嗜肺巴斯德杆菌检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of Pasteurella pneumotropica
实验动物 肺炎克雷伯杆菌检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of Klebsiella pneumonia
实验动物 金黄色葡萄球菌检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of Staphylococcus aureus
实验动物 肺炎链球菌检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of Streptococcus pneumonia
实验动物 乙型溶血性链球菌检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of β-hemolyticstreptococcus
实验动物 绿脓杆菌检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
实验动物 淋巴细胞脉络丛脑膜炎病毒检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus(LCMV)
实验动物 汉坦病毒检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of Hantavirus(HV)
实验动物 鼠痘病毒检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of ectromelia virus(Ect..)
实验动物 兔出血症病毒检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus(RHDV)
实验动物 小鼠肝炎病毒检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of mouse hepatitis virus(MHV)
实验动物 仙台病毒检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of sendai virus(SV)
实验动物 小鼠肺炎病毒检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of pneumonia virus of mice(PVM)
实验动物 呼肠孤病毒Ⅲ型检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of reovirus 3(Reo3)
实验动物 小鼠脑脊髓炎病毒检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of theiler's mouse encephalomyelitis virus(TMEV)
实验动物 小鼠腺病毒检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of mouse adenovirus(Mad)
实验动物 小鼠细小病毒检验方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of minute virus of mice(MVM)
实验动物 多瘤病毒检验方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of polyoma virus(POLY)
实验动物 兔轮状病毒检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of rabbit rotavirus(RRV)
实验动物 大鼠细小病毒(KRV和H-1株)检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of rat parvovirus(KRV and H-1 strain)
实验动物 大鼠冠状病毒/延泪腺炎病毒检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of rat corona virus(RCV)/Sialodacryoadenitis virus(SDAV)
实验动物 无菌动物生活环境及粪便标本的检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of environment and faeces of CF animals
实验动物 细菌学检测 标本采集 Laboratory animal--Bacteriological monitoring--Collection of specimens
实验动物 细菌学检测 染色法、培养基和试剂 Laboratory animal--Bacteriological monitoring--Staining、media and reagents
实验动物 念珠状链杆菌检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of streptobacillus moniliformis
实验动物 布鲁杆菌检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of Brucella sp
实验动物 钩端螺旋体检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of Leptospira sp
实验动物 志贺菌检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of Shigella sp
实验动物 结核分枝杆菌检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
实验动物 空肠弯曲杆菌检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of Campylobacter jejuni
实验动物 酶联免疫吸附试验 Laboratory animal--Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA)
实验动物 免疫酶试验 Laboratory animal--Immunoenzyme Assay(IEA)
实验动物 免疫荧光试验 Laboratory animal--Immunofluorescence Assay(IFA)
实验动物 血凝试验 Laboratory animal--Haemoglutination test(HA)
实验动物 血凝抑制试验 Laboratory animal--Haemoglutination inhibition test(HAI)
实验动物 免疫酶组织化学法 Laboratory animal--Immunohistochemistry(IH)
实验动物 狂犬病病毒检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of Rabies virus (RV)
实验动物 犬细小病毒检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of Canine parvovirus(CPV)
实验动物 传染性犬肝炎病毒检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of infectious caninc hepatitis virus(ICHV)
实验动物 犬瘟热病毒检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of canine distemper virus(CDV)
实验动物 猕猴疱疹病毒1型(B病毒)检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of cercopithecine herpesvirus 1 (Bvirus)
实验动物 猴逆转D型病毒检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of simian retrovirus D (SRV)
实验动物 猴免疫缺陷病毒检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of simian immunodeficiency virus(SIV)
实验动物 猴T淋巴细胞趋向性病毒1型检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of simian t lymphotropic virus type 1(STLV-1)
实验动物 猴痘病毒检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of simian poxvirus(SPV)
实验动物 近交系小鼠、大鼠生化标记检测法 Laboratory animal Genetic monitoring:methods for biochemical markers of inbred mice and rats
实验动物 近交系小鼠、大鼠皮肤移植法 Laboratory animal Genetic monitoring:skin grafting of inbred mice and rats
复混肥料 (复合肥料) Compound fertilizer(Complex fertilizer)
中国对虾养殖 亲虾 Cultivation of penaeus chinensis osbeck--Parent shrimp
中国对虾养殖 苗种 Cultivation of penaeus chinensis osbeck--Seedling
绞盘机 技术条件 Winches for forestry--Technical requirements
飞机播种造林技术规程 Technical guidelines for afforestation by aerial seeding
封山(沙)育林技术规程 Technical guidelines for setting apart hills (sand area)for tree growing
雪茄烟 Cigar
烟草和烟草制品 聚丙烯丝束滤棒 Tobacco and tobacco products polypropylene fiber tow filter rod
农林拖拉机和机械 安全技术要求 第三部分: 拖拉机 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry--Technical means for ensuring safety--Part 3: Tractors
农业轮式和履带拖拉机 通用技术条件 General Specifications for agricultural wheeled and tracking tractors
往复式割草机 术语 Terminology of reciprocating cutter bar mower
往复式割草机 技术条件 The technical conditions for reciprocating mower
牛奶分离机 术语 Terminology of milk separator
饲料有效赖氨酸测定方法 Determination of available lysine in feedstuffs
饲料中含硫氨基酸测定方法 离子交换色谱法 Determination of sulfur amino acids in feedstuffs--Ion exchange chromatography
饲料中色氨酸测定方法 分光光度法 Determination of tryptophan in feedstuffs--Spectrophotometry
被动式太阳房技术条件和热性能测试方法 Specifications and testing method of thermal performance for passive solar houses
甲胺磷原药 Methamidophos technical
水土保持综合治理 规划通则 General rule of planning for comprehensive control of soil erosion
水土保持综合治理 验收规范 Regulation of acceptance for comprehensive control of soil erosion
水土保持综合治理 效益计算方法 Method of benefit calculation for comprenensive control of soil
造林技术规程 Technical regulations for afforestation
竹材物理力学性质试验方法 Testing methods for physical and mechanical properties of bamboos
森林抚育规程 Regulations for tending of forest
集约经营用材林基地造林总体设计规程 Forestation overall design regulations for intensively managed timber-forest base
主要造林树种林地化学除草技术规程 The state technical standard of chemical weed control in main plantation trees
稻瘟病测报调查规范 Rules for investigation and forecast of the rice blast [pyricularia oryzae (Cavara)]
稻纹枯病测报调查规范 Rules for investigation and forecast of the rice sheath blight (Rhizoctonia solani kukn)
水稻二化螟测报调查规范 Rules for investigation and forecast of the rice stem borer [Chilo suppressalis (Walker)]
稻纵卷叶螟测报调查规范 Rules for investigation and forecast of the rice leaf-roller(Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenee)
稻飞虱测报调查规范 Rules for investigation and forecast of the brown planthopper(Nilaparvata lugens Stal) and the white-backed planthopper(Sogatalla furcifera Horvath)
小麦条锈病测报调查规范 Rules for investigation and forecast of the wheat stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis West)
麦类赤霉病测报调查规范 Rules for investigation and forecast of the wheat scab [Gibberella zeae (Schw.)petch]
小麦丛矮病测报调查规范 Rules for investigation and forecast of the wheat rosette virus (WRV)
粘虫测报调查规范 Rules for investigation and forecast of the armyworm (Mythimna separata (walker)]
棉蚜测报调查规范 Rules for investigation and forecast of the cotton aphid (Aphis gossypii Glover)
棉铃虫测报调查规范 Rules for investigation and forecast of the cotton bollworm [Heliothis armigera (Hubner)]
棉红铃虫测报调查规范 Rules for investigation and forecast of the cotton pink bollworm [Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders)]
棉花叶螨测报调查规范 Rules for investigation and forecast of the cotton spider mites (complex spp)
东亚飞蝗测报调查规范 Rules for investigation and forecast of the oriental migratory locust [Locusta migratoria manilensis (Meyen)]
高粱蚜测报调查规范 Rules for investigation and forecast of the sorghum aphid (Melanaphis sacchai Zehnter)
淡水鱼类检疫方法 第一部分 The quarantine methods of freshwater fish--Part 1
青鱼、草鱼、链、鳙鱼卵受精率计算方法 The methods for calculating fertility rate of eggs of black carp, grass carp?Silver carp and bighead carp
海带养殖夏苗苗种 Cultivation of laminaria summer seedling
林业轮式和履带拖拉机通用技术条件 General specifications for forestry wheeled and tracklaying tractors
林业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法 Test methods for forestry wheeled and tracklaying tractors
赤霉素原药 Gibberellins technical
农业机械运行安全技术条件 轮式拖拉机 Safe technical requirements for agricultural machinery operating--Wheeled tractor
农业机械运行安全技术条件 履带式拖拉机 Safe technical requirements for agricultural machinery operating--Tracklaing tractor
农业机械运行安全技术条件 手扶拖拉机 Safe technical requirements for agricultural machinery operating--Walking tractor
农业机械运行安全技术条件 固定式柴油机 Safe technical requirements for agricultural machinery operating--Stationary diesel engine
农业机械运行安全技术条件 农用挂车 Safe technical requirements for agricultural machinery operating--Agricultural trailer
农业机械运行安全技术条件 铧式犁 Safe technical requirements for agricultural machinery operating--Bottom plow
农业机械运行安全技术条件 旋耕机 Safe technical requirements for agricultural machinery operating--Rotary tiller
农业机械运行安全技术条件 圆盘耙 Safe technical requirements for agricultural machinery operating--Disk harrow
农业机械运行安全技术条件 播种机 Safe technical requirements for agricultural machinery operating--Seeder
农业机械运行安全技术条件 简式脱粒机 Safe technical requirements for agriculturat machinery operating--Simple thresher
农业机械运行安全技术条件 复式及半复式脱粒机 Safe technical requirements for agricultural machinery operating Complex thresher and semi--complex thresher and semi--Complex thresher
农业机械运行安全技术条件 谷物联合收割机 Safe technical requirements for agricultural machinery operating--Grain combine
农业机械运行安全技术条件 农副产品加工机械 Safe technical requirements for agricultural machinery operating--Process machinery for farm and sideline
烟草和烟草制品 调节和测试的大气环境 Tobacco and tobacco products--Atmosphere for conditioning and testing
烟草品种命名原则 Rule for name of tobacco cultivar
香料烟 形状和尺寸特征的测定 Oriental leaf tobacco--Determination of form and size characteristics
常规分析用吸烟机 定义和标准条件 Routine analytical cigarette smoking machine--Definitions and standard conditions
水土保持综合治理 技术规范 坡耕地治理技术 Regulation of techniques for comprehensive control of soil erosion--Technique for erosion control of slope land
水土保持综合治理 技术规范 荒地治理技术 Regulation of techniques for comprehensive control of soil erosion--Technique for erosion control of waste land
水土保持综合治理 技术规范 沟壑治理技术 Regulation of techniques for comprehensive control of soil erosion--Technique for erosion control of gullies
水土保持综合治理 技术规范 小型蓄排引水工程 Regulation of techniques for comprehensive control of soil erosion--Small engineering of store,drainage and draw water
水土保持综合治理 技术规范 风沙治理技术 Regulation of techniques for comprehensive control of soil erosion--Technique for control of wind erosion
水土保持综合治理 技术规范 崩岗治理技术 Regulation of techniques for comprehensive control of soil erosion--Technique for erosion control of collapse hill
畜禽病害肉尸及其产品无害化处理规程 Code for the bio-safety disposal of carcasses and by-products from diseased livestock and poultry
畜禽产地检疫规范 Quarantine requirements for livestock and poultry at the places of production
新城疫检疫技术规范 Technical code of quarantine for newcastle disease
猪瘟检疫技术规范 Technical code of quarantine for swine fever
铁路隧道术语 Terms for railway tunnel
种畜禽调运检疫技术规范 Code of quarantine technology for the movement of breeding livestock and poultry
奶牛场卫生及检疫规范 Health and quarantine requirement for dairy cattle farms
畜禽产品消毒规范 Disinfection requirement for livestock and poultry products
农药有效成分的气相色谱快速分析方法 第1部分: 十二种农药 Fast gas chromatographic method for analyzing active ingredients of pesticides--Part 1: 12 kinds of pesticides
林木采种技术 Tree seed collection
林木育种及种子管理术语 Terminology of forest tree breeding and seed management
母树林营建技术 The techniques used in silviculture for seed production stand
中国主要木材名称 Names of Chinese main woods
颗粒饲料通用技术条件 General specification for feed pellets
配合饲料企业卫生规范 Hygienic specification for formula feed enterprises
草坪和园艺乘座式拖拉机 动力输出套管 Lawn and garden ride-on (riding) tractors--Power take-off
草坪和园艺乘座式拖拉机 单点套管式悬挂装置 Lawn and garden ride-on (riding) tractors--One-point tubular sleeve hitch
草坪和园艺乘座式拖拉机 牵引杆 Lawn and garden ride-on (riding) tractors--Drawbar
农业拖拉机和机具 四点刚性挂接装置 技术规范 Agricultural tractors and implements--Four-point rigid hitch--Specifications
农业拖拉机和机械 动力输出万向节传动轴和动力输入连接装置的位置 Agricultural tractors and machinery--Power take-off drive shafts and position of power-input connection
农业轮式拖拉机和机具 三点悬挂挂接器 第2部分: A型框架式挂接器 Agricultural wheeled tractors and implements--Three-point hitch coupler--Part 2: A-frame coupler
农业轮式拖拉机和机具三点悬挂挂接器 第3部分: 连杆式挂接器 Agricultural wheeled tractors and implements-Three-point hitch couplers--Part 3: Link coupler
农业灌溉设备 滴头 技术规范和试验方法 Agricultural irrigation equipment--Emitter--Specification and test methods
农业灌溉设备 滴灌管 技术规范和试验方法 Aricultural irrigation equipment--Emitting-pipe systems--Specification and test methods
畜类屠宰加工通用技术条件 The general technical conditions for animal slaughtering
饲料用螺旋藻粉 Feed grade spirulina powder
籼型杂交水稻“三系”原种生产技术操作规程 Rules of operation for the production technology of basic seed of three lines of indica hybrid rice
玉米杂交种繁育制种技术操作规程 Rules of operation for the production technology of maize hybrid seed
水稻原种生产技术操作规程 Rules of operation for the production technology of conventional rice basic seed
小麦原种生产技术操作规程 Rules of operation for the production technology of wheat basic seed
大豆原种生产技术操作规程 Rules of operation for the production technology of soybean basic seed
高粱杂交种繁育制种技术操作规程 Rules of operation for the production technology of sorghum hybrid seed
农药 登记卫生用杀虫剂的室内药效评价 喷射剂 Laboratory efficacy criterions of public health insecticides for pesticide registration SPRAY
农药 登记卫生用杀虫剂的室内药效评价 气雾剂 Laboratory efficacy criterions of public health insecticides for pesticide registration AEROSOL
农药 登记卫生用杀虫剂的室内药效评价 小型烟雾剂 Laboratory efficacy criterions of public health insecticides for pesticide registration SMOKE GENERATOR
农药 登记卫生用杀虫剂的室内药效评价 蚊香 Laboratory efficacy criterions of public health insecticides for pesticide registration COIL
农药 登记卫生用杀虫剂的室内药效评价 电热蚊香片 Laboratory efficacy criterions of public health insecticides for pesticide registration ELECTRIC MAT
农药 登记卫生用杀虫剂的室内药效评价 电热液体蚊香 Laboratory efficacy criterions of public health insecticides for pesticide registration ELECTRIC LIQUID PEPELLENT
农药 登记卫生用杀虫剂的室内药效评价 电热固液蚊香 Laboratory efficacy criterions of public health insecticides for pesticide registration ELECTRIC SOLID-LIQUID PEPELLENT
农药 登记卫生用杀虫剂的室内药效评价 毒饵 Laboratory efficacy criterions of public health insecticides for pesticide registration BAIT
农药 登记卫生用杀虫剂的室内药效评价 毒粉、毒笔 Laboratory efficacy criterions of public health insecticides for pesticide registration POISON POWDER AND POISON CHALK
农药 登记卫生用杀虫剂的室内药效评价 驱避剂 Laboratory efficacy criterions of public health insecticides for pesticide registration PEPELLENT
农药 登记卫生用杀虫剂的室内药效评价 模拟现场 Laboratory efficacy criterions of public health insecticides for pesticide registration ANALOGOUS SITE TEST
含氨基酸叶面肥料 Foliar fertilizer with amino acid
微量元素叶面肥料 Foliar microelement fertilizer
饲料中黄曲霉毒素B1的测定 酶联免疫吸附法 Determination of aflatoxin B1 in feeds Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
预混料中氯化胆碱的测定 分光光度法 The method for determination of choline choride in premix--Spectrophotometry
农药乳化剂术语 Pesticide emulsifiers--Terms
漆蜡 Lacquer wax
割灌机和割草机 技术参数 Brush-cutters and grass-trimmers--Technical data
电链锯使用安全规程 Safety code of practice for electric chain saws
植物保护机械 防滴装置 性能测定 Equipment for crop protection--Antidrip devices--Determination of performance
草鱼 Grass carp
青鱼 Black carp
鲢 Silver carp
鳙 Bighead carp
有机-无机复混肥料中总氮含量的测定 Determination of total nitrogen content for organic-inorganic compound fertilizers
有机-无机复混肥料中总磷含量的测定 Determination of total phosphorus content for organic-inorganic compound fertilizers
有机-无机复混肥料中总钾含量的测定 Determination of total potassium content for organic-inorganic compound fertilizers
悬浮种衣剂产品标准编写规范 Guidelines on drafting standards of suspension concentrates for seed dressing
饲料中硫的测定 硝酸镁法 Determination of sulfur in feedstuffs--Magnesium nitrate methold
饲料中钼的测定 分光光度法 Determination of molybenum in feedstuffs--Spectrophotometry
鲢鱼鱼苗、鱼种质量标准 Standards for quality of silver carp - Fry and fingerling
预混料中d-生物素的测定 分光光度法 The methad of determination of d-biotin in premix--Spectrophotometry
东海、黄海区拖网网囊最小网目尺寸 The minimum mesh size of the trawl cod-end in the East China Sea and Yellow Sea
饲料级DL--蛋氨酸 Feed grade DL-methionine
动物蛋白质饲料消化率的测定 胃蛋白酶法 Determination of digestibility in animal protein feeds--Pepsin method
饲料中维生素E的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of vitamin E in feeds--High-pressure liquid chromatography
复合预混料中烟酸、叶酸的测定 高效液相色谱法 Ddetermination of nicotinic acid and folic acid in compound premix--High-pressure liquid chromatography
饲料中丁基羟基茴香醚、二丁基羟基甲苯和乙氧喹的测定 Determination of butyl hydroxy anisole,dibutyl hydroxy toluene and ethoxyquin in feeds
饲料中丙酸、丙酸盐的测定 Determination of propionic acid,propionate in feeds
饲料中总抗坏血酸的测定 邻苯二胺荧光法 Determination of total ascorbic acid in feeds--O-Phenylenediamine fluorometry
饲料中维生素A的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of vitamin A in feeds--High-pressure liquid chromatography
饲料中维生素D3的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of vitamin D3 in feeds--High-pressure liquid chromatography
维生素预混料中维生素B12的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of Vitamin B12 vitamins premix--High-Pressure liquid chromatography
橡胶树种子 Rubber tree seed
橡胶树苗木 Rubber buddling and rubber seedling
中、小型集约化养猪场建设 Construction of middle and small intensive pig farms
中、小型集约化养猪场经济技术指标 Economic and technical targets of middle and small intensive pig farms
中、小型集约化养猪场设备 Equipment standards of middle and small intensive pig farms
中、小型集约化养猪场环境参数及环境管理 Environmental parameters and environmental management in middle and small intensive pig farms
中、小型集约化养猪场商品肉猪生产技术规程 Technical regulations in middle and small intensive pig farms
粮食仓库磷化氢环流熏蒸装备 Phosphine recirculation equipment for grain storages
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀虫剂防治水稻鳞翅目钻蛀性害虫 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials (I)--Insecticides against borer pests of Lepidoptera on rice
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀虫剂防治稻纵卷叶螟 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Insecticides against rice leafroller
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀虫剂防治水稻叶蝉 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Insecticides against leafhopper on rice
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀虫剂防治水稻飞虱 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Insecticides against planthopper on rice
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀虫剂防治棉铃虫 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Insecticides against cotton bollworm on cotton
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀虫剂防治玉米螟 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Insecticides against corn borerworm
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀螨剂防治苹果叶螨 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Acaricides against spidermite on apple
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀虫剂防治苹果小卷叶蛾 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Insecticides against leaf minor on apple
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀虫剂防治果树蚜虫 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Insecticides against aphids on orchard
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀虫剂防治梨木虱 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Insecticides against suckers on pear
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀螨剂防治桔全爪螨 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Acaricides against spidermites on citrus
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀虫剂防治柑桔介壳虫 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Insecticides against scale insectes on citrus
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀虫剂防治十字花科蔬菜的鳞翅目幼虫 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Insecticides against larvae of lepidoptera on crucifer vegetable
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀虫剂防治菜螟 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Insecticides against cabbage webworm
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀虫剂防治马铃薯等作物蚜虫 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Insecticides against aphids on potato,sugar beet and other vegetable
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀虫剂防治温室白粉虱 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Insecticides against greenhouse whitefly
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀螨剂防治豆类、蔬菜叶螨 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Acaricides against spidermites on beans and vegetable
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀虫剂防治十子花科蔬菜黄条跳甲 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Insecticides against striped flea beetle on crucifer vegetable
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀菌剂防治水稻叶部病害 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Fungicides against leaf diseases for rice
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀菌剂防治水稻纹枯病 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Fungicides against sheath blight of rice
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀菌剂防治禾谷类种传病害 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Fungicides against seed--bonecereal fungi
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀菌剂防治禾谷类白粉病 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Fungicides against cereal powdery mildew
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀菌剂防治禾谷类锈病(叶锈、条锈、秆锈) Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Fungicides against cereal rust
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀菌剂防治梨黑星病 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Fungicides against scab of pear
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀菌剂防治苹果树梭疤病 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Fungicides against apple tree eusopean canlcer
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀菌剂防治黄瓜霜霉病 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Fungicides against downy mildew of cucumber
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀菌剂防治蔬菜叶斑病 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Fungicides against leaf spot of vegetables
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀菌剂防治蔬菜灰霉病 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Fungicides against grey mould of vegetables
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀菌剂防治蔬菜锈病 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Fungicides against rust of vegetables
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀菌剂防治黄瓜白粉病 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Fungicides against cucumber powdery mildew
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀菌剂防治番茄早疫病和晚疫病 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Fungicides against early and late blight of tomato
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀菌剂防治辣椒疫病 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Fungicides against pepper phytophthora blight
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀菌剂防治辣椒炭疽病 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Fungicides against pepper anthracnose
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀菌剂防治马铃薯晚疫病 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Fungicides against late blight of potato
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀菌剂防治油菜菌核病 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Fungicides against sclerotinia stem rot of rape
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀菌剂种子处理防治苗期病害 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Fungicides seed treatment against seedling diseases
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀线虫剂防治胞囊线虫病 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Nematocides against cyst nematode disease
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀线虫剂防治根部线虫病 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Nematocides against root-knot nematode disease
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)杀菌剂防治柑桔贮藏病害 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Fungicides against store disease of citrus
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)除草剂防治水稻田杂草 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Herbicides against weeds in rice
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)除草剂防治麦类作物地杂草 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Herbicides against weeds in cereals
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)除草剂防治玉米地杂草 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Herbicides against weeds in maize
农药田间药效试验准则(一)除草剂防治叶菜类作物地杂草 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Herbicides against weeds in leafy vegetables
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)除草剂防治果园杂草 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Herbicides against weeds in orchards
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)除草剂防治油菜类作物杂草 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Herbicides against weeds in rapes Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Herbicide
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)除草剂防治露地果菜类作物地杂草 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Herbicides against weeds in outdoor fruit vegetables
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)除草剂防治根菜类蔬菜田杂草 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Herbicides against weeds in root vegetables
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)除草剂防治林地杂草 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Herbicides against weeds in forest
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)除草剂防治甘蔗田杂草 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Herbicides against weeds in sugarcane
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)除草剂防治甜菜地杂草 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Herbicides against weeds in sugarbeet
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)除草剂防治非耕地杂草 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Herbicides against weeds in no-crop field
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)除草剂防治马铃薯地杂草 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Herbicides against weeds in potato
农药 田间药效试验准则(一)除草剂防治轮作作物间杂草 Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Herbicides against weeds in rotational field
农药喷雾机(器)田间操作规程及喷洒质量评定 Evaluating regulations for the operation and spraying quality of sprayers in the field
SPF鸡 微生物学监测总则 SPF chicken--General principles of microbiological monitoring
SPF鸡 红细胞凝集抑制试验 SPF chicken--Hemagglutination inhibition test
SPF鸡 血清中和试验 SPF chicken--Serum neutralization test
SPF鸡 血清平板凝集试验 SPF chicken--Serum plate agglutination test
SPF鸡 琼脂扩散试验 SPF chicken--Agar gel precipitation test
SPF鸡 酶联免疫吸附试验 SPF chicken--Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
SPF鸡 胚敏感试验 SPF chicken--Embryo susceptibility test
SPF鸡 鸡白痢沙门氏菌检验 SPF chicken--Examination of salmonella pullorum
SPF鸡 试管凝集试验 SPF chicken--Tube agglutination test
SPF鸡 间接免疫荧光试验 SPF chicken--Indirect immunofluorescent assay
湿地松松脂 Oleoresin from Pinus elliottii Engelm
中国森林公园风景资源质量等级评定 China forest park landscape resources grade evaluation
农业灌溉设备 电动或电控灌溉机械的电气设备和布线 Agricultural irrigation--Wiring and equipment for electrically driven or controlled irrigation machines
植物检疫 地中海实蝇检疫鉴定方法 Plant quarantine--Methods for inspection and identification of Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata(Wiedemann)
植物检疫 小麦矮化腥黑穗病菌检疫鉴定方法 Plant quarantine--Methods for inspection and identification of Tilletia controversa kǖhn
植物检疫 烟霜霉病菌检疫鉴定方法 Plant quarantine--Methods for inspection and identification of Peronospora hyoscyami de Bary f.sp.tabacina(Adam)Skalichy
植物检疫 谷斑皮蠹检疫鉴定方法 Plant quarantine--methods for inspection and identification on Khapra Beetle (Trogoderma granarium Everts)
出入境动物检疫采样 Sampling for entry and exit animal quarantine
蓝舌病微量血清中和试验及病毒分离和鉴定方法 Micro-serum neutralization test,virus isolation and identification for bluetongue
猪繁殖和呼吸综合症诊断方法 Diagnostic methods of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome
百菌清悬浮剂 Chlorothalonil aqueous suspension concentrates
百菌清烟粉粒剂 Chlorothalonil smoke powder--Granualars
10%百菌清烟片剂 10% Chlorothalonil smoke tablets
饲料中氨基酸的测定 Determination of amino acids in feeds
主要花卉产品等级 第1部分:鲜切花 Product grade for major ornamental plants Part 1: Cut flowers
主要花卉产品等级 第2部分: 盆花 Product grade for major ornamental plants Part 2: Flowering potted plants
主要花卉产品等级 第5部分: 花卉种苗 Product grade for major ornamental plants Part 5: Young plants
主要花卉产品等级 第6部分: 花卉种球 Product grade for major ornamental plants Part 6: Flower bulbs
主要花卉产品等级 第7部分: 草坪 Product grade for major ornamental plants Part 7: Turf
主要花卉产品等级 第4部分: 花卉种子 Product grade for major ornamental plants Part 4: Flower seeds
农用运输车 安全技术要求 Agricultural vehicles--Safety requirements
农用运输车 噪声限值 Limits for noise emitted by agricultural vehicles
农用运输车 自由加速烟度限值 Limits for smoke at free acceleration from agricultural vehicles
生态公益林建设 导则 Guide principle for Non-commercial forest construction
生态公益林建设 技术规程 Code of Construction for Non-commercial forest
生态公益林建设 规划设计通则 Regulation of plan and design for Non-commercial forest construction
主要花卉产品等级 第3部分:盆栽观叶植物等级 Product grade for major ornamental plants Part 3: Foliage potted plants
优质高产人参种植标准 High quality and yield standard of ginseng planting
肥料标识 内容和要求 Fertilizer marking presentation and declaration
彭泽鲫 Pengze crucian carp
复合预混合饲料中泛酸的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of pantothenic acid in compound premix--High-pressure liquid chromatography
农产品安全质量 无公害水果安全要求 Safety and quality for agricultural product safety demand for non-environmental pollution fruit
农产品安全质量 无公害水产品安全要求 Safety qualification for agriculture product safety requirements for non-environmental pollution products
农产品安全质量 无公害水果产地环境要求 Safety and quality for agricultural product stabilized prices and demand for non-environmental pollution fruit place of product
农产品安全质量 无公害水产品产地环境要求 Safety and quality for agriculture products environmental requirements for origin of non-environmental pollution products
农业轮式和履带拖拉机 安全要求 Safety requirements for agricultural wheeled and crawler tractors
手扶拖拉机 安全要求 Sefety requirements for walking tractors
实验动物 体外寄生虫检测方法 Laboratory animal--Methods for examination of ectoparasites
实验动物 弓形虫检测方法 Laboratory animal--Methods for examination of Toxoplasma gondii
实验动物 兔脑原虫检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of Encephalitozoon cuniculi
实验动物 卡氏肺孢子虫检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of Pneumocystis carinii
实验动物 艾美耳球虫检测方法 Laboratory animal--Methods for examination of Eimeria spp
实验动物 蠕虫检测方法 Laboratory animal--Methods for examination of Helminth
实验动物 疟原虫检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of plasmodium spp
实验动物 犬恶丝虫检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of dirofilaria immitis
实验动物 肠道溶组织内阿米巴检测方法 Laboratory animal--Method for examination of entamoeba histolytica
实验动物 肠道鞭毛虫和纤毛虫检测方法 Laboratory animal--Methods for examination of flagellata and Ciliata
油锯 锯切试验方法 工程法 Chain saws--Measurement of cutting rate and fuel consumption--Engineering method
植物保护机械 喷雾机卡 口式固定的喷头连接尺寸 Equipment for crop protection--Sprayers--Connectingdimensions for nozzles with bayonet fixing
植物保护机械 喷雾机 喷头和压力表的连接尺寸 Equipment for crop protection--Sprayers--Connecting dimensions for nozzles and manometers
白砂糖 White granulated sugar
稻谷 Paddy
小麦 Wheat
大豆 Soybean
玉米 Maize
大米 Rice
小麦粉 Wheat flour
绵白糖 White soft sugar
花生果 Peanut in shell
花生仁 Peanut kernel
花生油 Peanut oil
大豆油 Soybean oil
菜籽油 Rapeseed oil
精炼棉籽油 Refined cottonseed oil
食品添加剂 碳酸钠 Food additive--Sodium carbonate
食品添加剂 碳酸氢钠 Food additive sodium hydrogen carbonate
食品添加剂 碳酸氢铵 Food additive ammonium bicarbonate
食品添加剂 磷酸氢钙 Food additive--Calcium monohydrogen phosphate
食品添加剂 六偏磷酸钠 Food additive - Sodium hexametaphosphate
食品添加剂 硝酸钠 Food additive--Sodium nitrate
食品添加剂 硫酸钙 Food additive--Calcium sulfate
食品添加剂 焦亚硫酸钠 Food additive Sodium metabisulphite
食品添加剂 无水亚硫酸钠 Food additive--Anhydrous sodium sulphite
食品添加剂 硫酸铝钾(钾明矾) Food additive--Aluminum potassium sulfate
食品添加剂 盐酸 Food additive--Hydrochloric acid
食品添加剂 沉定碳酸钙 Food additive--Calcium carbonate precipitated
食品添加剂 2,6-二叔丁基对甲酚 (BHT) Food additive--2.6-ditertiary butyl-p-cresol
食品添加剂 苯甲酸 Food additive--Benzoic acid
食品添加剂 苯甲酸钠 Food additive--Sodium benzoate
食品添加剂 冰乙酸(冰醋酸) Food additive--Glacial acetic acid
食品添加剂 羧甲基纤维素钠 Food additive - Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose
食品添加剂 山梨酸 Food additive--Sorbic acid
食品添加剂 亚硝酸钠 Food additive--Sodium nitrite
食品添加剂 叔丁基-4-羟基茴香醚 Food additive--Tertiary butyl-4-hydroxyl anisole
食品添加剂 液体二氧化碳(发酵法) Food additive--Liquid carbon dioxide(from alcohol fermentation plant)
食品添加剂 琼胶 Food additive--Agar
食品添加剂 海藻酸钠 Food additive--Sodium alga acid
食品添加剂 单硬脂酸甘油酯 (40%) Food additive - Glycerin monostearate (40%)
食品添加剂 柠檬酸 Food additive--Citric acid
食品添加剂 乳酸 Food additive--Lactic acid
食品添加剂 高锰酸钾 Food additive--Potassium permanganate
猪肉卫生标准 Hygienic standard for pork
牛肉、羊肉、兔肉卫生标准 Hygienic standard of beef、mutton and rabbit meat
非发酵性豆制品及面筋卫生标准 Hygienic standard for non-fermented bean products and gluten
发酵性豆制品卫生标准 Hygienic standard for fermented bean products
淀粉类制品卫生标准 Hygienic standard for starch products
酱腌菜卫生标准 Hygienic standard for salted vegetables
粮食卫生标准 Hygienic standard for grains
食用植物油卫生标准 Hygienic standard of edible vegetable oil
酱油卫生标准 Hygienic standard for soy sauce
酱卫生标准 Hygienic standard for soybean paste
食醋卫生标准 Hygienic standard of vinegar
味精卫生标准 Hygienic standard for sodium glutamate
食盐卫生标准 Hygienic standard of salt
肉灌肠卫生标准 Hygicnic standard for the sausages
酱卤肉类卫生标准 Hygienic standard for cooked meat
烧烤肉卫生标准 Hygienic standard for the roasted meats
肴肉卫生标准 Hygienic standard for Xiaorou (pork, special processed with salt and nitrite)
肉松卫生标准 Hygienic Standard of dried meat fiber
广式腊肉卫生标准 Hygienic standard of cured meat products of cantonese style
火腿卫生标准 Hygienic standard of chinese ham
板鸭(咸鸭)卫生标准 Hygienic standard of dry salted ducks
海水鱼类卫生标准 Hygienic standard of sea fish
头足类海产品卫生标准 Hygienic standard of cephalopod
淡水鱼卫生标准 Hygienic standard for fresh water
湟鱼卫生标准 Hygienic standard for Huangyu (Gymnocypris Przewalskii"Kessler")
河虾卫生标准 Hygienic standard for shrimp
海虾卫生标准 Hygienic standard for sea shrimp
牡蛎卫生标准 Hygienic standard of oyster
海蟹卫生标准 Hygienic standard of sea crab
海水贝类卫生标准 Hygienic standard of sea shellfish
酸牛乳 Yoghurt
蛋卫生标准 Hygienic standard for eggs
蛋制品卫生标准 Hygienic standards for egg products
蒸馏酒及配制酒卫生标准 Hygienic standard for distilled liquor and formulated liquor
发酵酒卫生标准 Hygienic standard for fermented liquor
碳酸饮料卫生标准 Hygienic standard for carbonated drinks
冷冻饮品卫生标准 Hygienic standard for freezing drinks
食品添加剂使用卫生标准 Hygienic standards for uses of food additives
食品中黄曲霉毒素B1允许量标准 Hygienic standard for tolerances of aflatoxin B1 in foods
食品中汞限量卫生标准 Tolerance limit of mercury in foods
粮食、蔬菜等食品中六六六、滴滴涕残留量标准 Hygienic standards for BHC and DDT residues in grains,vegetables and other foods
出口冻兔肉六六六、滴滴涕残留量检验方法 Methods of analysis for BHC and DDT residues in export rabbit meat
食品添加剂 磷酸 Food additive--Phosphoric acid
食品添加剂 硫磺 Food additive-Sulphur
食品添加剂 没食子酸丙酯 Food additive--Propyl gallate
食品包装用原纸卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of papers for food packaging
食品添加剂 香兰素 Food additive--Vanillin
食品添加剂 天然薄荷脑 Food additive--Natural menthol
中式糕点质量检验方法 The quality examination methods of the Chinese pastry
西式糕点质量检验方法 The quality examination methods of the western pastry
圆孔和长孔筛片 Perforated plate with round and elongated apertures
食品添加剂 丁酸乙酯 Food additive--Ethyl butyrate
食品添加剂 苋菜红 Food additive--Amaranth
食品添加剂 苋菜红铝色淀 Food additive--Amaranth aluminum lake
食品添加剂 胭脂红 Food additive Ponceau 4R
食品添加剂 胭脂红铝色淀 Food additive ponceau 4R Alaminum lake
食品添加剂 柠檬黄 Food additive--Tartrazine
食品添加剂 柠檬黄铝色淀 Food additive--Tartrazine aluminum lake
食品添加剂 紫胶红色素 Food additive--Lac dye
食品添加剂 糖精钠 Food additive--Saccharin sodium
食品中甲拌磷、杀螟硫磷、倍硫磷最大残留限量标准 Maximum residue limits of phorate, fenitrothion and fenthion in foods
粮食中二溴乙烷残留量卫生标准及检验方法 The hygienic standard for the residue and analytical method of ethylene dibromide in grains
食品罐头内壁环氧酚醛涂料卫生标准 Hygienic standard for epoxy phenolic resin coating for the internal lacquer of food cans
食品用橡胶制品卫生标准 Hygienic standard for foodstuff rubber products
橡胶奶嘴卫生标准 Hygienic standard for rubber nipple
食品级白油 Food grade white oil
食品添加剂 红曲米 Food additive--Red kojic rice
啤酒 Beer
啤酒分析方法 Method for analysis of beer
食品卫生检验方法 理化部分 总则 Methods of food hygienic analysis--Physical and chemical section-- General principles
食品的比重测定方法 Method for determination of specific gravity of foods
食品中水分的测定方法 Method for determination of moisture in foods
食品中灰分的测定方法 Method for determination of ash in foods
食品中蛋白质的测定方法 Method for determination of protein in foods
食品中脂肪的测定方法 Method for determination of fat in foods
食品中还原糖的测定方法 Method for determination of reducing sugar in foods
食品中蔗糖的测定方法 Method for determination of saccharose in foods
食品中淀粉的测定方法 Method for determination of starch in foods
食品中粗纤维的测定方法 Method for determination of crude fiber in foods
食品中总砷的测定方法 Method for determination of total arsenic in food
食品中铅的测定方法 Method for determination of lead in foods
食品中铜的测定方法 Method for determination of copper in foods
食品中锌的测定方法 Method for determination of zinc in foods
食品中镉的测定方法 Method for determination of cadmium in foods
食品中锡的测定方法 Method for determination of tin in foods
食品中总汞的测定方法 Method for determination of total mercury in foods
食品中氟的测定方法 Method for determination of fluorine in foods
食品中六六六、滴滴涕残留量的测定方法 Method for determination of BHC and DDT residues in foods
食品中有机磷农药残留量的测定方法 Method for defermination of organophosphorus pesticide residues in foods
粮、油、菜中西维因残留量的测定方法 Method for determination of carbarye (1-naphthyl N-methyl carbamate) residues in cereals,oils and vegetables
食品中黄曲霉毒素B1的测定方法 Method for determination of aflatoxin B1 in foods
食品中黄曲霉毒素B1、B2、G1、G2的测定方法 Method for determination of aflatoxins B1,B2,C1,C2 in foods
食品中黄曲霉毒素M1与B1的测定方法 Method for determination of aflatoxions M1 and B1 in foods
食品中杂色曲霉素的测定方法 Method for determination of sterigmatocystin in foods
食品中N-亚硝胺类的测定方法 Method for determination of N-nitrosamines in foods
食品中苯并(a)芘的测定方法 Method for determination of benzo (a) pyrene in foods
食品中糖精钠的测定方法 Method for determination of saccharin sodium in foods
食品中山梨酸、苯甲酸的测定方法 Method for determination of sorbic acid and benzioc acid in foods
食品中叔丁基羟基茴香醚(BHA)与2,6-二叔丁基对甲酚(BHT)的测定方法 Method for determination of buty lated bydroxyanisole and butylated hydroxytoluene in foods
油脂中没食子酸丙酯(PG)的测定方法 Method for determination of propylgallate in oils and fats
食品中亚硝酸盐与硝酸盐的测定方法 Method for determination of nitrite and nitrate in foods
食品中亚硫酸盐的测定方法 Method for determination of sulphite in foods
食品中合成着色剂的测定方法 Method for determination of synthetic colour in foods
粮食卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of grain
食用植物油卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of edible oils
蔬菜、水果卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of vegetables and fruits
酱油卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of soybean sauce
酱卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard for thick sauce made from soya beans flouretc
食醋卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of vinegar
食盐卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of table salt
味精卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of monosodium glutamate
肉与肉制品卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of meat and meat products
水产品卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of fish and other aquatic products
乳与乳制品卫生标准的分析方法 Method of analysis of hygienic standard of milk and milk products
蛋与蛋制品卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of egg and egg prodcts
蒸馏酒及配制酒卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of distilled wines and mixed wines
发酵酒卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of fermented wine
冷饮食品卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of cold drink and foods
非发酵性豆制品及面筋卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of nonfermented bean products and gluten
发酵性豆制品卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of fermented bean product
淀粉类制品卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of product made by starch
酱腌菜卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of picked vegetables
食糖卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of sugars
糕点卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of pastry
茶叶卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of tea
食品包装用聚乙烯树脂卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of polyethylene resin for food packaging
食品包装用聚苯乙烯树脂卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of polystyrene resin for food packaging
食品包装用聚乙烯、聚苯乙烯、聚丙烯成型品卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of products of polyethylene, polystyrene and polypropyrene for food packaging
食品包装用三聚氰胺成型品卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of products of tripolycyanamide for food packaging
陶瓷制食具容器卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of ceramics for food containers
搪瓷制食具容器卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of enamel for food containers
食品用橡胶垫片(圈)卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of rubber sheet (ring) for food use
食品用高压锅密封圈卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of rubber sealing ring for pressure cooker for food use
橡胶奶嘴卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of nipple of a feeding bottle
食品包装用聚氯乙烯成型品卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of product of polyvinyl chloride for food packaging
食品容器内壁过氯乙烯涂料卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of perchorovinyl-coating for inner wall of food container
食品罐头内壁环氧酚醛涂料卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of epoxy phenolic coatings for inner wall of food cans
食品容器内壁聚酰胺环氧树脂涂料卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of epoxy coating for inner wall of food container
食品包装用聚丙烯树脂卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of polypropyrene resin for food packaging
铝制食具容器卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of aluminum-wares for food use
青鱼、草鱼、鲢、鳙 亲鱼 Parents fish of black carp,grass carp,silver carp and bighead carp
食品中敌敌畏、乐果、马拉硫磷、对硫磷最大残留限量标准 Maximum residue limits of dichlorphos,dimethoate,malathion,and parthion in food
食品添加剂 氢氧化钠 Food additive--Sodium hydroxide
巴氏杀菌乳 Pasteurized milk
灭菌乳 Sterilized milk
牛乳检验方法 Analytical methods for milk
全脂乳粉、脱脂乳粉、全脂加糖乳粉和调味乳粉 Whole milk powder,skimmed milk powder,sweetened whole milk powder and flavoured milk powder
婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 蛋白质的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of protein
婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 乳清蛋白的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of whey protein
婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 脂肪的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of fat
婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 亚油酸的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of linoleic acid content
婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 乳糖、蔗糖和总糖的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of lactose, sucrose and total sugars contents
婴幼儿配方食品 不溶性膳食纤维的测定 Formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of insoluble dietary fiber
婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 灰分的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of ash
婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 水分的测定 Milk powder and formula foods infant and young children--Determination of the water content
婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 维生素A、D、E的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of vitamin A,D,E content
婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 维生素1K的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of vitamine 1K content
婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 维生素1B的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of vitamin 1B content
婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 维生素2B的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of vitamin 2B content
婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 维生素6B的测定 Milk powder and formula food for infant and young children--Determination of vitamine 6B content
婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 维生素12B的测定 Milk powder and formula food for infant and young children--Determination of vitamin 12B activity
婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 烟酸和烟酰胺的测定 Wilk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of vitamin pp content
婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 叶酸(叶酸盐活性)的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of folic acid(folate activity)
婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 泛酸的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of pantothenic acid
婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 维生素C的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of vitamin C content
婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 游离生物素的测定(微生物法) Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of free biotin content(Microbiolicat method)
婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 胆碱的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of choline
婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 钙、铁、锌、钠、钾、镁、铜和锰的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of calcium,iron zinc,sodium,potassium,magnesium copper and manganese
婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 磷的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of phosphorus
婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 碘的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of iodine content
婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 氯的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of chlorine
婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 肌醇的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of inositol
婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 牛磺酸的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of taurine content
婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 DHA和EPA的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for infant and young children--Determination of DHA and EPA contents
乳粉 滴定酸度的测定 Milk powder--Determination of titratable acidity
婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 溶解性的测定 Milk powder and formula foods for inant and young children--Determination of solubility
乳与乳粉 杂质度的测定 Milk and milk powder--Determination of impurities
婴幼儿配方食品和乳粉 脲酶的定性检验 Milk powder and formula formula foods for infant and young children--Qualitative detection of urease
乳粉 硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐的测定 Mild powder--Determination of nitrate and nitrite contents
稀奶油 Cream
奶油 Butter
奶油检验方法 Analytical methods for butter
全脂无糖炼乳和全脂加糖炼乳 Evaporated milk and sweetened condensed milk
全脂加糖炼乳检验方法 Analytical methods for sweetened condensed whole milk
食用盐 Edible salt
粮食、油料及植物油脂检验 一般规则 General rules of inspectiog grain, oilseeds and vegetable oils
粮食、油料检验 扦样、分样法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for samplingand sample reduction
粮食、油料检验 色泽、气味、口味鉴定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for identification of colour,odour and taste
粮食、油料检验 类型及互混检验法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of varieties and their mixture
粮食、油料检验 杂质、不完善粒检验法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of foreign matter and unsound kernels
粮食、油料检验 稻谷出糙率检验法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of unpolished rice yield of paddy
粮食、油料检验 黄粒米及裂纹粒检验法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of yellow-coloured rice and cracked kernels
粮食、油料检验 水分测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of moisture content
粮食、油料检验 容重测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of test weight
粮食、油料检验 带壳油料纯仁率检验法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of pure kernel yield of unhulled oilseeds
粮食、油料检验 甘薯片纯质率检验法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of purity rate of sweet potato flakes
粮食、油料检验 鲜薯检验法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for inspection of fresh sweet potato
粮食、油料检验 米类加工精度检验法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of processing degrees of rice and other grainkernels
粮食、油料检验 碎米检验法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of broken rice
粮食、油料检验 小麦粉加工精度检验法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of processing degree of wheat flour
粮食、油料检验 灰分测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of ash content
粮食、油料检验 面筋测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of gluten
粮食、油料检验 粉类粗细度测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of fineness degree of flours
粮食、油料检验 粉类含砂量测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of sand content of flours
粮食、油料检验 粉类磁性金属物测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of magnetic metals content of flours
粮食、油料检验 脂肪酸值测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of fatty acid value of flours
粮食、油料检验 粗蛋白质测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of crude protein
粮食、油料检验 粗脂肪测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of crude fat
粮食、油料检验 还原糖和非还原糖测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of reduced sugar and non-reduced sugar
粮食、油料检验 淀粉测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of starch
粮食、油料检验 粗纤维素测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of grude fibre
粮食、油料检验 粮食粘度测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of viscosity of grain
粮食、油料检验 粮食酸度测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of acidity of grain
粮食、油料检验 粮食比重测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of specific gravity of grain
粮食和油料千粒重的测定法 Cereals and oilseeds method for determination of the mass of 1000 grains
粮食、油料检验 种子发芽试验 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Germination test of seeds
谷物和谷物产品α-淀粉酶活性的测定 比色法 Method for determination of alpha-amylase activity in cereal and cereal products - Colorimetric method
粮食、油料检验 过氧化氢酶活动度测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of hydrogen peroxidase activity
粮食、油料检验 脂肪酶活动度测定法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds--Methods for determination of lipase activity
植物油脂检验 扦样、分样法 Inspection of vegetable oils--Methods for sampling and sample reduction
植物油脂检验 透明度、色泽、气味、滋味鉴定法 Inspection of vegetable oils--Methods for identification of transparency,colour,odour and taste
植物油脂检验 比重测定法 Inspection of vegetable oils--Methods for determination of specific gravity
植物油脂检验 折光指数测定法 Inspection of vegetable oils--Methods for determination of refractive index
植物油脂水分及挥废物含量测定法 Method for determination of moisture and volatile matlen invegetable oil and fat
植物油脂检验 杂质测定法 Inspection of vegetable oils--Methods for determination of foreign matter
动植物油脂 酸价和酸度的测定 Animal and vegetable fats and oils--Determination of acid value and of acidity
植物油脂检验 加热试验 Inspection of vegetable oils--Heating test
植物油碘价测定 Vegetable oils--Determination of iodine value
植物油脂检验 含皂量测定法 Inspection of vegetable oils--Methods for determination of saponified matter content
动植物油脂皂化值的测定 Animal and vegetable oils and fats--Determination of saponification value
动植物油脂 不皂化物测定 第一部分: 乙醚提取法(第一方法) Animal and vegetable fats and oils--Determination of unsaponifiable matter Part 1: Method using diethyl ether extraction (Reference method)
动植物油脂 不皂化物测定 第二部分: 己烷提取快速法 Animal and vegetable fats and oils--Determination of unsaponifiable matter Part 2: Rapid method using hexane extraction
植物油脂检验 熔点测定法 Inspection of vegetable oils--Methods for determination of melting point
植物油脂检验 磷脂测定法 Inspection of vegetable oils--Methods for determination of phosphatide
油脂过氧化值测定 Oils and fats--Determination of peroxide value
植物油脂检验 油脂定性试验 Inspection of vegetable oils--Qualitative test of oils
红枣 Dried red jujubes
黑木耳 Jew's-ear fungus
水果、蔬菜可溶性糖测定法 Determination of soluble sugar in vegetable and fruit
水果、蔬菜维生素C含量测定法 (2,6-二氯靛酚滴定法) Determination of vitamin C in vegetables and fruits(2,6-dichloro indophenol titration method)
食品添加剂 乳酸钙 Food additive--Calcium lactate
食品添加剂 日落黄 Food additive--Sunset yellow
食品添加剂 日落黄铝色淀 Food additive--Sunset yellow aluminum lake
食品添加剂 冷磨柠檬油 Food additive--Lemon oil,cold pressed
食品添加剂 乙酸异戊酯 Food additive--Isoamyl acetate
食品添加剂 茉莉浸膏 Food additive--Jasmine concrete
食品添加剂 桂花浸膏 Food additive--Osmanthus concrete
食品添加剂 乳酸亚铁 Food additive--Ferrous lactate
食品添加剂 柠檬酸钠 Food additive--Sodium citrate
食品添加剂 明胶 Food additive--Gelatine
生鲜牛乳收购标准 Standards for the qualifications of raw and fresh milk received from farms
干食用菌卫生标准 Hygienic standard for dried edible fungi
食用菌罐头卫生标准 Hygienic standard for canned edible fungi
糕点面包卫生标准 Hygienic standard for pastry and bread
糕点、饼干、面包卫生标准 Hygienic standard for pastry, biscouit and bread
固体饮料卫生标准 Hygienic standard of solid drink
食用植物油煎炸过程中的卫生标准 Hygienic standard for edible vegetable oils used in frying food
食用植物油煎炸过程中的极性组分(PC)的测定方法 Method for determination of polar compouds in edible vegetable oils used in frying food
汽酒卫生标准 Hygienic standard for light sparkling wine
食品中苯并(a)芘限量卫生标准 Tolerance limit of benzo(a) pyrene in foods
食品容器过氯乙烯内壁涂料卫生标准 The sanitary specifications of perchloravinyl interior coatings for food container
啤酒大麦 Malting Barley
谷物维生素B1测定方法 Method for the determination of vitamin B1 in cereals
谷物维生素B2测定方法 Method for the determination of vitamin B2 in cereals
大米、小麦中氧化稀土总量的测定 三溴偶氮胂分光光度法 The tribromoarsenazo photometric method for the determination of rare earth oxide content in rice and wheat
八角 Star anise
食品添加剂 亮蓝 Food additive--Brilliant blue
食品添加剂 亮蓝铝色淀 Food additive--Brilliant blue aluminum lake
食品添加剂 D葡萄糖酸δ内酯 Food additive--Glucono delta lactone
食品添加剂 山梨糖醇液 Food additive--D-sorbitol solution
牛奶分离器型式和基本参数 Types and basic parameters for the milk separator
食品标签通用标准 General standard for the labelling of foods
出口肠衣 Casings for export
出口盐渍肠衣检验方法 Method of inspection for export salted casings
白胡椒 White pepper
黑胡椒 Black pepper
食品添加剂 桅子黄(粉末、浸膏) Food additive--Gardenia yellow,crocin
陶瓷烹调器铅、镉溶出量允许极限和检测方法 Standard permissible limits and testing method for release of lead or cadmium from ceramic cookware
出口柑桔鲜果检验方法 Method of inspection for export citrus fruit
高粱 Sorghum
粟(谷子) Millet in husk
芝麻油 Sesame oil
蓖麻籽油 Castor oil
亚麻籽油 Linseea oil
柠檬酸 Citric acid
食品添加剂 甜菊糖甙 Food additive--Steviosides
食品添加剂 蔗糖脂肪酸酯 Food additive--Sucrose fatty acid ester
食品添加剂 D-异抗坏血酸钠 Food additive--Sodium D-isoascorbate
食品添加剂 α-淀粉酶制剂 Food additive--α-Amylase preperation
食品添加剂 糖化酶制剂 Food additive--Glucoamylase preperation
茶 取样 Tea--Sampling
茶 磨碎试样的制备及其干物质含量测定 Tea--Preparation of ground sample and determination of dry matter content
茶 水分测定 Tea--Determination of moisture content
茶 水浸出物测定 Tea--Determination of water extracts content
茶 总灰分测定 Tea--Determination of total ash content
茶 水溶性灰分和水不溶性灰分测定 Tea--Determination of water-soluble ash and water-insoluble ash content
茶 酸不溶性灰分测定 Tea--Determination of acid-insoluble ash content
茶 水溶性灰分碱度测定 Tea--Determination of alkalinity of water-soluble ash content
茶 粗纤维测定 Tea--Determination of crude fibre content
茶 粉末和碎茶含量测定 Tea--Determination of dust and broken tea content
茶 咖啡碱测定 Tea--Determination of caffeine content
茶 茶多酚测定 Tea--Determination of tea polyphenols content
茶 游离氨基酸测定 Tea--Determination of free amino acids content
食品添加剂 己酸乙酯 Food additive--Ethyl hexanoate
食品添加剂 乳酸乙酯 Food additive--Ethyl lactate
食品添加剂 生姜油 (蒸馏) Food additive--Oil of ginger (distilled)
食品添加剂 亚洲薄菏素油 Food additive--Oil of mentha arvensis, partially dementholized
食品添加剂中铅的测定方法 Method for determination of lead in food additives
食品添加剂中砷的测定方法 Method for determination of arsenic in food additives
食品添加剂中重金属限量试验法 Method for limit test of heavy metals in food additives
饮用天然矿泉水 Drinking natural mineral water
饮用天然矿泉水检验方法 Methods for examination of drinking natural mineral water
苹果冷藏技术 Apples--Guide to cold storage
高筋小麦粉 High gluten wheat flour
低筋小麦粉 Low gluten wheat flour
发酵业用甘薯片 Sweet potato flakes for fermentation industry
淀粉业用甘薯片 Sweet potato flakes for starch industry
油脂业用大豆 Soybean for oil and fat industry
豆制食品业用大豆 Soybean for soybean industry
淀粉发酵工业用玉米 Maize for starch fermentation industry
发酵业用玉米 Maize for fermentation industy
浓香花生油 Superfine fragrant peanut oil
制盐工业主要产品取样方法 The sampling methods of the main products in the salt industry
大豆制品中尿素酶活性测定方法 Method for the determination of urease activity in soya bean products
粮食初清筛试验方法 Testing methods for grain pre-cleaning machine
食品添加剂 异构化乳糖液 Food additive--Lactulose liquid
食品添加剂 焦糖色(亚硫酸铵法、氨法、普通法) Food additive Caramel
食品添加剂 可可壳色素 Food additive--Cacao pigment
食品添加剂 葡萄糖酸锌 Food additive--Zinc gluconate
食品添加剂 β-胡萝卜素 Food additive--β-carotene
食品添加剂 对羟基苯甲酸乙酯 Food additive--Ethyl p-hydroxybenzoate
食品添加剂 对羟基苯甲酸丙酯 Food additive--Propyl p-hydroxybenzoate
番茄冷藏技术 Cold storage technique of tomatos
蔬菜名称 ㈠ Vegetables--Nomenclature--First list
新鲜水果和蔬菜的取样方法 Fresh fruits and vegetables--Sampling
水果、蔬菜产品粗蛋白质的测定方法 Method for determination of crude protein in fruit and vegetable products
水果、蔬菜产品的总灰分及总灰分和水溶性灰分的碱度测定方法 Method for determination of total ash and of alkalinity of total ash and water-soluble ash in fruit and vegetable products
水果、蔬菜产品中干物质和水分含量的测定方法 Method for determination of dry matter and water content in fruit and vegetable products
蒜苔简易气调冷藏技术 Simple controlled atmospheres cold storage technique of garlic bolt
制粉工业名词术语 Terminology of flour milling industry
油脂工业名词术语 Terminology of oils and fats industry
粮油通用技术、设备名词术语 General terms of technology and equipment for grain and oil industry
碾米工业名词术语 Terminology of rice milling industry
食用小麦淀粉 Edible wheat starch
食用马铃薯淀粉 Edible potato starch
食用玉米淀粉 Edible corn starch
淀粉原料 Raw material of starch
淀粉分类 Classification of starch
工业用猪油 Lard for industrial use
食用猪油 Edible lard
罐头厂卫生规范 Hygienic specifications of cannery
白酒厂卫生规范 Hygienic specifications of liquor factory
啤酒厂卫生规范 Hygienic specifications of beer factory
酱油厂卫生规范 Hygienic specifications of soy sauce factory
食醋厂卫生规范 Hygienic specifications of vinegar factory
食用植物油厂卫生规范 Hygienic specifications of edible vegetable oils factory
蜜饯厂卫生规范 Hygienic specifications of candied fruit factory
糕点厂卫生规范 Hygienic specifications of pastry factory
谷氨酸钠(99%味精) Monosodium L-glutamate(99% Wei jing)
花茶级型坯 Grades of basket-fired green tea for scenting
制糖工业术语 Terminology in sugar industry
海产食品中多氯联苯限量卫生标准 Tolerance limit of polychlorobiphenyls(PCBs) in marine foods
海产食品中多氯联苯的测定方法 Method for determination of polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs)in marine foods
牛乳及其制品中黄曲霉毒素M1限量卫生标准 Tolerance limit of aflatoxin M1 in milk and milk products
食品中N-亚硝胺限量卫生标准 Tolerance limit of N-nitrosoamines in foods
糖果卫生标准 Hygienic standard for candy
巧克力卫生标准 Hygienic standard for chocolate
茶叶卫生标准 Hygienic standard for tea
食品容器漆酚涂料卫生标准 Hygienic standard of phenol lacquer for food container
食品包装用聚氯乙烯成型品卫生标准 Hygienic standard of products of polyvinyl chloride for food packaging
食品罐头内壁脱模涂料卫生标准 Hygienic standard for internal coating of food cans
复合食品包装袋卫生标准 Hygienic standard for composite laminated food packaging bag
不锈钢食具容器卫生标准 Hygienic standard for stainless steel food containers and table wares
食品容器、包装材料用助剂使用卫生标准 Hygienic standard for adjuvants and processing aids in food containers and packaging materials
食品容器内壁聚酰胺环氧树脂涂料卫生标准 Hygienic standard for polyamide epoxy resin used as internal coating of food container
食品包装用聚乙烯成型品卫生标准 Hygienic standard for polyethylene products used as food containers and tablewares
食品包装用聚丙烯成型品卫生标准 Hygienic standard for polypropyrene products used as food containers and tablewares
食品包装用聚苯乙烯成型品卫生标准 Hygienic standard for polystyrene products used as food containers and table wares
食品包装用三聚氰胺成型品卫生标准 Hygienic standard for melamine products used as food containers and tablewares
食品包装用聚乙烯树脂卫生标准 Hygienic standard for polyethylene resin used as food packaging material
食品包装用聚苯乙烯树脂卫生标准 Hygienic standard for polystyrene resin used as food packaging material
食品包装用聚丙烯树脂卫生标准 Hygienic standard for polypropyrene resin used as food packaging material
皮蛋 Preserved eggs
肉与肉制品 游离脂肪含量的测定 Meat and meat products--Method for determination of free fat content
肉与肉制品 脂肪酸测定 Meat and meat products--Method for determination of fatty acids
肉与肉制品 铁含量测定 Meat and meat products--Method for determination of iron
肉与肉制品 总磷含量测定 Meat and meat products--Method for determination of total phosphorus
肉与肉制品 pH测定 Meat and meat products--Method for measurement of pH
肉制品 胭脂红着色剂测定 Meat products--Method for determination of artificial colour ponceau-4R
肉与肉制品 总脂肪含量测定 Meat and meat products--Method for determination of total fat content
肉与肉制品 氯化物含量测定 Meat and meat products--Method for determination of chloride content(Reference method)
肉与肉制品 聚磷酸盐测定 Meat and meat products--Method for detection of polyphosphates
肉与肉制品 六六六、滴滴涕残留量测定 Meat and meat products--Method for determination of BHC and DDT
肉与肉制品 氮含量测定 Meat and meat products--Method for determination of nitrogen content
肉与肉制品 水分活度测定 Meat and meat products--Method for determination of the water activity
肉与肉制品 钙含量测定 Meat and meat products--Method for determination of calcium
肉制品 淀粉含量测定 Meat products--Determination of starch content
肉与肉制品 水分含量测定 Meat and meat products--Method for determination of moisture content
肉与肉制品 四环素族抗生素残留量检验 Meat and meat products--Method for the examination of the resldues of tetracyclines
肉与肉制品 葡糖酸-δ-内酯含量的测定 Meat and meat products--Method for determination of glucono delta-lactone content
肉与肉制品 灰分测定 Meat and meat products--Method for determination of ash
肉与肉制品 取样方法 Meat and meat products--Sampling
肉与肉制品 锌含量测定 Meat and meat products - Method for determination of zinc
肉与肉制品 镁含量测定 Meat and meat products - Method for determination of magnesium
肉与肉制品 铜含量测定 Meat and meat products - Method for determination of copper
肉与肉制品 L(-)-羟脯氨酸含量测定 Meat and meat products - Method for determination of L (-)-hydroxyprolin content
肉与肉制品 胆固醇含量测定 Meat and meat products - Method for determination of cholesterol
肉与肉制品 维生素PP含量测定 Meat and meat products--Method for determination of vitamin PP content
肉与肉制品 维生素A 含量测定 Meat and meat products - Method for determination of vitamin A content
肉与肉制品 维生素B1含量测定 Meat and meat products - Method for determination of vitamin B1 content
肉与肉制品 维生素B2含量测定 Meat and meat products - Method for determination of vitamin B2 content
肉制品 维生素C 含量测定 Meat products - Method for determination of vitamin C content
肉与肉制品 维生素E 含量测定 Meat and meat products - Method for determination of vitamin E content
肉制品、总糖含量测定 Meat products - Method for determination of total sugars content
动物油脂 水分和挥发物含量测定 Animal fats--Method for determination of moisture and volatile matter content
谷物不溶性膳食纤维测定法 Method for determination of insoluble dietary fiber in cereals
油料饼粕总含氮量的测定法 Method for determination of total nitrogen content in oilseed residues
油料饼粕总灰分测定法 Method for determination of total ash in oilseed residues
油料饼粕盐酸不溶性灰分测定法 Method for determination of hydrochloric acid insoluble ash in oilseed residues
小麦粉破损淀粉测定法 α-淀粉酶法 Method for determination of starch damage in flour--Alpha-amylase method
香蕉 Banana
水果和蔬菜 冷库中物理条件 定义和测量 Fruits and vegetables--Physical condition in cold stores--Definitions and measurement
水果和蔬菜 冷藏后的催熟 Fruits and vegetables--Ripening afer cold storage
紧压茶 花砖茶 Brick tea--Hua zhuan tea
紧压茶 黑砖茶 Brick tea--Hei zhuan tea
紧压茶 茯砖茶 Brick tea--Fu zhuan tea
紧压茶 康砖茶 Brick tea - Kang zhuan tea
紧压茶 沱茶 Brick tea - Tuo tea
紧压茶 紧茶 Brick tea - Jin tea
紧压茶 金尖茶 Brick tea - Jin jian tea
紧压茶 米砖茶 Brick tea--Mi zhuan tea
紧压茶 青砖茶 Brick tea--Qing zhuan tea
鲜、冻片猪肉 Fresh and frezen demi carcass pork
分割鲜、冻猪瘦肉 Frozen pork muscle,cuts
分部位分割冻猪肉 Frozen pork, parts
鲜、冻四分体带骨牛肉 Fresh and frozen beef, quarters
鲜、冻胴体羊肉 Fresh and frozen mutton, whole carcasses
食品强化剂 活性钙 Food additive--Calcium of intensifiens
食品添加剂 高粱红 Food additive--Sorghum pigment
团头鲂 Bluntnose black bream
熟制鱼糜灌肠卫生标准 Hygienic standard of ripe minced fish sausage(ripened)
虾酱卫生标准 Hygienic standard of salted shrimp paste
鱼露卫生标准 Hygienic standard of fishgrary
虾油卫生标准 Hygienic standard of shrimp sauce
蟹糊蟹酱卫生标准 Hygienic standard of salted crab paste
蚝油、贻贝油卫生标准 Hygienic standard of oystes and mussel sauce
咸鲳鱼卫生标准 Hygienic standard of salted pomfret
咸鳗鱼卫生标准 Hygienic standard of salted Eel
咸带鱼卫生标准 Hygienic standard of salted belt fish
咸鳓鱼卫生标准 Hygienic standard of salted chinese herring
咸鲅鱼卫生标准 Hygienic standard of salted Spanish mackerel
咸黄鱼卫生标准 Hygienic standard of salted yellowcroaker
干明太鱼卫生标准 Hygienic standard of dried therdgrdha icogrdmma
熟制鱼丸(半成品)卫生标准 Hygienic standard of ripe fish ball (semi-product)
猪油卫生标准 Hygienic standard of lard
香肠(腊肠)、香肚卫生标准 Hygienic standard of chinese sausages
感官分析方法总论 Sensory analysis--Methodology--General guidance
感官分析术语 Sensory analysis-Vocabulary
食品添加剂 松香甘油酯和氢化松香甘油酯 Food additive--Glycerol ester of rosin and glycerol ester of partially hydrogenated rosin
食用酒精 Edible alcohol
饮料酒标签标准 Standard for the labelling of alcoholic beverage
白酒试验方法总则 General principles of determination methods for Chinese spirits
白酒感官评定方法 Evaluate method of sense of Chinese spirits
白酒中酒精度的试验方法 Methods for determination of alcohol in Chinese spirits
白酒中总酸的试验方法 Method for determination of total acid in Chinese spirits
白酒中总酯的试验方法 Methods for determination of total ester in Chinese spirits
白酒中固形物的试验方法 Method for determination of solid in Chinese spirits
白酒中乙酸乙酯的试验方法 气相色谱法 Method for determination of ethyl acetate in Chinese spirits(GLC)
白酒中己酸乙酯的试验方法(GLC) Method for determination of hexanoic acetate in Chinese spirits
白酒检验规则 General principle of inspection for Chinese spirits
食品添加剂 乙酸芳樟酯 Food additive - Linalyl acetate
食品添加剂 桉叶素含量80 %的桉叶油 Food additive--Oil of eucalyptus, 80% cineole content
食品添加剂 苯甲醇 Food additive - Benzyl alcohol
食品添加剂 乳化香精 Food additive - Emulsion flavour
油料饼粕含油量测定法 Determination of oil content in oilseed residues
油料饼粕扦样法 Oilseed residues - Sampling
谷物降落数值测定法 Cereals--Determination of falling number
玉米水分测定法 Method for determination of moisture content in maize
荞麦 Buck wheat
蚕豆 Broad beans
豌豆 Peas
小豆 Small beans
绿豆 Green beans
玉米粉 Corn flour
葵花籽油 Sunflower seed oil
蔬菜、水果形态学和结构学术语(一) Vegetables and fruits - Morphological and structural terminology - Part 1
水果和蔬菜产品中挥发性酸度的测定方法 Fruits, vegetables and derived products - Determination of volatile acidity
水果和蔬菜产品pH值的测定方法 Fruit and vegetable products - Determination of pH
水果、蔬菜粗纤维的测定方法 Method for determination of crude fiber in fruit and vegetable
速冻水果和蔬菜的矿物杂质测定方法 Determination of mineral impurities in quick frozen fruits and vegetables
速冻水果蔬菜净重的测定方法 Determination of net weight of quick frozen fruits and vegetables
水果和蔬菜产品中盐酸不溶性灰分的测定方法 Fruit and vegetable products - Determination of ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid
柑桔储藏 Citrus storage
食品添加剂 藻酸丙二醇酯 Food additive - Propylene glycol alginate
食品添加剂 蔗糖脂肪酸酯 (丙二醇法) Food additive - Sucrose fatly acid ester (method of propylene glycol)
食品添加剂 液体二氧化碳 (石灰窑法和合成氨法) Food additive - Liquid carbon dioxide (from lime - Kiln and ammonia plant off gases)
电热食品烤炉通用技术条件 Electric heating food ovens - General technical conditions
电热食品烤炉型号编制方法 Electric heating food ovens - Method of draw up model
电热食品烤炉型式与主要参数 Electric heating food ovens - Types and principal parameters
鲜梨 Fresh pears
鲜苹果 Fresh apple
婴儿配方乳粉Ⅰ Infant formula Ⅰ
婴儿配方乳粉Ⅱ、Ⅲ Infant formula Ⅱ、Ⅲ
婴幼儿配方粉及婴幼儿补充谷粉通用技术条件 General technical requirements of infant formula,follow-up formula and supplementary foods for infant and young children
婴幼儿断奶期辅助食品 Formulatod Weaning foods for infants and young children
婴幼儿断奶期补充食品 Supplementary weaning foods for infants and young children
婴幼儿辅助食品 苹果泥 Supplementary foods for infants and young children - Apple paste
婴幼儿辅助食品 胡萝卜泥 Supplementary foods for infants and young children - Carrot paste
婴幼儿辅助食品 肉泥 Supplementary foods for infants and young children - Meat paste
婴幼儿辅助食品 骨泥 Supplementary foods for infants and young children - Bone paste
婴幼儿辅助食品 鸡肉菜糊 Supplementary foods for infants and young children - Chicken vegetoble paste
婴幼儿辅助食品 番茄汁 Supplementary foods for infants and young children - Tomato juice
浓香型白酒 Strong aromatic Chinese spirits
清香型白酒 Mild aromatic Chinese spirits
米香型白酒 Rice aromatic Chinese spirits
蜜饯产品通则 General rule for the quality of preserved fruit products
食品添加剂 辣椒红 Food additive--Paprika red
罐头食品分类 Classification of canned food
罐头食品的pH测定 Determination of pH of canned food
罐头食品中干燥物的测定 Determination of dry matter content in canned food
罐头食品中可溶性固形物含量的测定 折光计法 Determination of soluble solids content in canned food - Refractometric method
软饮料的分类 Classification of soft drinks
软饮料的检验规则、标志、包装、运输、贮存 Regulations for acceptance labelling packaging transportation and storage of soft drinks
软饮料原辅材料的要求 Requirements of ingredients for soft drinks
碳酸饮料(汽水) Carbonated drinks(Soda water)
食品添加剂 L-赖氨酸盐酸盐 Food additive - L-Lysine monohydrochloride
食品用橡胶管卫生检验方法 Hygienic analytrcal method of rubber hose for food use
铝制食具容器卫生标准 Hygienic standard for aluminum-wares for food use
果蔬类罐头食品卫生标准 Hygienic standard for canned fruits and vegetables
食品中对羟基苯甲酸酯类的测定方法 Method for determination of p-hydroxybenzoic acid esters in foods
含乳饮料卫生标准 Hygienic standard for milky beverge
脱盐乳清粉卫生标准 Hygienic standard of demineralized whey powder
银耳卫生标准 Hygienic standard of Tremella fuciformis Berk
食品容器有机硅防粘涂料卫生标准 Hygienic standard of anticoherent silicone paint for food container
水基改性环氧易拉罐内壁涂料卫生标准 Hygienic standard for water soluble epoxy internal coatings of beverage cans
食品容器内壁聚四氟乙烯涂料卫生标准 Hygienic standard for polytetrafluorethylene used as inner coating of food containers
食品容器内壁聚四氟乙烯涂料卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of polytetrafluorethylene - coating for inner wall of food container
食品包装用原纸卫生标准 Hygienic standard of paper used for food packaging
不锈钢食具容器卫生标准的分析方法 Method for analysis of hygienic standard of stainless steel food containers and table wares
米大麦 Hulless barley
芝麻 Sesame seed
油菜籽 Rape seed
棉籽 Cotton seed
葵花籽 Sunflower seed
油茶籽油 Oil-tea camellia seed oil
小米 Millet
白兰地 Brandy
威士忌 Whisky
俄得克(伏特加) Vodka
低度浓香型白酒 Strong aromatic Chinese spirits of low concentration
低度清香型白酒 Mild aromatic Chinese spirits of low concentration
低度米香型白酒 Rice aromatic Chinese spirits of low concentration
蜜饯食品理化检验方法 Method of physical-chemical inspection for preserved fruit food
食品添加剂 肉桂油 Food additive - Oil of cassia
食品添加剂 香叶油 Food additive - Oil of geranium
食品添加剂 留兰香油 Food additive - Oil of spearmint
食品添加剂 广藿香油 Food additive - Oil of patchouli
食品添加剂 丁酸 Food additive - Butyric acid
食品添加剂 己酸 Food additive - Hexanoic acid
乳品设备安全卫生 Security and sanitary standard for dairy equipment
淀粉灰分测定方法 Method for determination of ash in starches
淀粉水分测定方法 Method for determination of moisture content in starches
淀粉总脂肪测定方法 Method for determination of total fat in starches
淀粉及其衍生物硫酸化灰分测定方法 Method for determination of sulphated ash in starches and derived products
淀粉及其衍生物酸度测定方法 Method for determination of acidity of starches and derived products
淀粉及其衍生物氮含量测定方法 Method for determination of nitrogen content in starches and derived products
淀粉及其衍生物磷总含量测定方法 Method for determination of total phosphorus content in starches and derived products
淀粉及其衍生物氯化物含量测定方法 Method for determination of chloride content in starches and derived products
淀粉及其衍生物二氧化硫含量测定方法 Method for determination of sulfur dioxide content in starches and derived products
淀粉斑点测定方法 Method for determination of spot of starch
淀粉细度测定方法 Method for determination of fineness of starch
淀粉白度测定方法 Method for determination of whiteness of starches
淀粉粘度测定方法 Method for determination for viscosity of starches
淀粉水解产品还原力和葡萄糖当量测定方法 Method for determination of reducing power and dextrose equivalent of starch hydrolysis products
淀粉水解产品含水量测定方法 Method for determination of water content in starch hydrolysis products
葡萄糖干燥失重测定方法 Method for determination of loss inmass on drying of dextrose
葡萄糖浆干物质测定方法 Method for determination of dry matter of glucose syrups
淀粉(包括衍生物和副产品)术语 Vocabulary for starch, including derivatives and by-products