很多人喜欢开车,但是开车带来的麻烦也不少,比如上下班高峰期的交通拥堵(traffic jam)、路上遇着的老想超车的road hog(驾车乱抢路的人)、搭你车的back seat driver(爱指点司机该怎么开的人)等都很让人抓狂。我们来看看英语里怎么描述这些烦心事吧! Many cities are clogged by traffic jams so it is no surprise that road rage is becoming a real problem. 很多城市都有交通拥堵的问题,所以“路怒症”现在越来越普遍也就不足为奇了。 One of my friends is a terrible back seat driver. He is always telling me how to drive; in fact he drives me round the bend with his criticism. 我的一个朋友是一个很惹人厌的“后座司机”,他总是在后座指手画脚,告诉你该怎么开车。他的指点真让我抓狂。 I like to be in the driving seat and if a back seat driver annoys me too much, I turn round and say: "What are you driving at? You are driving me up the wall with all your stupid remarks!" 我喜欢掌控一切,所以如果有人在后座不同地指手画脚时,我就会转过头去说:“你到底想干嘛?!你那些愚蠢的指指点点快把我逼疯了!” All this bickering has, I'm afraid, driven a wedge between us. However I feel I have to drive home to him how sensitive I am to snide comments about my personal abilities. 这些争吵恐怕会让我们的关系产生裂痕。但是我还是觉得我得让他明白我对这些怀疑我个人能力的评论很敏感。 Drive这个词在英语中有很多用法,它可以表示开车、驱赶等很多意思,下面我们通过例子来学习一下一些常用的意思吧! 1. All right, sir, you drive a hard bargain. I'll sell you this car for $12,450. 好吧,先生,您可太会砍价了,这车我12,450美元卖给你! 2. The challenges of being a corporate executive drove her back on all her personal resources. 当一个公司高管压力太大,她不得不动用她的所有个人资源来做工作。 3. These tax forms are driving me nuts. 填这些纳税申报表快让我发疯了。 4. Let's drive over to Larry's place. 我们开车去拉里家吧! 5. You are driving me out of my mind with your nagging. 我快被你唠叨疯了! 6. The traffic jam is breaking up, so we can drive on. 堵车开始疏通了,我们又可以继续开车了。 7. He'll drive himself into the ground if he doesn't take some time off. 他再不休息一段时间非得累垮不可。 8. You have driven me into a corner, so I guess I have to give in. 你让我别无选择,只能让步啊! 9. The cab driver drove between the airport and downtown more than twelve times in one day. 那个出租车司机每天至少在市区和机场之间来回12次。 10. Your trouble with the police has driven me to the brink/edge! The next time you are arrested, I will not get you out of jail. 你总惹麻烦进警察局,我快被你弄崩溃了!下次你再被抓进来,我不会再管你了! 11. She was driven to drink by the problems she had with her teenage son. 她和她那十几岁的儿子关系不好,她快烦死了。