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《阿涅尔的浴者》Bathers at Asnires
时间:2021-07-18 18:12:00 标签:


  Georges-Pierre Seurat (1859-1891)
  Bathers at Asnières(created in 1884)
  Oil on canvas;201cm*300cm
  Georges Seurat studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts where he was a disciplined and academic student. A master draughtsman, he studied Ingres's drawings and familiarized himself with Chevreul's book on color. Dedicated to the pursuit of order in painting, he evolved his own colour theory known as Divisionism. This involved applying a multitude of tiny dots of colour directly on to the canvas, to be `mixed by the eye rather than on the palette. It was a method that also because known as Pointillism. In his first major work, Bathers at Asnières, there was initially little evidence of his new technique. However, Seurat reworked parts of it three years later, modifying details such as the bather's orange hat and areas of water. The painting is the result of caerful planning--he made over twentuy preparatory studies in pastel and in oil. His observation of ordinary people relaxing was considered subversivein its day and the canvas was rejected by the Salon. Unlike the Impressionists, who aimed to capture the flickering movement of light, Seurat aimed for a static, almost frozen quality, which has prompted comparisons with great masters such as Poussin and Pero della Francesca. 乔治·修拉曾在巴黎美术学院学习,他是个守纪律的、学究式的学生。作为一位绘画大师,他研习过+安格佴的素描并通晓谢夫勒尔论色彩的著作。他致力于追求绘画中的秩序,并逐步形成了自己以分色主义著称的色彩理论。这种理论的要旨在于将众多细小的色点儿直接涂在画布上,由眼睛将它们混合,而不是在调色板上将它们混合。这是一种后来又被称为点彩画法的方法。在他的第一件重要作品《阿涅尔的浴者》中,最初并没有显示出来多少新技术。然而,3年之后修拉部分重画了这幅画,修改了诸如浴者的橙色帽子和部分水面等细节。此画是仔细策划的结果,他曾用色分和油画颜料打过20多幅底稿。修拉对老百姓悠闲状态的观察当时被认为是颠覆性的,于是这幅画遭到沙龙的拒绝。与印象主义者旨在捕捉摇曳闪烁的光线不同,修拉的目标在于把握稳定的、几乎是凝固的特制,这促使人们将他与普桑和皮罗·德拉·弗兰切斯卡这类大师相对照。

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