英国金融时报记者:我有两个问题,其中一个问题英文字母打头是“T”。上一次中国面临高的通货膨胀压力,差不多是在上世纪90年代中期。当时中国采取的对策就是放缓经济的增长。所以这次我们想请教总理,中国面临同样的压力,是否也打算放缓经济的增长?如果这样做,意味着增加失业,使更多的人失去工作。第二个问题是您在开场白当中提到了一句话“祖宗不足法”,我记得中国从来没有和达赖喇嘛进行过直接的对话,但我们要看一看世界其他国家和地区处理类似事务的时候,比如说在南非、北爱尔兰,当时都有一些具有远见卓识的领导人主动与他们过去的敌人或者是反对者进行对话,所以我想问的是,如果达赖喇嘛不寻求西藏独立的话,中国是否有这样的远见卓识邀请他到北京来进行直接对话? Financial Times: I have two questions, only one of them beginning with T. The last time China suffered from high inflation was in the mid to late 90s. China tackled it by slowing the economy. Now are you willing to sacrifice some economic growth to slow the economy to bring down inflation this time, even if it means higher running unemployment and more people on the jobless queue? That is the first question. Second question: I was struck by your introduction, in which you said Chinese leadership no longer blindly follows old conventions. It has always been a convention in China, as far as I remember, never to talk directly to the Dalai Lama. If you look at other countries, where they have long-running internal problems, like South Africa and Northern Ireland for example, they have only been settled by leaders of vision who agreed to talk to their enemies or their opponents. On the basis that the Dalai Lama is not seeking independence, would not Chinese leaders be showing greater vision to invite him to Beijing for direct talks? 温家宝:我们在确定今年的经济政策时,提出“两个防止”。第一个防止就是要防止经济增长由偏快转为过热,这样才能使我们更好地解决经济运行中的一些问题。但是中国是一个有13亿人口的发展中国家,我们还必须保持经济有一定的发展速度来减轻就业的压力,通过发展解决前进中的问题。 Premier: In making the economic policy for this year, we made it our priority to do two "prevents". The first one is to prevent the fast growing economy from becoming overheated. Only by doing so will it be possible for us to better manage problems in the economy. But since China is a developing country with a population of 1.3 billion, we must ensure an appropriate rate of economic growth in order to ease pressure on employment. In other words, we need to resolve problems through development. 我们必须在经济发展和抑制通货膨胀之间找出一个平衡点。现在我们提出经济增长的预期目标是8%左右,而居民消费价格总水平控制在4.8%左右,就是想找到一个平衡点。 We must strike a balance between promoting economic growth and holding down inflation. And we have set the goals of keeping the economy growing at a rate of 8% and keeping inflation rate at 4.8%. This is our effort to strike a balance. 我深知这件事情的困难。我曾经讲过,今年恐怕是中国经济最困难的一年。难在什么地方?难在国际、国内不可测的因素多,因而决策困难。 I know fully well how difficult this task is. I once said this year could be the most difficult year for China's economy. Why? Because there are a lot of uncertainties both internally and internationally. It is difficult to make decisions. 我们必须密切关注经济局势的变化和走势,及时、灵活地采取对策,并且把握宏观调控的节奏、方向和力度,使经济既保持平稳较快发展,又能解决大约一千万就业人口的问题,还能有效地抑制通货膨胀。 We must follow closely changes and trends in the economy and make prompt and flexible responses. And we need to maintain the right pace, focus and intensity of the macro economic regulation measures. We should ensure that the economy will continue to grow in a fast yet steady manner and that we will create about 10 million jobs and effectively hold down inflation. 至于结果怎么样,要到明年的3月份我再给各位回答。但是我有一个信念,就是事不避难、勇于担当、奋勇向前。 As for whether we can meet this goal, I will give you an answer next March. But I have a firm belief that we should never shy away from difficult decisions, and that we should always have the courage to meet the difficulties head on and press forward. As to your second question, we have reiterated in a very serious manner that as long as the Dalai Lama abandons his independence agenda, recognizes that Tibet is an inalienable part of China's territory and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory, and stops separatist and sabotage activities, our door for dialogue with him will be wide open. This is what we proposed and this position has remained unchanged. However, what has happened recently has exposed Dalai's hypocrisy. Even so, I would like to use this occasion to reiterate that our original position remains unchanged and we mean what we say. What is important now is what steps Dalai takes. 我想反问一句,在拉萨制造这样骇人听闻的事件,甚至妄想在中国其他一些地区也制造类似的事件,在国际上组织一些人冲击中国的使领馆,难道都同他无关吗?我们看待达赖,不仅要看他说什么,而且要看他做什么。 Let me just ask you a question, there was an appalling incident in Lhasa and there have been attempts to create similar incidents in other places of China, and mob attacked some Chinese diplomatic and consular missions overseas. Do you believe these activities have nothing to do with Dalai? So we should not only listen to what Dalai says but also watch what he does. 中央电视台记者:刚才总理说领导者的眼睛要盯住前方。总理在政府工作报告中谈到2008年的工作,这是比较近的前方,而本届政府所面对的5年是更远的前方。未来5年,中国经济社会发展的目标是什么?在目前宏观调控难度加大的情况下,怎样保证经济增长的速度不出现大的波动? CCTV: Mr. Premier, you said just now that a leader should have his eyes on the future. In your government report, you talked about what the government will do in 2008. But your government has a five-year term. So what are China's goals for economic and social development in the next five years? Given the increasing difficulty in conducting macro economic control, how will you ensure the steady growth of the economy while preventing drastic fluctuations? 温家宝:我去年曾经说过,我这个人是一个充满忧患意识的人。我认为“患生治”。未来的5年是中国实现全面小康的关键时期,我们充满机遇和希望,但也面临困难和艰险。 Premier: I said last year that I'm always prepared for adversities. I believe that concern about adversity will lead to solution. The next five years will be a key period for China to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects. We will have a lot of opportunities and promises, but at the same time, we also face difficulties and challenges. 我在政府工作报告中只讲到2008年的任务,没有讲今后5年的打算。因为在作政府工作报告时,新一届政府还没有组成。现在,我确实应该考虑今后5年的任务。 It is true that in the report on the work of the government, I only talked about what we will do in 2008, not what we plan to do in the next five years. This is because the new government was not yet formed when I was making the report. And now is the time for me to think about what we need to do in the next five years. 我在想,在今后的5年,要使中国经济有一个更大的发展,使人民生活有一个更大的提高,使社会公平正义有一个更大的推进,使改革开放迈出更大的步伐。 In the next five years, we need to make even greater progress in economic development, raise people's living standards, improve social fairness and equity, and accelerate reform and opening up. First and foremost, we need to sustain steady and fast economic growth and keep inflation under control. This is not just for one year, but for five years. 第二,要在结构调整和经济发展方式的转变上有新的突破。重点抓好两个环节:就是扩大内需和自主创新。 Second, we need to make new breakthroughs in adjusting the economic structure and changing the model of economic development. Priority should be given to the following two areas: expanding domestic demand and boosting innovation. 第三,有三件工作必须紧紧抓住:一是大力加强农业,特别是增加农业的投入,使粮食和主要农产品保持稳定增长,使农民收入保持稳定提高。 Third, we must concentrate on the following three tasks. Number one, we should work vigorously to strengthen agriculture, and particularly increase input in agriculture to ensure steady increase in grain output and other agricultural products and in farmers' income. 二是继续实行积极的就业政策,5年内要解决大约5000万人的就业问题。 Number two, we should continue to pursue a proactive employment policy. We plan to create 50 million jobs in the next 5 years. 三是努力实现“十一五”确定的节能减排目标,使生态环境有一个明显的改善。 Number three, we need to work to attain the goal set in the 11th Five-Year-Plan for energy conservation and emission reduction in order to markedly improve the ecological environment. 第四,在社会发展和改善民生上,我们准备建立四个体系:义务教育的经费保障体系、覆盖城乡的医疗卫生服务体系、以廉租房和经济适用房为主的城市住房保障体系,以及包括失业、养老、医疗、最低生活保障为主要内容的社会保障体系。 Fourth, we need to put in place four basic systems to promote social development and improve people's well-being. They are: a system of ensuring funding for compulsory education, a medical and health care system that covers both rural and urban areas, an urban housing system that provides low-rent apartments and affordable housing, and a social security system consisting of unemployment benefits, pension, medical insurances and basic cost-of-living allowances. 为此,我们需要继续加强和改善宏观调控,更充分地发挥市场配置资源的基础性作用,继续推进改革,包括农村改革、企业改革、金融改革、财税改革和政府自身改革。 To attain this goal, we need to strengthen and improve macroeconomic regulation and give full play to the basic role of the market in allocating resources. We need to press ahead with reform in rural areas, enterprises, banking, public finance, and the government itself. DPA: A follow-up on your reaction on Tibet. Some people in the west have also raised the specter of boycott of the Olympic Games. What's your comment on that? 温家宝:在中国举办奥运会,是全世界人民的盛事。我们要秉承奥运会的宗旨,就是不能把奥运会政治化。其实记者先生已经看出了西藏最近出现这一事件的本质。他们就是想煽动破坏奥运会,企图达到他们不可告人的目的。我想在这里重申一下,中国是一个具有五千年文明历史的国家,举办奥运会是多少代人的梦想。我们希望通过奥运会在中国举办,加强同各国人民之间的友谊和合作。我们希望把奥运会办得更好一些,让运动员满意,让世界人民满意。我们还是一个不发达的国家,我们难免在筹备奥运会的工作中存在这样那样的问题。但是,中国人想把奥运会办好这颗心是真诚的。我相信,13亿人民微笑着面对世界,全世界人民也会微笑着对待中国。 Premier: The Beijing Olympic Games will be a great event for people all over the world. The principle of the Olympics must be upheld, that is, the Olympic Games should not be politicized. I think that the journalist who raised the question just now has realized what the recent incident in Tibet was all about. By creating that incident, they attempted to sabotage the Beijing Olympic Games and achieve their hidden agenda. I want to reiterate that China is a country with a history of over 5,000 years. To host the Olympic Games in China is a dream shared by people of several generations in this country. We hope that by hosting the Olympic Games, we will strengthen our friendship and cooperation with people from all over the world. We hope to stage a successful Olympic Games in Beijing to the satisfaction of athletes and people of all countries. But I would also like to point out that as China is still a developing country, we may invariably encounter problems in making preparations for the Games. And I want to assure you that the Chinese people are most sincere in their desire to host a successful Olympic Games. I am sure the 1.3 billion Chinese people will greet visitors from all over the world with smile, and their goodwill will be fully reciprocated by the people from all over the world. 台湾《工商时报》记者:这两年来,两岸关系虽然起伏很大,但是,两岸经贸关系的互动越来越频繁,大陆经济发展和一些宏观调控政策对台湾的资本市场也有一定程度的影响。再过几天,台湾内部要有一个变化,台湾老百姓对于这个变化的看法是,不管是什么人当选,他们都希望台湾的未来能够更好,台湾的经济发展更好,至少在区域经济竞争中不要再落后。请问总理,3月22日之后,大陆方面有没有可能和台湾在经贸合作方面有进一步的往来?大陆是否会对台湾实施更多的经贸优惠政策?比如两岸能不能协谈类似CEPA这样的协定,或者大陆开通“直通车”来提振台湾的资本市场? Taiwan Commercial Times: Despite ups and downs in cross-Strait relations in the past two years, business and trade ties between the two sides have grown significantly. Economic growth on the Mainland and its macro economic regulation measures have had an impact on the capital market in Taiwan. There will be a change in Taiwan in a few days. The people in Taiwan all hope that no matter who will be elected, Taiwan will have a better future, Taiwan's economy can grow better and Taiwan will at least no longer lag behind in regional economic competition. Mr. Premier, will the Mainland take more steps to promote its economic and trade cooperation with Taiwan after 22 March? Will the Mainland adopt more preferential trade policies towards Taiwan, such as to negotiate a trade agreement like CEPA (Closer Economic Partnership) with Taiwan, or encourage more direct investment from the Mainland to boost Taiwan's capital market? 温家宝:请记者女士转达我对台湾同胞的问候。正如你所说的,两岸经贸关系这些年有很大的发展,这符合两岸人民的根本利益。关于进一步发展两岸经贸关系,我在政府工作报告中已经讲得很清楚了,就是继续推进两岸经贸交流,特别是尽快实现直接“三通”。 Premier: Please give my regards to our compatriots in Taiwan. As you have rightly said, the economic and trade ties between the two sides have grown significantly over the past few years, and this has served the fundamental interests of people on both sides. And I have made it very clear in my government work report that we will continue to promote cross-Strait economic and trade exchanges and, in particular to open the three direct links (namely, direct mail, transportation and trade links) between the two sides as quickly as possible. 加强两岸经贸关系,可以用八个字来概括,就是“加强合作、互利共赢”,这是一条根本原则。我们在认真地履行自己的诺言,凡是对台湾同胞有利的事,我们一定要努力去做,而且要把它做好。从2005年到现在,我们对台湾同胞实施了大约60项优惠政策措施。 Our policy on developing economic and trade ties with Taiwan can be summed up as follows: To step up cooperation and seek mutual benefit and win-win outcome. This is our fundamental principle. We are honoring our commitment. We will do everything we can to serve the interests of our Taiwan compatriots and do it well. Since 2005, we have adopted nearly 60 preferential policies that benefit our compatriots in Taiwan. 为了台湾同胞的利益,我们甚至愿意作出必要的牺牲,比如说大陆与台湾的贸易,台湾保持着多年的巨额顺差。2007年两岸贸易额超过1200亿美元,台湾的顺差超过700亿美元。 To meet the interests of our compatriots in Taiwan, we are ready to suffer some loses ourselves. For example, Taiwan has run a huge surplus in trade with the Mainland for many years. The two way trade volume in 2007 was 120 billion dollars, with Taiwan running a surplus of over 70 billion dollars. 台湾至今限制大陆产品进入岛内,多达2000多种。即使这样,我们对台湾还是放开市场,包括农产品市场。在台湾同胞最困难的时候,我们主动来帮助同胞销售水果等农副产品。 Though more than 2,000 products from the Mainland are still denied access to Taiwan's market, the Mainland market, including our agricultural market, remains open to Taiwan. When our Taiwan compatriots had difficulties selling their products, we took the initiative to help them sell their fruits and other agricultural products. 至今台湾还限制大陆的企业到台湾投资,而台湾进入大陆的企业已经多达7万多家,投资金额460亿美元,如果加上通过第三方进入中国大陆的投资超过700亿美元。 Now, Taiwan still imposes restrictions on investment from the Mainland. However, over 70.000 Taiwan companies have entered the Mainland market with a total investment of 46 billion dollars. Such investment from Taiwan to the Mainland exceeds 70 billion dollars if Taiwan investment made through a third party is included. 我是一个爱国主义者,我脑子里总是在想:“一心中国梦,万古下泉诗”、“度尽劫波兄弟在,相逢一笑泯恩仇”。我们将继续扩大同台湾经贸交流的范围,包括投资、贸易、旅游、金融,提高合作的层次。在这些问题上,我们都可以本着平等互利的原则来进行协商。这样做,实际上是发挥了两岸互补和互利的优势。 I am a patriot, and I always think of lines such as "I have always longed to see a reunified China, an aspiration shared by all our people", and "we remain brothers despite all the vicissitudes and let's forgo our grudges when smiling we meet again". We will expand and upgrade our business ties and trade with Taiwan, including in the fields of investment, trade, tourism and banking and we may have consultations in all these areas on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. By doing so, we are drawing on our respective strengths. China National Radio: This round of reform of the State Council bodies is the sixth one since 1982, and the reform plan has been approved by the NPC during the current session. Premier Wen, how will the government implement the reform plan? What will the central government and the local governments do to improve their performance and build a service-oriented government? 温家宝:关于政府改革和机构改革,我们已经讲了很多。我今天就你这个问题再讲三个方面的看法: Premier: We have said a lot about the reform of government and its offices. To answer your question, I would like to make three points. 第一,政府及其所有的机构都是属于人民的,遵守宪法和法律是政府工作的根本原则。政府的任务就是保护人民的自由、财产和安全。我们所说的公共服务,就是要为人民的根本利益服务。我们要在继续加强经济调节、市场监管的同时,更加重视社会管理和公共服务。 First, the government and all its institutions belong to the people. To abide by the constitution and laws is the fundamental principle that guides the government in its work. The mission of the government is to protect the freedom, property and safety of the people. We provide public services to meet the fundamental interests of the people. We will pay greater attention to enhancing public administration and providing public services as we further strengthen economic regulation and market oversight. 第二,要使政府的工作在阳光下运行,这就需要公开、透明。只有政府了解基层和群众的情况,它才能够进步;也只有人民了解政府作为的真实情况,人民才能给政府以有力的支持和合理的批评。 Second, the government should operate in the open. This calls for transparency and openness. Only when a government knows what happens in the communities and what the people want can it improve its work. And only when people know what the government is doing can they give it strong support and make fair criticism. 我和我在座的同事们都懂得一个道理:只有把人民放在心上,人民才能让你坐在台上。 All my colleagues present here and I myself know very well that only when you have the people in your heart will the people support you in your office. 第三,我想讲一个公共财政的问题,这是很少涉及的问题。 Third, I would like to turn to public finance, an issue that has not been fully addressed. 我们要推进财政体制改革,使公共财政更好地进行结构调整和促进经济发展方式的转变,更好地改善民生和改善生态环境。 We will continue to press ahead with the reform of public finance system and make it better structured so as to accelerate the change of model of the economic development and improve the people's lives and the environment. 其实,一个国家的财政史是惊心动魄的。如果你读它,会从中看到不仅是经济的发展,而且是社会的结构和公平正义的程度。 The history of a country's public finance is quite a revealing one. If you read it, you will not only learn about economic development of that country, but also its social structure and level of social justice. 在今后5年,我们要下决心推进财政体制改革,让人民的钱更好地为人民谋利益。 In the next five years, we will resolutely advance the reform of the public finance system, so that people's money will be better spent to meet their needs. AFP: Many of the people in this room would like to get on an airplane to Lhasa right now to see what's going on up there. We are hearing that foreigners are not being allowed into Tibet and some journalists have already been expelled. This comes despite increasing calls overseas for foreign media and independent observers to be allowed in there to assess what has really happened. What's your response to these calls to let independent eyes in there? And if China is so sure of its version of events there, why not let the outside world in to see what has happened? 温家宝:我们理解各国新闻媒体对拉萨局势的关注。我可以向大家讲,拉萨这起事件已经基本得到平息。拉萨必将是开放的。我们会考虑组织境外的媒体去实地考察那里的情况。 Premier: We know the international news media are following the situation in Lhasa. What I want to tell you is that the incident in Lhasa has been basically resolved and Lhasa will be open. We will consider organizing visit to Lhasa by foreign media to find out how things are there. 美国彭博新闻社记者:今天早上亚洲股市下滑,上海跌了3%,香港跌了1.7%,美元兑日元跌到了12年的最低点,人民币兑美元上升到了2005年以来的最高点。今年的中国经济发展将会需要寻求一个平衡点。请问您会实施什么样的货币政策和汇率来达到这个平衡点,既保证中国经济有适当的增长,又能够在全球经济下滑的时候负起应有的责任?在1997年、1998年亚洲金融风暴的时候,中国人民币汇率并没有放开,给亚洲地区吃了一颗定心丸。今天,在全球经济下滑的时候,中国会不会更大幅度地放开人民币的汇率? Bloomberg News: This morning, the stock markets in the Asian region all plummeted. Shanghai Stock Exchange witnessed a 3% decline and Hong Kong 1.7% decline. The exchange rate of the US dollar against the Japanese yen hit a 12 year low, and the RMB exchange rate against the US dollar has reached a historical high since 2005. China needs to seek a balance in its economic development this year. What kind of monetary policy and foreign exchange rate policy will you adopt to get this balance so that China can maintain economic growth at an appropriate rate and at the same time take its due responsibilities when the world economy is in a downturn? We recall that during the Asian financial crisis in 1997-1998, China was quite a reassuring force for Asia by not devaluing the RMB. Now that the world economy is again in a downturn, will China take even more significant steps to liberalize the RMB exchange rate? 温家宝:最近因为美国次贷危机的影响,造成美元贬值,美联储几次降息,石油价格居高不下,已经达到每桶110美元,这对世界的股市也造成很大的影响,出现了震荡。我对世界经济特别是美国的经济十分关注,并且深感忧虑。 Premier: The recent sub-prime crisis in the United States has led to the devaluation of the dollar. The Federal Reserve has lowered interest rate on several occasions. The oil price remains high, hitting 110 dollar per barrel. All these factors have adversely affected the stock markets across the world, causing major fluctuations in these markets. I have been following closely development in the world economy, particularly the US economy, and I am deeply concerned. 中国实行从紧的货币政策和稳健的财政政策,是从中国的实际出发,主要是固定资产投资增长过快、货币信贷投放过多、外贸顺差过大。 China has pursued a tight monetary policy and a prudent fiscal policy in light of its actual condition. The main problems we face now are the excessive investment in fixed assets, excess money and credit supply, and a large trade surplus. 中国经济已经走入全球化,世界经济的各种变化不可能不反映到中国经济上来。因此,我们在实行这些政策的同时,要密切关注国际经济的走势,根据形势的变化,灵活、及时采取相应的对策 As China's economy is increasingly tied to the global economy, it is inevitably affected by changes in the global economy. That's why in pursuing these two policies, we need to keep a close eye on the latest trends and developments in the world economy and make prompt and proactive policy adjustments. 我们实行政策的效果,要从中长期来看,短短一两个月还很难看出来。 The effect of our policies can only become clear over a mid-term or long-term period, not in just one or two months. 我现在所忧虑的是,美元不断贬值,何时能够见底?美国究竟会采取什么样的货币政策,它的经济会走到什么地步? What concerns me now is when the US dollar will stop depreciation, what kind of monetary policy will the US pursue and what will happen to the US economy? 关于人民币汇率形成机制的改革,我们汇率的形成是依照市场供求变化,并参照一篮子货币加以确定。到目前为止,两年多来,人民币对美元已经升值15%,而且最近升值的幅度越来越大。 As for the reform of the RMB exchange rate system, the exchange rate of the RMB is determined by market supply and demand and with reference to a basket of currencies. Over the past two years and more, the RMB has appreciated by 15% against the US dollar, and it has appreciated at a faster pace recently. 我们在采取多种货币手段时,必须权衡利弊,综合研究、综合考虑。因为无论是利率的变动还是汇率的变动,都会有有利的一面,也有有害的一面。 When we use various monetary tools, we need to weigh up their costs and benefits and take a comprehensive approach, because changes in the interest rate or the exchange rate will have both advantages and disadvantages. 我深知,这对中国是极大的考验,但是我可以向大家讲明一点,就是中国经济的基本面是好的,中国市场的潜力,特别是农村市场的潜力还是巨大的。我们在发展的过程中有着很大的回旋余地,这是中国的优势。因此,我们对中国经济的发展抱有信心。 I am fully aware that this is a major test for China. But I also want to assure you that the fundamentals of the Chinese economy are sound. China has vast market potentials, particularly in rural areas and there is much we can do to ensure China's continued development. This is where our strength lies, and we are confident about the prospects of China's economic development. Xinhua News Agency: In your report on the work of the government, you drew six conclusions about what you gained over the past five years, and you put "continue to free our minds" as the first one. What is the significance of this conclusion to China's current economic and social development? Also, this year marks the 30th anniversary of China's reform and opening-up program. During the two Sessions, both Chinese and overseas media have shown a lot of interest in the process of reform and opening-up and its future direction. You just talked about the need to press ahead with the reform of the pubic finance system in the next five years. Do you plan to make new breakthroughs in pursuing reform and opening-up during your next five-year term? What will you do to advance the political reform? 温家宝:我想集中回答一下关于解放思想的问题。一般的道理大家都知道。我从中国的文化、传统和历史上讲一点自己的看法。我一直很欣赏两句话:一句话来自《诗经》,一句话来自《诗品》,就是“周虽旧邦,其命惟新”;“如将不尽,与古为新”。 Premier: Let me say something more about the question of freeing our minds. We all know why this is important. I would like to talk about it from the perspective of Chinese culture, tradition and history. I am always fascinated by the following two lines from the Book of Songs and a book by the name of the Character of Poems. One is that although Zhou was an ancient state, it had a reform mission. The other is that only innovation could sustain the growth and vitality of a nation. 中国是一个既老又新的国家,五千多年来,中国的前进是同它不断的变革、维新分不开的。 China is an ancient country but is full of vitality. China's progress in the past 5,000 years would not have been possible without continued reform and innovation. 邓小平先生提出来要“解放思想,实事求是,团结一致向前看”,从而推动了中国的改革开放事业。 Exactly 30 years ago, Mr. Deng Xiaoping put forward the principle of freeing our minds, seeking truth from facts and being united and forward-looking and inaugurated China's reform and opening-up program. 就是在30年前,有人可能会问解放思想和改革开放还要进行多久,我可以明确告诉大家,将永不停止,一直到中国现代化成功,到那时也还需要解放思想。 People may ask how much longer China should continue to free its mind and pursue reform and opening-up. I can tell you explicitly that we will never stop this endeavour. We will continue to free our minds even after China achieves the goal of modernization. 新时期的解放思想应该突出哪些方面呢?我想有三点: What should be the focus in freeing our minds in this new era? We will focus on three things: 第一,要继续破除迷信,反对本本主义。只有这样,才能使我们的国家永远保持生机和活力; First, we need to continue to say no to blindly following conventions or book worship. Only by doing so can we maintain the vigour and vitality of our nation. 第二,要坚持实践是检验真理的唯一标准,鼓励大胆探索、实践和创新; Second, we need to remain committed to the principle that practice is the sole criterion for testing truth. We must encourage boldly exploring new things, experiment and innovation. 第三,要使每个人,特别是领导干部的思想得到解放,也就是说要有独立思考、批判思维和创造能力。 Third, we need to free the minds of everyone, particularly the minds of leading officials so that everyone can have independent and critical thinking and make innovation. 只有这样,我们的整个事业就会不断前进。 This will ensure continued progress in our cause. Times of India: India-China relationship has improved a lot in recent years. What is your expectation from India with regard to the Dalai Lama and the Tibet issue? Are you satisfied with the role and action of India with regard to protesters in Dharamsala who try to enter Tibet and march into Tibet? Also please draw some light on China-India border discussions and talks.