如本订单条款和条件不适用,另请使用单独的协议 1. 接受和效力。此微软(中国)有限公司 (下称:“微软”)采购订单(以下简称“采购订单”)的条款和条件,包括第 2 部分中的条款,是采购订单不可分割的一部分。采购订单与本条款和条件(合称“采购协议”)构成微软和采购订单上指明的供应商(以下简称“供应商”)之间就采购订单项下订购的有形商品(以下简称“商品”)和/或服务(以下简称“服务”)订立的全部且具有约束力的协议。本采购协议从供应商开始履行采购订单或供应商在下面签名表示接受本采购订单的日期(以两者中先发生者为准)起开始生效。本采购协议生效即意味着供应商明确受了订单条款的限制(无反建议方案),并构成供应商的下述保证:(a) 供应商按照采购订单执行;(b) 在供应商履行订单的过程中,就相似数量、规格和交货要求的类似商品或服务而言,供应商收取的价格和费用不能超过供应商对于其他客户在同等条件下收取的价格和费用。 2. 与其他协议的关系。 (a) 如果 (i) 双方之间存在已履行的协议,而且供应商依据该协议签订了微软供应商方案协议 (“MSVP”);(ii) 在采购订单生效日,供应商已是 MSVP 方案协议的签订者;(iii) 商品和/或服务已被包含于授权供应商参与的 MSVP 的工作类别范围之内,则此类协议的条款将管辖本采购订单,并纳入本采购订单中。 (b) 如果在本采购订单生效之前,双方共同制定的某项协议已生效,而且双方有意在该协议中涵盖此采购订单的标的和/或双方关系(与微软获得商品和服务有关),则对于此处明确提出的事项,该协议将管辖本采购订单,并纳入本采购订单中。 (c) 为了进一步明确协议之间的关系,若有多个协议的特定采购协议条款或要素适用于此采购订单的商品和服务标的,则对微软较为有利的协议将适用,除非在某些情境和环境下,使用该协议明显不合理或不正确。 (d) 除本小节 2 中所述事项、小节 8 中描述的订单变更事项,或小节 12 和 13 中的终止条款之外,附加条款或其他条款均不得适用于本采购订单,除非双方以书面文档形式共同制定。 3. 包装、运货和退货。除非本采购订单另行特别指定,否则:(a) 基于商品重量定价时,价格中应仅包含商品净重;(b) 不得向微软收取打包费、装箱费、装运损坏费用、搬运费、存储费或其他包装相关费用;(c) 应将商品运送到微软指定的 FOB 目的地;(d) 供应商应在集装箱上标记必要的装运和发运信息、采购订单号、发运日期,以及收货人和发货人的名称;(e) 每项发运均应附带分项列出的包装单;(f) 除非微软事先书面同意,否则不得在采购订单要求的发货日期之前发货;(g) 微软仅对收到的货物进行付款,付款额不超过最大订购量;(h) 超出订购量的发运量将由微软或其代理商保管,供应商自行承担在合理时间内等候装运说明所产生的费用和风险;并且 (i) 供应商自行承担退回超出订购量的商品所产生的运费。 4. 发票。供应商提交的发票必须包含以下信息:采购订单号、项目编号、项目说明、数量、单价、合计、装箱单编号,以及其他指定或微软支付流程要求的所有其他合理信息,包括但不限于第三方发票、签收单等。 5. 支付条款。在微软收到商品或服务,并从供应商处收到金额经过确认的正确发票后,微软 将会在三十 (30) 天内按发票金额付款人民币。对于外币的支付,在不违反有关外汇管制的法律规定的前提下,微软将会在六十 (60) 天内按发票金额付款。在任何情况下,如果微软在收到商品或服务的一百八十天后才收到从供应商开出的相应发票,则微软不承担支付该款项的义务。依据本采购订单规定,供应商应自行承担提供商品或服务及履行订单所发生的所有相关费用,除非微软另行明确表示同意承担。发票金额的支付并不代表对商品或服务的接受,微软 可以对错误、货物短缺、货物缺陷或供应商的其他不足进行调整,以满足本采购订单的要求。微软可用供应商或其任意子公司对微软的欠款抵消微软对供应商或其任意子公司的欠款。在进行抵销后的合理时间内,微软 将就此向供应商发送通知。 6. 纳税。除非另行指定,否则与本采购订单有关的价格包括所有适用的中国、国外、地方市政和其他政府税、关税、征税、消费税,以及所有与采购订单相关的税额(统称“税”)。所有税额都应在供应商发票上单独列明。微软不负担供应商应依法支付的任何税额。对于所有征税、索赔、诉因、成本(包括无限额的合理律师费)以及本质上与税务相关的其他任何责任,供应商应当为微软进行补偿和辩护,使其免受伤害。如果微软被要求代扣本应由微软支付给供应商的税款,则微软有权扣缴该款项,并将其支付给相应的税务部门。 7. 查验。 (a) 商品和服务必须满足本采购订单要求的标准和规格。如果供应商未严格遵守采购订单的规格和要求,则微软可以取消此采购订单。 8. 订单变更。微软可以随时书面通知供应商(无需通知供应商担保人、分包商或代理人)延迟执行本采购订单,增加或减少订购量,或根据微软的合理业务需求和宗旨更改本采购订单(即“更改单”)。除非双方都表示同意,否则更改单不适用于在更改单日期之前已经交付的商品和服务。如果任何变更导致供应商履行订单所需的成本和时间有所增减,则在征得微软书面同意后,可以对价格和/或发货计划进行相应的调整。 9. 工具和文档。由微软提供的所有说明书、图纸或其他文档和数据,以及由 微软提供、支付或分期偿付的所有工具、模具、铸型、夹具、样本、铁架、电极、冲床、工艺图、屏幕、磁带、模板、特殊测试设备和量规都应视为微软所有,并视为微软的保密信息。在微软提出请求后,供应商应立即将这些工具和文档从供应商工作地发运至微软FOB,不计成本,且确保其状况良好(允许正常的磨损)。供应商保证在未征得微软事先书面许可的情况下,不将上述物品和信息用于任何与微软无关的工作或用于生产任何与微软无关的物品和部件。 10. 雇佣作品。如果所创作的商品或服务是“雇佣作品”,并符合中国版权法中关于“雇佣作品”的术语定义(以下简称“作品”),则双方同意微软拥有所有作品,包括但不限于所有知识产权以及供应商在完成作品过程中创造的所有磁性或光学编码介质、硬件和其他有形物料和材料。如果作品的任何部分不符合“雇佣作品”的定义,或包含受版权、专利、商业秘密或其他所有权保护的材料,则供应商应将所有与作品有关的权利、资格和利益,包括所有版权、专利、商业秘密和其他所有权以及任何更新和扩展,转让给微软、继承人和代理人。供应商应签名交付这些权利,并采取微软 要求的其他行动来执行此转让。如果作品中包含适用的精神权利或类似权利,则供应商还应同意放弃所有这些权利。如果具有更高效力的适用法规限制供应商放弃精神权利,则供应商应在该法规允许的最大限度内放弃作品的所有精神权利。只要供应商作品中包含的书面或定制产品或报表与微软的业务有关或用于微软业务,则该供应商作品也属于雇佣作品。 11. 商品和服务保证。 (a) 供应商保证: (b) 微软同意供应商使用某种材料或接受其商品和服务,不得视为免除本条款中规定的供应商保证条款。本条款中的规定不得限制或影响微软在“查验”条款下的权利。 (c) 如果供应商提供的商品的原产地在国外,但供应商没有将此情况书面通知微软,或通知了微软错误的原产地,则无论供应商是否出于疏忽,都应向微软赔偿因未通知或错误通知而引起的所有费用、关税、罚款和赔偿金(包括和解或缓解费用和律师费)。 12. 因疏怠职责而终止采购订单。 (a) 双方都同意并了解,时间对本采购订单而言,是极为重要的因素。除其他规定以外,如果供应商未能做到以下几点,则微软可以书面通知供应商完全终止或部分终止本采购订单:(i) 供应商未能按规定时间、交付计划、或未能按书面更改单或修正延长期发送货物或提供服务;(ii) 未能按照本采购订单的要求替换或更正有缺陷的商品或服务;或者 (iii) 未能执行本采购订单的其他任何规定,经微软自主判定供应商危害了相应条款的执行。 (b) 按照本小节规定终止采购订单时,只要供应商继续执行本采购订单并期望采购订单不被终止,则微软可以依据此条款以微软认为恰当的方式,采购类似或基本类似的产品或服务,并由供应商负担超额的费用。 (c) 如果本采购订单依据第 12(a) 小节的规定被终止,则微软除具有此协议或法律规定的其他任何权利外,还可以要求供应商依据微软的指示向微软转让以下物品的所有权 (i) 任何已完工的产品和服务,和/或 (ii) 供应商为履行本采购订单而生产或采购的半成品和/或服务。在将这些物品发送给微软之前,供应商应采取合理措施(包括微软要求的措施)妥善保护和保管这些物品。在将这些物品发送给微软并被微软接受之后,其相应的付款额应由双方共同协定(不得超过采购协议价格)。供应商有义务执行微软的指示来发运、保护和保管物品,微软 有权利拥有和控制这些物品,这些义务和权利不应视以前的协议而定。 13. 便利终止订单。 (a) 微软可以随时出于其自身的便利全部或部分终止本采购订单,并通过电子邮件、传真或其他书面形式向供应商发送通知,该终止通知用于终止本采购订单,但不包括此日期之前已按时全部交付的商品和服务。 (b) 一旦本订单因便利而终止,供应商应在微软指定的范围和时间内,(i) 停止对本采购订单的所有工作;并且 (ii) 保护微软在其中拥有权益或可能从中获得权益的所有财产。在解决或支付采购协议终止索赔之前,供应商应继续遵守微软有关上述所有条款的指示。 (c) 一旦本采购协议因便利而终止,供应商的专有补偿应包括以下各项:供应商应立即对其未结订单、原材料、半成品以及子装配件进行合理评估,并确定是否可以使用这些货物来制造其他产品或将其移作他用,并根据这些可用货物的价值相应地减少终止采购协议的索赔。微软将支付终止本采购协议前已交付的商品的应付款额(但不重复),并考虑支付以下款项:(i) 根据本采购订单完成但尚未支付的所有商品的采购协议价格,和/或 (ii) 供应商发生的实际成本,该成本根据商业会计惯例可分配或摊派到本采购订单的终止部分。微软保留采取合理必要措施验证索赔的权利,供应商同意与微软合作,以便进行此类验证。该供应商应根据微软的要求提供所有相关账簿以及记录,以便进行检查和审计。如果供应商未能向微软提供这些权利,则供应商被认为放弃索赔。 (d) 第 13(c) 小节规定的付款(不包含第 4 节的付款)不得超过本采购订单规定的总价(需减去另外规定的付款)。应该从第 13(c) 小节规定的应向供应商支付的款项中减去与交付给微软之前发生的货物丢失、损害、失窃或毁坏有关的所有应付款项。 (e) 第 13 节仅适用于因微软的便利而终止采购协议的情况,而且不应影响或损害微软在供应商违反本采购协议约定时终止本采购订单的权利。 14. 数据保护。 (a) 在本节规定中,“私人信息”是指微软提供或供应商收集的与本协议相关的所有信息,(i) 该信息可以识别或可用来识别、联系或查找与信息相关的个人,或 (ii) 从该信息中获得个人的身份或联系信息。私人信息包括但不限于:姓名、地址、电话号码、传真号、电子邮件地址、社会保险号或其他政府颁发的标志以及信用卡信息。此外,如果任何其他信息(如个人档案、唯一标识符、生物统计信息和/或 IP 地址,但不限于这些信息)与私人信息相关或结合,则这些信息也将被视为私人信息。 (b) 在依据本协议提供服务的过程中,供应商所收集或访问的任何私人信息应仅限于在提供服务或履行任何法律要求时所必需的信息。如果该服务涉及从个人直接收集的私人信息(如通过网页),则供应商应提供一份关于使用该私人信息的明确声明。此类声明应遵守 http://members.microsoft.com/vendorguide 中包含的所有相关指南或微软提供的其他规定。 (c) 供应商应仅在按照本协议提供服务的必要时候使用上述私人信息,不得出于任何其他目的使用该私人信息。根据第 22 节的规定,供应商应对上述私人信息严格保密。除非必须根据与本节条款实质上类似的条款和条件实施服务,否则供应商不得出于任何原因与第三方共享供应商收集或拥有的任何私人信息。如果供应商收到关于严重泄露任何私人信息的法院指令,或收到此指令的诉讼程序通知书,则供应商应反驳该指令,并将此指令或通知告知微软,并在对该指令或通知做出回应之前允许微软参与诉讼。 (d) 供应商将采取合理措施保护其所拥有的私人信息,避免非授权使用、访问、披露、变更或破坏。安全措施应包括访问控制、加密或其他适当方法。如果任何已知的违反安全性行为可能导致非授权的使用、访问、披露、变更或破坏,供应商应立即通知微软。 供应商同意至少每年进行一次审计,以评估供应商所拥有的私人信息的安全性,并验证是否遵守了本协议中有关私人信息的条款。供应商应根据要求向微软提供上述审计结果。 (e) 在微软提出要求时,供应商应向微软提供其拥有的任何或所有私人信息。一旦本协议终止或到期,您须自终止日或到期日起十 (10) 天内,按照微软的自主决定,或者 (i) 向微软提供所有包含客户信息的文件和材料(包括任何和全部复制件),以及所有其他微软所有的或在您掌控之下的微软的资料或财产,或者 (ii) 销毁所有此类指定的文件和资料(包括任一和各种形式的任一和全部复制件)并向微软提供由贵公司官员签字的销毁证明。 15. 商品责任。无论前期是否进行查验,也无论此处指定的 FOB 地点如何,在微软在指定的交付地点最终验收货物以前,供应商应承担商品或服务发生丢失、损坏或毁坏的所有风险。不论发生何种情况,微软 均应承担由其员工在受雇期间的重大疏忽引起的任何损失。 16. 弃权。微软未执行本采购订单的任一条款、未行使此处规定的任何选择权或特权,或未随时要求供应商履行本协议的任一条款,均不应视为对该条款的弃权,也不应影响本协议或其他任何部分的有效性,也不影响微软执行任何条款的权利。 17. 资不抵债,利润损失,损害赔偿。本协议的任何一方资不抵债、宣告破产、申请自愿破产或转让债权人利益均应视为严重违反本采购订单采购协议。在任何情况下,供应商均无权获得预期利润或特殊的或间接的损害赔偿。在本采购订单中,“资不抵债”是指 (a) 任何一方通过正当途径声明其负债超过资产,或 (b) 任何一方在正常的商业过程中无法及时偿付其商业债务。 18. 转包。未经微软事先书面同意,供应商不得向任何其他方转包本采购订单并提供任何商品或服务,其中包括但不限于任何成品或基本完工的产品、备件或其他作品。 19. 赔偿。供应商同意在下列情况引起的所有索赔、要求、损失、费用、损害以及诉讼中,为微软进行赔偿和辩护,并保护其免受伤害:(a) 在根据本采购订单使用、销售或再销售交付给微软的商品和服务的过程中,对任何第三方知识产权或其他所有权存在实际侵权或嫌疑侵权,(b) 任何索赔(如果属实)已构成了对此处包含的任何供应商保证的违约,(c) 供应商的代理人、员工或分包商的任何行为或疏忽,以及 (d) 供应商员工、附属公司或分包商的任何索赔(不管其根据为何),在每种索赔中包括但不限于结算款项支付、判决以及合理的律师费用。 20. 保险。供应商应采取合理的必要措施,以防止其任何员工、代理人或分包商在执行与本采购订单相关的工作过程中发生人身伤害或财产损失。供应商应始终根据国家及当地的法律或适用于供应商和/或其代理人、员工或分包商行为的其他地方、州、联邦或外国法律法规,缴纳人身伤害和/或财产损失保险(包括汽车责任保险和雇主责任保险),以保护微软免于承担上述风险,并避免承担与本采购订单有关的任何索赔责任。供应商应根据微软的要求提供可被接受的证明,以证实其缴纳了足够的保险。 21. 礼品保证。供应商保证未向微软的任何员工、代理人或代表提供或赠予任何礼品,而且将来也不会提供或赠予此类物品,以便为了从微软获取任何业务,或为了在供应商与微软签订的任何采购协议或订单(包括但不限于本采购订单)条款、条件或执行方面影响上述人员。 22. 机密事宜的保密条款。如果双方已签订标准的《微软保密协议》,则该协议的条款应纳入本协议,而且本采购订单的所有条款和条件应依照相关定义被视为机密信息。如果双方尚未签订标准的《微软保密协议》,则供应商同意在本采购订单有效期以及其后五 (5) 年内将严格保密,而且不会使用或向任何第三方披露任何微软的机密信息。术语“微软 的机密信息“是指所有微软指定为机密信息或在公开环境下应被视为机密信息的所有非公开信息。“微软 的机密信息”包括但不限于本采购订单的条款和条件、已发布或未发布的微软软件或硬件产品信息、任何微软产品的营销或促销信息、微软 的商业策略或惯例、微软客户或供应商的信息或者微软从其他方获得且有义务视为机密信息的信息。“微软 的机密信息”不包括在微软向供应商披露之前供应商已经得知的信息或者并非因供应商错误而公开的信息。 23. 审计。自本采购订单签订之日起的四年内,供应商应保留所有常规和必要的记录、帐簿以及与其成本或费用(与本采购订单及其报表相关)有关的所有常规和必要分录。同时,在上述规定的审计期间,微软将有权对适用记录和资源进行审计和/或检查,以验证供应商签发的声明或开出的发票,并核实供应商是否遵守本采购订单的条款。任何此类审计应由微软公司内部审计员或由微软指定的第三方所执行。供应商应向微软指定的审计或检查小组提供访问相关人员,记录或场所的合理权限。微软 将承担指定审计员或检查小组的费用,但是,一旦在审计过程中发现违反本采购订单的情况时,供应商应偿付所产生的金额,并追付审计发生的额外收费。 24. 转让。未经微软事先书面同意,供应商不得转让与本采购订单有关的任何权利或义务(包括接收应付金额的权利);在未征得同意的情况下,任何转让声明均为无效声明。微软可以随时转让与本采购订单有关的权利。 25. 劳资纠纷声明。只要实际发生或可能发生的劳资纠纷导致或可能导致本采购订单无法按时履行,则供应商应立即以书面形式通知微软此类纠纷并描述所有相关细节。供应商应在本采购订单允许的各个子采购协议中包括与上述规定相同的条款,并在收到任何此类通知时,以书面形式通知微软。 26. 专利许可。尽管存在上述条件,但只要供应商未履行本采购订单的条款,则作为本采购订单的一部分,供应商应在不增加微软成本的情况下,自动授予微软以下一项不可撤销的、非专属的、免版税的权利,即使用、销售、生产或安排生产任何或所有符合下列条件的产品:体现由供应商(或代表供应商)创造、构想或实际应用的任何或所有与履行本采购订单相关的发明及发现。 27. 适用法律。本采购订单应受中国法律的限制和管辖,并依据中国法律解释。 28. 公众信息权;商标使用。未经微软事先书面同意,供应商不得允许或促使他人以任何形式发布与本采购订单有关或与供应商和微软之间关系有关的任何宣传、广告、新闻稿、布告、拒绝或确认消息。未经微软事先书面同意,供应商不得在宣传稿、广告或类似活动中使用微软的名称、商用名、服务标志、商标、商品外观或公司徽标。 Microsoft Standard Purchase Order Terms & Conditions (English Version) (a) If (i) an executed agreement is in place between the parties that brings the Supplier into the Microsoft Vendor Program ("MSVP"), (ii) Supplier is a participant in the MSVP on the effective date of this Purchase Order, and (iii) the Goods and/or Services are within the scope of the work category(ies) under which Supplier is authorized to participate in the MSVP, then the provisions of such agreement governs this Purchase Order and is incorporated herein. (b) If a mutually executed agreement is in effect between the parties before the effective date of this Purchase Order which the parties may intend to cover the subject matter of this Purchase Order and/or the relationship of the Parties regarding Microsoft obtaining such Goods and Services, then such agreement governs this Purchase Order as to the matters expressly addressed herein and is incorporated herein. (c) For greater certainty, to the extent multiple agreements could apply to the Goods and Services which are the subject of this Purchase Order as to any particular contract provision or element of performance, that which is more favorable to Microsoft shall apply unless in the context and circumstances it would be clearly unreasonable or unconscionable for that to be the result. (d) Except as stated above in this Section 2, and other than Order Changes described in Section 8, the Termination provisions in Sections 12 and 13, additional or different terms will not be applicable to this Purchase Order unless contained in a written document mutually executed by the parties. (a) The Goods and Services must meet the standards and specifications in this Purchase Order. Failure on the part of the Supplier strictly to comply with the Purchase Order specifications and requirements shall allow Microsoft to cancel this Purchase Order. (b) All Goods and Services shall be subject to inspection and testing by Microsoft, at any time and place, including the period of manufacture and in any event prior to final acceptance. If inspection or testing is done by Microsoft at Supplier's premises, Supplier without additional charge shall provide all reasonable facilities and assistance for the safety and convenience of Microsoft's inspectors. No inspection or testing done or not done prior to final inspection and acceptance shall relieve the Supplier from responsibility for defects or for other failure to meet the requirements of this Purchase Order. (c) If any item delivered under this Purchase Order is defective in materials or workmanship or otherwise not in conformity with the requirements herein, then Microsoft shall have the right to reject it without correction, require its correction within a specified period of time, accept it with an adjustment in price, or return it to Supplier for full credit. Any item which has been rejected or required to be corrected, shall be replaced or corrected by and at the expense of Supplier promptly after notice. If, after Microsoft's request, Supplier fails promptly to replace or correct a defective item within the delivery schedule, Microsoft may, at its sole option, (i) replace or correct such item and charge to Supplier the cost occasioned thereby, (ii) without further notice terminate this Purchase Order for default, or (iii) require an appropriate reduction in price. (d) Notwithstanding any prior inspections or payments made, all Goods and Services shall also be subject to final inspection and acceptance at Microsoft's designated location within a reasonable time after delivery. Records of all inspection work shall be kept complete and available to Microsoft during performance of this Purchase Order and for such further period as Microsoft may determine. (a) Supplier warrants that: (b) Microsoft's approval of the Supplier's material or acceptance of Goods and Services shall not relieve Supplier of the warranties set forth in this clause. The provisions of this clause shall not limit or affect the right of Microsoft under the clause entitled "Inspection". (c) If Supplier supplies Goods of foreign origin and fails to notify Microsoft in writing, or notifies Microsoft incorrectly of the country of origin whether through negligence or without negligence, Supplier shall indemnify Microsoft for all its expenses, duties, penalties, damages, including compromise or mitigated settlements and attorneys' fees incurred by Microsoft by such failure to notify or by any incorrect notification. (a) It is understood and agreed that time is of the essence under this Purchase Order. In addition to other provisions hereof, Microsoft, by written notice, may terminate this Purchase Order in whole or in part if Supplier fails (i) to make delivery of Goods or perform Services within the specified time or delivery schedule, or any extension thereof by written Change Order or amendment, or (ii) to replace or correct defective Goods or Services in accordance with this Purchase Order, or (iii) to perform any other provision of this Purchase Order or so fails to make progress as to endanger performance in accordance with its terms as determined by Microsoft in its sole discretion. (b) In the event of termination pursuant to this section, Microsoft may procure, upon such terms and in such manner as Microsoft may deem appropriate, goods or services similar or substantially similar to those so terminated, and Supplier shall be liable to Microsoft for any excess costs occasioned Microsoft thereby, provided that the Supplier shall continue the performance of this Purchase Order to the extent not terminated. (c) If this Purchase Order is terminated pursuant to sub-section 12(a), Microsoft, in addition to any other rights provided herein or by law, may require Supplier to transfer title and deliver to Microsoft in the manner and to the extent directed by Microsoft (i) any completed Goods and Services, and/or (ii) such partially completed Goods and/or Services as Supplier has produced or acquired for the performance of this Purchase Order. Supplier shall take reasonable measures, including those requested by Microsoft, to protect and preserve such property prior to its delivery to Microsoft. Payment for such Goods and Services delivered to and accepted by Microsoft shall be in an amount agreed upon by the parties (not to exceed the contract price). Supplier's obligation to carry out Microsoft's directions as to delivery, protection, and preservation, and Microsoft's right to have and to control the same, shall not be contingent upon prior agreement as to such amount. (a) Microsoft may terminate for its convenience all or any part of this Purchase Order at any time by notice given by e-mail, facsimile or other written notice to Supplier, which then will apply to terminate the Purchase Order except for Goods and Services timely and fully delivered prior to such date. (b) Upon any such termination, Supplier shall, to the extent and at the times specified by Microsoft, (i) stop all work on this Purchase Order, and (ii) protect all property in which Microsoft has or may acquire an interest. Supplier shall proceed promptly to comply with Microsoft's directions respecting each of the foregoing without awaiting settlement or payment of its termination claim. (c) Upon any termination for convenience, Supplier's exclusive claim shall be the following: Supplier promptly shall reasonably assess open orders, raw materials, work in process, and sub-assemblies to determine whether or not such items can be used by Supplier for the manufacture of other products or be diverted for any other purpose, and shall correspondingly reduce its terminations claim by the value of such useable items. Microsoft may pay the amount due for articles delivered prior to termination, but without duplication, may consider the following amount: (i) the contract price for all articles completed in accordance with the Purchase Order and not previously paid for, and/or (ii) the actual cost incurred by Supplier which can be allocable or apportionable under recognized commercial accounting practices to the terminated portion of the Purchase Order. Microsoft reserves the right to take such steps that are reasonably necessary to verify claims, and Supplier agrees to cooperate with Microsoft as needed to facilitate such verification. The Supplier shall make available to Microsoft upon its request all relevant books and records for inspections and audit. If Supplier fails to afford Microsoft its rights hereunder, Supplier shall be deemed to have relinquished its claim. (d) Payment made under sub-section 13(c) exclusive of payments under section 4, shall not exceed the total aggregate price specified in this Purchase Order, less payments otherwise made or to be made. There shall be excluded from any amounts payable to Supplier under sub-section 13(c) all amounts payable in respect to property lost, damaged, stolen or destroyed prior to delivery to Microsoft. (e) This section 13 shall be applicable only to termination for Microsoft's convenience and shall not affect or impair any right of Microsoft to terminate this Purchase Order upon Supplier's default in the performance hereof. (a) For the purposes of this section, "Personal Information" means any information provided by Microsoft or collected by Supplier in connection with this Agreement (i) that identifies or can be used to identify, contact, or locate the person to whom such information pertains, or (ii) from which identification or contact information of an individual person can be derived. Personal Information includes, but is not limited to: name, address, phone number, fax number, email address, social security number or other government-issued identifier, and credit card information. Additionally, to the extent any other information (such as, but not necessarily limited to, a personal profile, unique identifier, biometric information, and/or IP address) is associated or combined with Personal Information, then such information also will be considered Personal Information. (b) Any Personal Information collected or accessed by Supplier in the performance of the Services in accordance with this Agreement shall be limited to that which is strictly necessary to perform such Services or to fulfill any legal requirements. If the Services involve the collection of personal information directly from individuals, such as through a webpage, Supplier will provide a clear and conspicuous notice regarding the uses of the personal information. Such notice will comply with all relevant guidelines contained at http://members.microsoft.com/vendorguide or as otherwise provided by Microsoft. (c) Supplier shall use such Personal Information only as necessary to perform the Services in accordance with this Agreement and not for any other purpose whatsoever. Supplier shall maintain such Personal Information in strict confidence in accordance with the provisions of Section 22. Supplier will not share any Personal Information that is collected or possessed by Supplier with any third parties for any reason except as necessary to carry out the Service, and only under terms and conditions substantially similar to those contained in this section. If Supplier is served with a court order compelling disclosure of any Personal Information or with notice of proceedings for such an order, Supplier will oppose the order, will notify Microsoft of such order or notice, and will provide Microsoft the opportunity to intervene before Supplier files any response to the order or notice. (d) Supplier will take reasonable steps to protect Personal Information in Supplier's possession from unauthorized use, access, disclosure, alteration or destruction. Security measures shall include access controls, encryption or other means, where appropriate. Supplier must immediately notify Microsoft of any known security breach that may result in the unauthorized use, access, disclosure, alteration or destruction of Personal Information. Supplier agrees to conduct an audit on at least an annual basis to evaluate the security of Personal Information in Supplier's possession and to verify that the terms of this Agreement with respect to Personal Information are being followed. The results of such audit shall be made available to Microsoft on request. (e) Upon request from Microsoft, Supplier shall provide Microsoft with any or all Personal Information in Supplier's possession. Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement, Supplier shall within ten (10) days thereafter, at Microsoft's sole discretion either (i) provide Microsoft with all documents and materials (including any and all copies) containing Personal Information, together with all other materials and property of Microsoft, which are in its possession or under its control or (ii) destroy all such specified documents and materials (including any and all copies in any and all formats) and provide Microsoft with a certificate of destruction signed by an officer of Supplier.
(b) 微软可以随时随地(包括商品生产期间和最终验收货物之前的任何时间)对所有商品和服务进行检验。如果微软在供应商处进行查验或检验,则供应商应提供所有合理设施和协助,保证微软查验人员的安全和方便,并且不收取任何附加费用。在最终查验和接受之前未进行或不进行任何查验或检验,均不能免除供应商对货物缺陷的责任以及对未能满足本采购订单要求而承担的责任。
(c) 如果按本采购订单交付的任何货物或服务在原料或工艺上有缺陷或与订单要求不符,则微软有权拒绝接收、要求限期更正、调价后收货、或向供应商全额退货。供应商在接到货物或服务被拒绝或要求更正的通知后,应立即更换或更正,相关费用由供应商自行承担。在微软提出要求后,如果供应商未能按照交付计划及时更换或更正有缺陷的货物或服务,则微软可以自主选择 (i) 替换或更正货物或服务,并向供应商收取由此产生的费用;(ii) 不另行通知供应商而默认终止本采购订单;或者 (iii) 要求适当降价。
(d) 无论前期是否进行了查验或付款,所有的商品和服务都应在交付后的合理时间内,在微软指定的地点进行最终查验和接受。所有查验工作记录都应完整保存,以确保微软可以在本采购订单履行期间以及微软指定的未来期间内查询这些记录。
(i) 供应商向微软交付的所有商品和服务应符合以下条件:(i) 在工艺和原料上均无缺陷;(ii) 无版税责任;并且 (iii) 不存在任何施工留置权或其他法定留置权、担保权益或资产留置权;
(ii) 供应商应遵循本采购订单的要求,包括已纳入采购订单的任何图纸或规格要求以及由供应商提供样品(如果有)的要求。
(iii) 由于供应商承担着设计或创造商品和服务的责任,因此供应商应当设计和创造出高标准、高工艺的商品和服务,这些商品和服务应当在设计上无任何缺陷,并且不违反美国或外国专利权、版权、商业秘密或任何第三方所有权。
(iv) 在商品和服务的生产、创造、销售和实施过程中,不得违反任何适用法律或具有法律管辖权的政府实体制定的法规。
1. Acceptance and Effect. The terms and conditions of this Microsoft Corporation purchase order ("Purchase Order") including the provisions of Section 2, shall be the complete and binding agreement between Microsoft Corporation ("Microsoft") and the Supplier identified on the face of this Purchase Order ("Supplier") covering the purchase of the tangible goods ("Goods") and/or services ordered hereby ("Services"), and is effective when it is accepted by the earlier of Supplier's commencement of performance or the date of Supplier's signature below. Acceptance by Supplier of this Purchase Order is expressly limited to its terms, without counterproposal, and constitutes a warranty by Supplier that (a) Supplier will perform in accordance with this Purchase Order, and (b) the prices and fees charged by Supplier are not, and in the course of performance will not be, in excess of prices and fees charged to other Supplier customers for similar goods or services in similar quantities, specifications and delivery requirements.
2. Relationship to Other Agreements.
3. Packing, Shipment and Returns. Unless otherwise specifically provided in this Purchase Order: (a) when a price is based on the weight of Goods, such price shall include net weight only; (b) Microsoft will not be charged for boxing, crating, handling damage, drayage, storage, or other packing requirements; (c) Goods shall be delivered FOB destination to Microsoft's designated location(s); (d) Supplier shall mark all containers with necessary handling and shipping information, Purchase Order number(s), date of shipment, and the names of the consignee and consignor; (e) an itemized packaging sheet shall accompany each shipment; (f) no delivery shall be made prior to the date or dates shown herein unless Microsoft has given prior written consent; (g) Microsoft will pay only for the quantity received, not to exceed the maximum quantity ordered; (h) over-shipments will be held by Microsoft or its agent at Supplier's risk and expense for a reasonable time awaiting shipping instructions; And (i) return shipping charges for over-shipped quantities will be at Supplier's expense.
4. Invoices. Supplier invoices must be submitted with the following information: Purchase Order number, item number, description of item, quantities, unit prices, extended totals, packing slip number, and any other information specified elsewhere herein or reasonably required by Microsoft payment process, including third party invoices and receipts etc.
5. Payment Terms. Upon acceptance by Microsoft of the Goods or Services and receipt of a correct and undisputed invoice from Supplier, Microsoft shall pay such invoice on net thirty (30) days in local currency on the invoiced amount or on net sixty (60) days on the invoiced amount in foreign currency. In no event shall Microsoft be obligated to pay any invoice received from Supplier more than One Hundred Eighty (180) days after the date the Goods or Services were accepted. Supplier shall bear sole responsibility for all expenses incurred in connection with providing the Goods or Services and performing under the terms of this Purchase Order unless otherwise expressly agreed to herein. Payment of an invoice shall not constitute acceptance of Goods or Services, and shall be subject to adjustment for errors, shortages, defects or other failure of Supplier to meet the requirements of this Purchase Order. Microsoft may setoff against an amount Microsoft owes to Supplier or any of its affiliated companies any amount owed to Microsoft by any of them. Within a reasonable time after the setoff, Microsoft will provide notice thereof to Supplier.
6. Taxes. Unless otherwise specified herein, the prices associated with this Purchase Order include all applicable foreign, China, local municipal and other governmental taxes, duties, levies fees, excises or tariffs of any kind that may arise in connection with this Purchase Order (collectively "Taxes"). All Taxes shall be stated separately on Supplier's invoice. Microsoft shall not be liable for any Taxes that Supplier is legally obligated to pay. Supplier shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Microsoft from all Taxes and claims, causes of action, costs (including without limitation reasonable attorneys' fees) and any other liabilities of any nature whatsoever related to Taxes. If any Taxes are to be withheld on amounts which would otherwise be paid by Microsoft to Supplier, Microsoft is authorized to deduct them and pay them to the appropriate taxing authority.
7. Inspection.
8. Order Changes. Microsoft, at any time by written notice to Supplier and without any notice to Supplier sureties, subcontractors or assignees, may suspend Supplier's performance hereunder, increase or decrease the ordered quantities, or make changes for Microsoft's reasonable business needs and purposes (each, a "Change Order"). Unless otherwise mutually agreed, a Change Order would not apply to change the Goods and Services timely and fully delivered prior to the date of the Change Order. If any change causes an increase or decrease in the cost of, or the time required for, Supplier's performance, an equitable adjustment may be made in the price or delivery schedule or both, if Microsoft agrees to such adjustment in writing.
9. Tooling and Documents. All specifications, drawings, or other documents and data furnished by Microsoft, and all tools, dies, molds, fixtures, patterns, hobs, electrodes, punches, artwork, screens, tapes, templates, special test equipment and gauges, which have been furnished, paid for or charged against Microsoft, or which have had their cost amortized, shall be deemed the property of Microsoft, treated as confidential information, and delivered in good condition, normal wear and tear excepted, by Supplier to Microsoft FOB the Supplier's plant immediately upon demand and without cost. Supplier warrants that said item(s) and information will not be used for any work or production of any materials or parts other than for Microsoft without Microsoft's prior written permission.
10. Work For Hire. To the extent that Goods or Services are created as a "work made for hire" as that term is defined under China copyright law ("Work"), the parties intend that Microsoft shall own all Work, including without limitation all intellectual property rights therein, and all magnetically or optically encoded media, hardware, and other tangible items or materials created by Supplier as part of or while performing the Work. To the extent that any portion of the Work does not qualify as a "work made for hire" or includes material subject to copyright, patent, trade secret, or other proprietary protection, then Supplier hereby assigns to Microsoft, its successors and assigns, all right, title and interest in and to the Work, including all copyrights, patents, trade secrets, and other proprietary rights and any renewals and extensions thereof. Supplier shall execute and deliver such instruments, and take such other action requested by Microsoft, as may be required to carry out such assignments. Supplier also agrees to waive all moral rights or similar rights in the Work, if any such rights apply. If overriding applicable law limits Supplier's ability to waive moral rights, then Supplier waives all moral rights in the Work to the maximum extent permitted by such law. Any Supplier Work which includes a written or customized product or report related to, or to be used in, Microsoft's business is a work made for hire for the purposes hereof.
11. Warranties on Goods and Services.
(i) Supplier shall deliver to Microsoft all Goods and Services free from (i) any defects in workmanship and materials, (ii) any liability for royalties, and (iii) any mechanic's liens or any other statutory lien or security interest or encumbrance;
(ii) Supplier shall comply with the requirements of this Purchase Order, including any drawings or specifications incorporated herein and samples furnished by Supplier (if any);
(iii) To the extent that the design or creation of Goods and Services is Supplier's responsibility, they shall be designed and created to highly competent standards in a good workmanlike manner, they shall be free from design defects, and they shall not infringe on any U.S. or foreign patents, copyrights, trade secrets or any other third party proprietary right;
(iv) The Goods and Services shall be manufactured, created, sold and performed, as applicable, without violating any applicable law or regulation of any government entity with jurisdiction in the circumstances.
12. Termination for Default.
13. Termination for Convenience.
14. Data Protection.
15. Responsibility for Goods. Notwithstanding any prior inspections, and irrespective of the FOB point named herein, Supplier shall bear all risks of loss, damage, or destruction to the Goods or Services called for hereunder until final acceptance by Microsoft at the designated delivery location. In either case Microsoft shall be responsible for any loss occasioned by the gross negligence of its employees acting within the scope of their employment.
16. Waiver. The failure of Microsoft to enforce any provision of this Purchase Order, to exercise any election or option provided herein, or to require at any time performance by Supplier of any provision hereof, shall in no way be construed to be a waiver of such provision, nor in any way to affect the validity of this agreement or any part thereof, or the right of Microsoft thereafter to enforce each and every provision.
17. Insolvency, Loss of Profits, Damages. The insolvency or adjudication of bankruptcy, the filing of a voluntary petition in bankruptcy, or the making of an assignment for the benefit of creditors by either party shall be a material breach of this Purchase Order contract. In no event shall Supplier be entitled to anticipatory profits or to special or consequential damages. For the purposes of this Purchase Order, "insolvency" means either (a) the party's liabilities exceed its assets, each fairly stated, or (b) the party's failure to pay its business obligations on a timely basis in the regular course of business.
18. Subcontracting. No subcontracting shall be made by Supplier with any other party for furnishing any Goods or Services, including without limitation any completed or substantially completed articles, spare parts or other work, without Microsoft's prior written approval.
19. Indemnification. Supplier agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Microsoft from and against all claims, demands, loss, costs, damages, and actions for (a) actual or alleged infringements of any third party intellectual property or other proprietary rights in the use, sales, or re-sale of Goods and Services delivered to Microsoft under this Purchase Order, (b) any claim that, if true, would constitute a breach of any Supplier warranty contained herein, (c) any act or omission of agents, employees, or subcontractors of Supplier, and (d) any claims of its employees, affiliated companies or subcontractors regardless of the basis therefor, in each instance including, but not limited to, the payment of settlements, judgments, and reasonable attorneys' fees.
20. Insurance. Supplier shall take such steps as may be reasonably necessary to prevent personal injury or property damage during any work that may be performed by any employees, agents, or subcontractor of Supplier in connection with this Purchase Order. Supplier shall at all times maintain insurance for personal injury and/or property damage (including Automobile Liability and Employer's Liability) to protect Microsoft against the aforementioned risks, and against any claims under any country or local laws or foreign laws or regulations that are applicable to acts of Supplier and/or its agents, employees, or subcontractors in connection with this Purchase Order. Supplier, at the request of Microsoft, shall provide acceptable evidence to testify that adequate insurance.
21. Warranty Regarding Gratuities. Supplier warrants that it has not offered or given and will not offer or give any employee, agent, or representative of Microsoft any gratuities with a view toward securing any business from Microsoft or influencing such person with respect to the terms, conditions, or performance of any contract with or order from Microsoft, including but not limited to this Purchase Order.
22. Non-Disclosure of Confidential Matters. If the parties have entered into a standard Microsoft Non-Disclosure Agreement, the terms of such agreement shall be incorporated herein and all terms and conditions of this Purchase Order shall be deemed Confidential Information as defined therein. If the parties have not entered into a standard Microsoft Non-Disclosure Agreement, then Supplier agrees that at all times during the term of this Purchase Order and for five (5) years thereafter, Supplier will hold in strictest confidence, and will not use or disclose to any third party, any confidential information of Microsoft. The term "confidential information of Microsoft" shall mean all non-public information that Microsoft designates as being confidential, or which, under the circumstances of disclosure ought to be treated as confidential. "Confidential information of Microsoft " includes, without limitation, the terms and conditions of this Purchase Order, information relating to released or unreleased Microsoft software or hardware products, marketing or promotion of any Microsoft product, business policies or practices of Microsoft, customers or suppliers of Microsoft, or information received from others that Microsoft is obligated to treat as confidential. "Confidential information of Microsoft" shall not include information that was known to Supplier prior to Microsoft's disclosure to Supplier, or information that becomes publicly available through no fault of Supplier.
23. Audit. For a period of four (4) years from the date of this Purchase Order, Supplier agrees to keep all usual and proper records and books of account and all usual and proper entries relating to its costs and expenses which are pertinent to this Purchase Order and its reports hereunder. Also, during the above referenced period, Microsoft shall have the right to cause an audit and/or inspection to be made of the applicable records and facilities in order to verify statements or invoices issued by Supplier and in relation to Supplier's compliance with the terms of this Purchase Order. Any such audit shall be conducted by Microsoft corporate internal audit personnel or by a third party selected by Microsoft. Supplier agrees to provide Microsoft's designated audit or inspection team reasonable access to the relevant Supplier records, personnel and facilities. Microsoft shall bear the expense of its selected auditors or inspection team except that Supplier shall reimburse the same if discrepancies are disclosed during the period of such audit in addition to reimbursement for such overcharge.
24. Assignments. No right or obligation under this Purchase Order (including the right to receive monies due hereunder) shall be assigned by Supplier without the prior written consent of Microsoft, and any purported assignment without such consent shall be void. Microsoft may assign its rights under this Purchase Order at any time.
25. Notice of Labor Disputes. Whenever an actual or potential labor dispute is delaying or threatens to delay the timely performance of this Purchase Order, Supplier immediately will notify Microsoft in writing of such dispute and furnish all relevant details. Supplier shall include a provision identical to the above in each subcontract that may be allowed hereunder and, immediately upon receipt of any such notice, shall give written notice to Microsoft.
26. Patent License. Notwithstanding other conditions stated herein, if Supplier fail in performance according to the terms of this Purchase Order, Supplier, as part of the consideration for this Purchase Order and without further cost to Microsoft, hereby automatically grants to Microsoft an irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free right and license to use, sell, manufacture, and cause to be manufactured any and all products embodying any and all inventions and discoveries made, conceived, or actually reduced to practice by or on behalf of Supplier in connection with the performance of this Purchase Order.
27. Applicable Law. This Purchase Order is subject to and shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of China.
28. Publicity; Use of Trademarks. Supplier shall not cause or permit to be released any publicity, advertisement, news release, public announcement, or denial or confirmation of the same, in whatever form regarding any aspect of this Purchase Order or the relationship between Supplier and Microsoft without Microsoft's prior written approval. Supplier shall not use the name, trade name, service marks, trademarks, trade dress or logo of Microsoft in publicity releases, advertising or similar activities without the prior written consent of Microsoft.