中国 广州 Guangzhou, China 不管是古代海上丝绸之路的枢纽,还是现代中国的对外商务中心,今天的广州是一个名副其实的美食大都会。如果有哪个好吃的东西你在广州没有找到,那么即使你走遍中国也没有希望饱这个口福了。 意大利 博洛尼亚 Bologna, Italy 博洛尼亚,北边是艺术名城佛罗伦萨,南面是水城威尼斯,也许有人觉得博洛尼亚人会因为这两个邻居的存在而产生些许的自卑感。嘎。千万别搞错了!这座城市有着令人骄傲的美食传统。品尝过这些之后你就明白了!香肠,奶酪,美酒,还有冰淇淋!太帅了! 南非 开普敦 Cape Town, South Africa 智利小测验!猜猜这是哪个城市:三面环山,另一面是浩瀚的大西洋,有着美丽的海滩,悠久的酒文化,180平方英里的土地上居住着5百万不同种族的居民。呃……当然是开普敦了……一座超级美食城! 墨西哥 瓦哈卡 Oaxaca, Mexico 澳大利亚 墨尔本 Melbourne, Australia 美国 纽约 New York City, USA 加拿大 蒙特利尔 Montreal, Canada 美国 旧金山 San Francisco, USA
Despite the transformation from Silk Road outpost to modern center of foreign commerce, the Guangzhou of today is a mishmash of culinary styles and flavors. If you cannot find it in Guangzhou, it simply does not exist in China.
With Venice to the north and Florence to the south, one would hardly blame Bologna for harbouring an inferiority complex. But make no mistake, the city has a proud food tradition. Try the sausage, the cheese, the wine, and the gelato: it's all buon!
Pop quiz: What do you get when you take one elegant mountain backdrop, superb beaches, a venerable wine culture, and almost 5 million ethnically diverse residents within a 180-square mile area? Cape Town of course, a superlative food city.
法国 里昂 Lyon, France
While unfair perhaps to single out one city in France that outshines others in gastronomy, why not Lyon? With an ability to cater to gourmands of all budgets with gorgeous local cuisine and produce, Lyon has much to boast about.
新加坡 Singapore
Mere words cannot do justice to the eclectic jumble that is this posh city-state of 4 million people. Singapore is a wonderful mess of cultures, tastes, religions, and languages that all converge to produce some incredible cuisine.
The state of Oaxaca and in particular, the cosmopolitan capital city, is unlike any other place in misunderstood Mexico. From a culinary standpoint, it is where a rich indigenous food heritage meets colonial Spanish traditions.
This metropolis of 4 million people has undergone a renaissance in the last decade. Residents of this asylum for the avant-garde can lay claim to some of the most inventive cuisine in the world, from the beautiful city center to the sleepy suburbs.
The hyperactive uber-metropolis is home to just about every kind of cuisine imaginable. But to truly appreciate The Big Apple as a food city, you have to adopt an incremental approach. Think neighborhoods: Tribeca, West Village, SoHo, Harlem.
Montreal is the love child of Old World charisma and the cultural mosaic sensibility of North America. The result is a city huge on taste, sophistication and culinary pleasures. Residents have a proud maniacal obsession with food and drink.
The swanky NoCal despot of West Coast chic is home to some of the best chefs and restaurants in the world. San Francisco is a paradise for food lovers and presents a feast of impossible choices to gourmands game enough to take on the challenge.