New technology allows scientists to study how an insect flies and the design of its wings in detail. This could help develop new aerodynamic technology. How does a dragonfly twirl and dive in flight? How do flies loop the loop, spin upside down and perform tight rolls? The aerobatics of insects are truly amazing, but what enables these creatures to excel in flight beyond any human flying machines? 新技术技术使科学家们能够详细研究昆虫如何飞行以及它们翅翼的构造。这对于开发新的空气动力学技术是有益处的。蜻蜓在飞行中是如何旋转和俯冲的?苍蝇又是如何大回环翻筋斗﹑仰面朝天地旋转以及自身旋转笔直向前的?昆虫的飞行特技确实令人赞叹不已。可是这些昆虫在飞行方面是怎样胜过人类的飞行器的呢?
Modern technology is starting give some answers, Examined by high-speed film and scanning electron microscopes insects have revealed that one secret of their success lies in the design of their wings.现代技术正在开始解答这些问题。通过高速摄影和电子显微镜扫描研究,昆虫擅长飞得的秘密之一在于它们翅翼的设计。
Insects have thin wings made of tough membranes. Birds and bats fly with the help of joints and muscles inside their wings. However, insects become and stay airborne with wings that are moved only with the body muscle power but also to a combination of rigid and flexible veins allowing varying degrees of elasticity. 构成昆虫翅翼的膜既薄又坚韧。鸟和蝙蝠是借助于其翅膀里面的关节和肌肉飞行的。然而,昆虫得以在空中飞翔是借助于躯干中的肌肉的运动来带动翅翼进行的。昆虫翅翼的形状可以做细微的变化,这不公借助于它们的肌肉力量,也借助于它们身上坚硬柔韧的翅脉的组合,使之得以产生不同程度的弹性。