It is the same thing that is “wrong” for a huge number of teenagers——it is a lack of confidence. It is a fundamental disbelief in your own worth, value and abilities. Accepting Yourself I know you are looking around you and seeing people and thinking,“He has all this natural athletic talent, and she has all this natural intelligence, and he has…”And that is all true. What you may also be thinking is,“And I have none of that, and I’m not really good at anything.” That is not true. You too have a set of natural talents. Primarily the part you are missing is acceptance.Self-acceptance is, quite simply, accepting yourself as a good and worthwhile person and loving yourself the way you are.When you can do that, you can become confident. There are a number of things you can do to help: ●Make a big list of your strengths. List all of the things that you are good at. If you can think of absolutely nothing you are good at,then start extremely small. Think,“I am good at setting the table.” And so on. Make a huge, long list of that. Read it and update it every day. ●Accept compliments. When someone gives you a compliment, any compliment, large or small, for whatever reason, say,“Thank you.” Accept the compliment. Then reflect on the compliment and replay it and accept it and understand why you got it. ● Confidence can be boosted by a win or a success, so try to increase the odds of success. That is one reason why athletes are confident. They win games, and they accept those wins. Dealing with Mistakes Let it pass. Instead of letting it make you feel bad, just say,“Oh,here is one of these silly memories replaying itself; let’s just let that tape finish up and then we will load a better one.”Remember that mistakes replay for everyone.You are not alone. Finding Your Way The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is that the successful people keep trying and trying and trying until they succeed. You can focus on the journey rather than the destination. Learn to be confident. It may not work for you today, but I would like for you to think about it. About 10 weeks from now——or if you are stubborn,10 years from now——you will begin to see the light and things will change. It is usually the case that the change to confidence causes a change towards success.
接纳自己 我知道你会四处张望,看到别人就会想:“他生来就有体育天赋,她天生就聪明透顶,而他天生就……”这都是事实。你可能也会想:“而我就什么才华都没有,什么都不会。”这并不是事实。其实你自己也具有各种各样的天赋。最重要的一点,你所缺乏的就是接受你自己。自我接纳,简单说来,就是接受自己是个优秀的、有价值的人这样的自我认知,爱这样的自己。如果你能这样做,你就会变得自信。你可以做许多事情来达到这一点:
应对失误 过去的就让它过去吧。不要因为过去的事情影响了你的心情,对自己说:“噢,这不过是一个愚蠢的记忆在回放而已。我们就让这带子快点结束吧,然后就可以看一个更好的记忆了。”记住,每个人的心里都会重放过去的错误,你并不是惟一一个受影响的人。
走自己的路 成功人士与失败者之间的区别,就在于成功人士会不断地努力,努力,再努力,直到成功。你应该将眼光放在奋斗的过程而不仅仅是结果上面。