人大:NPC (National People’s Congress) 经济增长8%:economy to grow by 8% 全民分享改革和发展的成果:All the people share in the fruits of reform and development. 反腐败:to fight against corruption 有特色、高水平的奥运会 unique, well-run Olympic Games 加强国际合作,创造良好环境 to strengthen cooperation with the international community and create an excellent environment 促进中国经济社会发展 to promote China's economic and social development 增进中国人民同世界各国人民的友谊与合作 to increase friendship and cooperation between Chinese and the peoples of other countries 粮食总产量 grain output 第三大贸易国 the third largest trading nation 世界第四大经济体 world's fourth largest economy 国家税收 government revenue 外汇储备 foreign exchange reserves 更加开放的经济体more open economy 加快发展债券市场 to accelerate development of the bond market 稳步发展期货市场 to steadily develop the futures market 创业板市场 growth enterprise market 中小企业板 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) board 市值 market capitalization(指已发行股票的总值) 印花税 stamp tax 国家开发银行 China Development Bank 创业板块市场 market for growth enterprises 债券市场 bond market 期货市场 futures market 提高上市公司质量 improve the performance of listed companies 维护公开公平公正的市场秩序 to maintain an open, fair and equitable market environment 医疗保障 medical insurance 公共卫生服务 health care 医疗改革 healthcare reform 社会保障体系 social security system 医疗改革初步方案 preliminary plan on the health care reform 公开征求意见 to solicit opinions from the general public 基本医疗保险 basic medical insurance 安全、有效、方便、价廉的基本医疗卫生服务 safe, effective, convenient and affordable basic medical and health service 人人享有基本医疗卫生服务 to provide everyone with access to basic medical and health services 扩大城镇居民基本医疗保险试点 to extend the trial of basic medical insurance for urban residents 新型农村合作医疗制度 new type of rural cooperative medical care system 药品价格上涨 surging drug prices 免费的九年义务教育 free, nine-year compulsory education 免费义务教育 free compulsory education 学杂费 miscellaneous fees
政协:CPPCC (Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference)
十一届人大一次会议:the first session of the 11th National People’s Congress
政府工作报告:government work report
第十一个五年计划时期:the 11th five-year plan period (2006-10 period)
国内生产总值:GDP(Gross Domestic Product)
实践“绿色GDP”:the practice of “Green GDP”
健康、快速发展:to drive ahead sound and fast
结构调整:structural adjustment
减少能耗:to reduce consumption of energy
通过新的项目:to approve new projects
高效能技术:energy-efficient technology
设立……的目标:to set the goal of…
国家财政政策:the country’s fiscal policy
从中央预算中分配……给农村地区:Allocate … from the central budget for rural areas.
国家外汇储备:State foreign exchange reserves
贸易顺差:trade surplus
低收入者:low-income earners
收入差距:income gap
改善收入分配:to improve income distribution
社会公平、公正:social fairness and justice
社会和谐、稳定:social harmony and stability
生活、工作条件:the working and living conditions
覆盖城乡的社会保障制度:social security system covering the rural and the urban areas
政府救济金:government dole
基本生活费:basic cost of living
社会救济:social aid
社会保险:social insurance
社会福利:social welfare
医疗保险体系:medical insurance system
失业保障:unemployment security
养老金方案:pension scheme
保证农民最低生活标准:to guarantee a minimum standard of living for farmers
农村医疗合作制:the rural cooperative medical care system
食品安全:food safety
外来务工者:migrant workers
九年义务制教育:nine-year compulsory education system
国家奖学、助学金制度:national scholarship and tuition assistance system
帮助贫困学生完成学业:to help poor students complete their schooling
最严格的土地管理制度:the strictest possible land management system
改进政府形象:to improve the government image
转变政府职能:to adjust the government functions
加快行政管理改革:to speed up administrative management reform
廉洁政府:a clean government
垄断企业:monopoly firms
发展不平衡:uneven development
国家发改委:the National Development & Reform Commission
爱好和平的人们:peace-loving people
坚决反对各种形式的分裂活动:in firm opposition to all forms of secessionist activities on the land