白刚玉微粉 white fused alumina powder 白色光固化字符印料 light solidified white symbol ink 半导体超晶格材料 semiconductor super lattice materials 保偏光纤 polarization maintaining fiber 钡铁氧体磁粉 Ba-ferrite powder 标准单模光纤 standard single mode fiber; G.625 fiber 表面保护压敏粘胶带 surface protect pressure sensitive adhesive tape 表面组装用胶粘剂 surface mounting adhesives 冰醋酸 acatic acid glacial 丙酮 acetone 波峰焊剂 soldering flux of wave crest 玻璃纤维增强环氧膜塑料 glass fiber reinforced epoxy molding 薄钢带 thin steel strip 薄膜磁头及磁芯材料 thin film magnetic heads and their cores 彩色液晶 colour liquid crystals 蚕丝筛网 natural silk bolting cloth 插件胶 adhesive for inserting electronic 掺铥钇铝石榴石激光晶体 Tm-doped YAG crystal 掺铒磷酸盐激光玻璃 erbium-doped phosphate glass 掺铒钇铝石榴石激光晶体 Er-doped YAG laser crystal 掺铬氟铝锶锂氟铝钙锂可协调激光晶体 /Cr-doped LiSrAlF6/LiCaAlF6 tunable laser crystal 掺铬镁橄榄石晶体 Cr-doped forsterite crystal 掺钬、铥、铬钇铝石榴石激光晶体 Ho,Tm,Cr-doped YAG laser crystal 掺钬、铒、铥氟化钇锂激光晶体 Ho,Er,Tm-doped YLF laser crystal 掺钕、铈、铬钇铝石榴石激光晶体 Nd,Ce,Cr-doped YAG laser 掺钕、铈、铽钇铝石榴石激光晶体 Nd,Ce,Tb-doped YAG laser crystal 掺钕掺四价铬钇铝石榴石晶体 Nd, Cr-doped YAG crystal 掺钕掺氧化镁铌酸锂晶体 neodymium and magnesium oxide 掺钕钒酸激光晶体 Nd-doped YVO4 laser crystal 掺钕氟化钇锂激光晶体 Nd-doped YLF laser crystal 掺钕铝酸钇激光晶体 掺钕钇铝石榴石激光晶体 掺铈的硅酸钆闪烁晶体 掺四价铬钇铝石榴石激光晶体 掺铁铌酸锂晶体 掺氧化镁铌酸锂晶体 掺氧化锌铌酸锂晶体 掺镱钇铝石榴石激光晶体 超长铜芯聚酯带 超细钯粉 超细玻璃粉 超细箔粉 超细二氧化钌粉 超细金粉 超细镍粉 超细铜粉 超细银钯合金粉 超细银铋合金粉 超细银粉 传输光纤 纯六氟化钼 纯氖 纯一氧化氮 瓷基有机覆铜板 磁粉 磁温度补偿合金 磁性液体 氮化镓外延材料 导电布 导电聚苯乙烯塑料 导电聚丙烯 导电聚乙烯 灯用三基色荧光粉 低固免清洗助焊剂 低温封接玻璃粉 低温合金钎料 涤纶薄膜电容器内包封料 涤纶薄膜电容器外包封料 涤纶丝筛网 碲镉汞晶体 碲化铅单晶 碲锌镉衬底材料 电弧石英玻璃坩埚 电压穿透式多色荧光粉 电子灌封料 电子级八氟丙烷 电子级二氯二氢硅 电子束负性抗蚀剂 电子束正性抗蚀剂 电子元件固定密封胶 电子专用热粘胶带 丁酮 杜美丝 镀锡铜包钢线 二甲苯 二氯甲烷 二氧化碲单晶 二氧化硅 二氧化硫 发泡镍合金丝 钒酸钇单晶 防氧化焊锡条 防氧化特种焊条 防氧化助焊剂 仿金刚石晶体膜 非晶磁头材料 非晶硅薄膜 非晶态磁光薄膜 非晶态磁头薄膜 非晶态磁头材料 非晶态软磁合金 非零色散位移单模光纤 非蒸散型吸气剂 氟化铵溶液 氟化钡 氟化钙 氟化镁 氟化镁 氟化镁钾:锰 氟化铅 氟锗酸镁:锰 负胶漂洗液 负胶显影液 负温度系数热敏电阻陶瓷 覆不锈钢箔层压板 覆超厚铜箔层压板 覆电阻箔层压板 覆铝箔层压板 覆镍铜带 覆铍青铜箔层压板 覆铜箔、铝箔层压板 覆铜箔酚醛纸层压板 覆铜箔复合基层压板 覆铜箔改性聚苯醚玻璃布层压板 覆铜箔环氧玻璃布层压板 覆铜箔环氧纸层压板 覆铜箔聚四氟乙烯玻璃布层压板 覆铜箔聚酰亚胺玻璃布层压板 覆铜箔聚酰亚胺芳纶布基层压板 覆锡铈合金铜质带材 高饱和磁感应强度铁氧体 高纯氨 高纯氮 高纯二甲基镉 高纯二氧化碳 高纯二乙基碲 高纯二乙基锌 高纯氟化氢 高纯硅烷 高纯氦 高纯甲烷 高纯氪 高纯磷烷 高纯硫化氢 高纯六氟化硫 高纯六氟乙烷 高纯铝带、箔 高纯铝线 高纯氯 高纯氯化氢 高纯氢 高纯三氟化氮 高纯三氟化磷 高纯三氟化硼 高纯三氟化砷 高纯三氟甲烷 高纯三甲基镓 高纯三甲基铝 高纯三甲基锑 高纯三甲基铟 高纯三氯化硼 高纯三氯氢硅 高纯三乙基铝 高纯疝 高纯砷烷 高纯四氟化硅 高纯四氟化钛 高纯四氟化碳 高纯四氯化硅 高纯四氯化硅Ⅳ 高纯溴化氢 高纯氩 高纯氧 高纯氧化亚氮 高纯一氧化碳 高纯乙硅烷 高纯乙硼烷 高功率低温度系数石榴石材料系列 高介电常数覆铜板 高频镍锌铁氧体 高强度铝焊丝 高性能多用焊锡丝 锆钛酸铅镧电光陶瓷 锆钛酸铅热释电陶瓷 锆钛酸铅压电陶瓷 工业纯铁 光固化助焊剂(单组分) 光固化助焊剂(双组分) 光敏胶 光纤硅涂料 光学级晶体铌酸锂晶体 光学级坦酸锂晶体 光学石英玻璃 硅单晶 硅单晶抛光片 硅多晶 硅铝合金带、箔 硅酸铋单晶 硅酸钙:铅、锰 硅酸镓镧 硅酸锌:锰 硅外延材料 硅微粉 过氧化氢 焊料防氧化油 焊锡膏 合成石英玻璃 黑碳化硅涂附磨具专用微粉 红宝石激光晶体 红色荧光粉硫氧化钇:铕(Ⅲ) 红色荧光粉硫氧化钇:铕(Ⅲ) 红色荧光粉硼酸钇钆:铕(Ⅲ) 厚膜导体浆料 厚膜电阻浆料 厚膜介质浆料 滑石陶瓷 环保型阻燃环氧灌封料 环化聚异戊二烯橡胶负性光刻胶 环己烷 环氧密封胶(单祖分) 环氧膜塑料 环氧膜塑料 环氧树脂 环氧树脂浇铸料(光电产品用) 活化剂 活性焊剂 活性焊锡丝 活性松香焊锡丝 加成型硅橡胶 加成型液体硅橡胶(单组分) 加速剂 甲苯 甲醇 尖晶石 碱性清洗液 碱性蚀刻剂 键垫用导电硅橡胶混炼胶 键合硅铝丝 键合金丝 胶粘剂 焦磷酸锶:铕 结晶型低温封接玻璃粉 介质陶瓷材料 金箔 金红石瓷 金属薄膜 金属磁粉 金属基(芯)覆铜箔板 金属丝筛网 浸涂防粘隔离剂 晶体清洗剂 晶体粘合剂 局部镀银铜带 聚氨酯封装料 聚氨酯无蜡抛光软垫 聚酰亚胺涂层胶 聚乙烯醇肉桂酸酯光刻胶 聚脂胶粘带 聚酯型光刻胶 Chinese>康铜极薄带材 可伐合金 宽频带镍铜锌系铁氧体 蓝色荧光粉硫化锌:银 蓝色荧光粉硫化锌:银、铝 蓝色荧光粉铝酸钡锶:铕(Ⅱ)Ⅱ 镧锆钛酸铅陶瓷 锂铁氧体材料系列 磷化镓单晶 磷化铟单晶 磷化铟外延材料 磷酸 磷酸镓单晶 磷酸锌锶:锡、 磷酸氧钛钾晶体 零色散位移单模光纤 硫化锌:铜 硫化锌:铜、氯 硫化锌:银 硫化锌镉:铜 硫酸 硫酸钇:铈Ⅲ 六方硫化锌:银 六方铝酸镁镧钕晶体 卤磷酸钙:锑锰 滤色膜用彩色树脂浆 铝硅铁粉芯 铝镍钴永磁 铝镍钴永磁体 铝镍永磁体 铝酸镧单晶 铝酸镁单晶 绿色荧光粉 绿色荧光粉硫氧化锌:铜、铝 绿色荧光粉硫氧化锌:铜、铝 绿碳化硅微粉 镁橄榄石瓷 镁锌铁氧体 锰白铜丝 锰锌铁氧体 锰锌系铁氧体材料高磁导率锰锌铁氧体μ 弥散强化无氧铜 免清洗波峰焊剂 免清洗焊锡丝 免清洗助焊剂 抹音磁头环氧灌封料 钼板 钼箔 钼封接玻璃粉 钼丝 钼酸铅单晶 钼钨合金丝 内导电石墨乳 耐高温胶粘剂 耐热型纸基压敏胶粘带 挠性覆铜箔材料 铌酸钾晶体 铌酸锂单晶 铌酸锂开关 镍板 镍带 镍合金丝 镍及镍合金带 镍及镍合金管 镍及镍合金丝 镍铁氧体材料系列 镍铁氧体高功率材料系列 镍铜合金 镍线 镍锌铁氧体 镍锌系铁氧体材料抗电磁干扰用镍铜锌系铁氧体 钕铁硼永磁 钕铁硼永磁粉 钕铁硼永磁体(烧结) 喷金丝、条 喷涂纯锌丝 硼酸镉:锰 硼酸铯锂晶体 铍青铜箔材 铍酸镧激光晶体 其他锰锌铁氧体 气炼石英玻璃 气炼透明石英玻璃管 气相沉积氮化硼陶瓷 氢氟酸 氢氧化铵 热风整平助熔剂 人造石英晶体α 软铅焊料 三氯甲烷 三氯乙烯 三硼酸锂晶体 三元系压电陶瓷材料 钐钴永磁粉 钐钴永磁体(烧结) 闪烁锗酸铋单晶 烧结永磁铁氧体材料 砷化镓单晶 砷化镓外延材料 砷酸镁:锰 石英玻璃 石英梯度型多模光纤 室温固化环氧灌封料 室温硫化灌封硅橡胶(双组分) 室温硫化硅橡胶(单包装) 室温硫化硅橡胶(单组分) 室温硫化硅橡胶(双组分) 释汞吸气剂 树脂芯焊锡丝 数据石英光纤 双向拉伸聚丙烯薄膜 Chinese>水溶性光刻胶 水溶性光致变色抗蚀干膜 水溶性焊剂 水溶性助焊剂 丝网感光胶 丝印塑料油墨 四硼酸锂单晶 塑料光纤 酸性清洗剂 钛宝石激光晶体 钛箔 钛酸钡热敏电阻陶瓷 钛酸钡铁电陶瓷 钛酸铅压电陶瓷 钽酸锂单晶 碳化硅外延材料 碳基铁粉芯 碳酸盐 搪锡助焊剂 陶瓷基无机覆铜板 陶瓷基无机覆铜板 特高频软磁铁氧体 特种切削液 锑化镓单晶 锑化铟晶体 锑锰锆钛酸铅压电陶瓷 铁封接玻璃粉 铁钴钒软磁材料 铁镍合金 铁镍钼粉芯 铁镍软磁合金 铁氧体永磁 通用石榴石材料系列 铜基覆铜箔板 铜离子抑制剂 透明石英玻璃仪器及器皿 脱胶液 外导电石墨乳 微波高值铁氧体谐振子系列 钨粉 钨铼合金丝 钨铈电极 钨丝 钨酸钙:铅 无磁不锈钢 无电镀铜液 无高效清洗剂 无水乙醇 无氧铜 稀土钴永磁 锡化丝印干膜 锡锑银镍封装焊料 Chinese>锡渣还原剂 硝酸 形状记忆合金 研磨切割油 盐酸 厌氧胶 氧化镝 氧化铥 氧化铒 氧化钆 氧化锆 氧化锆陶瓷材料 氧化钬 氧化钪 氧化镧 氧化镥 氧化铝瓷 氧化铝瓷 氧化镍电致变色陶瓷材料 氧化钕 氧化铍陶瓷 氧化镨 氧化钐 氧化铈 氧化铽 氧化铁薄膜γ 氧化钨电致变色陶瓷陶瓷 Chinese>氧化锌 氧化锌压电电阻陶瓷 氧化钇 氧化镱 氧化铕 液晶显示材料 液体钎剂 乙酸丁酯 乙酸乙酯 异丙醇 银箔 银铜焊料 印刷板软钎焊用钎剂 荧光粉 硬性及软性标牌胶 永磁铁氧体料粉 用氧化锌低压化的硫氧化钇Ⅲ 有机硅灌封料 有机硅浸渍料 有机活性助焊剂 预浸盐 预涂助焊剂 远紫外负性光刻胶 远紫外正性光刻胶 窄线宽石榴石材料系列 粘结钕铁硼磁体 Chinese>粘结永磁铁氧体材料 照明用荧光粉 锗单晶 锗酸铋单晶 蒸散型吸气剂 正矾磷酸钇:铕 正胶显影液 正性光刻胶 直接键合硅片 中子嬗变掺杂硅单晶 重氮丝印感光胶 重硅酸钡:铅 皱纹纸胶带 助焊剂 紫翠宝石可调谐激光晶体 紫外碱溶抗蚀印料 紫外正性光刻胶 自干型耐腐蚀印料 棕刚玉粉 阻燃包封料 阻燃环氧灌封料 阻燃密封胶(高压聚焦电位器用) 阻燃型彩色聚酯压敏胶带 阻燃型室温硫化硅橡胶(双组分)
Nd-doped YAP laser crystal
Nd-doped YAG laser crystal
cerium activated scintillater
Cr4+-doped YAG crystal
iron dopen lithium niobate crystal
magnesium oxide doped lithium niobate crystal
zinc oxide doped lithium niobate crystal
Yb- YAG laser crystal
super-long copper core polyester tape
ultrafine palladium powder
palladium powder
ultrafine platinum powder
ultrafine ruthenium oxide powder
ultrafine gold powder
ultrafine nickel powder
ultrafine copper powder
ultrafine silver-palladium powder
ultrafine silver-bismuth powder
ultrafine silver powder
transmission fiber
pure molybdenum hexafluoride
pure neon
pure nitric oxide
ceramic organic base copper clad laminate
magnetic powder
magnetic temperature compensate alloy
magnetic fluid
gallium nitride epitaxial materials
conduction cloth
conductive high impact polustylene
conductive polypropylene
conductive polyethylene
the phosphor of rare-earth
soldering flux of low solid and free cleaning
low-melting sealing frils
solders of low melting point alloys
inside encapsulate compound for terylene film condenser
outside encapsulate compound for terylene film condenser
terylene fibre bolting cloth
mercury cadmium telluride(MCT) crystal
lead telluride
cadmium zinc telluride substrate material
arc quartz glass crucibles
voltage penetration multicolor phosphor
electronic potting resin
octafluoropropane, electronic grade; perfluoropropane, electronic grade; halocarbon 218, electronic grade
dichlororosilane eiectronic grade
electron-beam negative photoresist
electron-beam positive photoresist
sealant for set electronic companents
hot melt masking tape
dumet wire
copper-tinlead wire; CP wire
tellurium dioxide single crystal
silicon dioxide
sulohur dioxide
bubbing nickel alloy wire
yttrium vanadate single crystal
oxidation preventive tin solder wires
special solder for oxidation resistance
antioxidizing solding aid
diamond like coatings, DLC
amorphous magnetic head materials
amorphous silicon film
amorphous magneto-optical thin films
amorphous magneto-optical thin films
amorphous magnetic alloys for magnetic head
amorphous soft magnetic alloys
non-zero dispersion shifted dingle mode fiber; G.655fiber
non-evaporable getter
ammonium fluoride solution
barium fluoride
celeium fluoride
magnesium fluoride
magnesium fluoride
potassium Magnesium fluoride activated by managanese
lead fluorede
magnesium fluorogermanate activated by manganese
wash liquid for negative resist
developer for negative photoresist
negative temperature constant thermosensitive ceramics ; NTC thermosensitive ceramics
stainlass steel clad laminate
super-thick copper clad laminate
resistance foil clad laminate
aluminum clad laminate
capper strip coated with nickel
copper containing beryllium clad laminate
aluminum foil copper clad laminate
phenolic cellulose paper copper clad laminate
composite copper clad laminate
modified polyhenylene oxide resin woven glass fabric copper clad laminate
epoxide woven glass fabric copper clad laminate
epoxide cellulose paper copper clad laminate
PTEE woven glass fabric copper clad laminate
polyimide resin woven glass fabric copper clad laminate
polyimide resin woven aromatic polyamide fibre clad laminate
copper strip coated with tin-cerium alloy
high Bs ferrite
high purity ammonia
high purity nitrogen
high purity dimethylcadmium
high purity carbon dioxide
high purity diethyltellurium
high purity diethylzinc
hydrogen fluoride
high purity silicane
high purity helium
high purity methane
high purity kryton
high purity phosphine
high purity hydrogen sulfide
high purity sulphur hexafluoride
high purity tungsten hexafluoride
high purity hexafluroethane
strip &foil of high-purity aluminium
high-purity aluminium wire
high purity chlorine
high purity hydrogen chloride
high purity hydrogen
high purity nitrogen trifluoride
high purity phosphorus trifluoride
high purity boron trifluoride
high purity arsenic trifluoride
high purity trimethylgallium
high purity trimethylaluminum
high purity trimethylstibine
high purity trimethylinduum
high purity trichloride
high purity triethyl aluminum
high purity xenon
high purity arsine
high purity silicon tetrafluoide
high purity titanium tetrafluoride
silicon tetrachloride
silicon tetrachloride
super-purity silicon tetrachlonide ; tetrachlorosilane; silicon( ) chloride
high purity hydrogan bromide
high purity argon
high purity oxygen
high purity nitrous oxide
high purity carbon monoxide
high purity disilane
high purity diborane
/high power and low temperature coefficient garnet material series
high dielectric constant copper clad laminate
high frequency NiZn ferrite
high strength aluminium brazing wire
universal tin solder wire with high preformance
lead lanthanum zirconate titanate (PLZT) electrooptical ceramics
lead zirconate titanate (PZT) pyroelectric ceramics
lead titanate-zirconate piezoslsctric ceramic
industrial pure iron
light solidified antiwelding agent (single components)
light solidified antiwelding agent (two components)
silicone coating materials for optical fiber
optic lithium niobate crystal
optic lithium niobate crystal
optical quartz glass; optical quartz sheep
monocrystalline silicon
monocrystalline silicon polished wafer
policrystalline silicon
aluminium-silicon alloy strip & fuil
bismuth silicate single crystal; BSO; bismuth silicon oxide
calcium silicate activated by lead and manganese
lanthanum gallium silicate single
zinc orthosilicate activated by manganese
silicon epitaxy material
silica micropowder
hydrogen peroxide
oxidation-resistant oil for solder
solder pastes
synthetic quartz
specid black silicon cabide powder for coated abrasive products
ruby laser crystal
-red phosphor for color TV-pigmented yttrium oxysulfide : europium phosphor
-red phosphor for color display tube-pigmented yttrium oxysulfide: europium
-red phosphor for plasma display panel-yttrium-gadolinium borate activated by europium
thick film conductor pastes
thick film resistance pastes
thick film dielectric paste
steatite ceramics
flame retardant and harmless to environment type of epoxy potting compound
cyclized polyisoprene rubber negative photoresist; ultraviolet negative photoresist
one component epoxy sealant
-[1]epoxy molding compound
-[2]epoxy molding compound
diglycidyl 4,5-epoxy-tetrahydrophthalic ester
epoxy resin casting compound (for photoelectric devices)
active solder
active solder wire
activated rosin cored tin solder wire
ARCsilicone rubber ARC (additive type )
additional liquid silicone rubber (one component)
spinel; magnesium aluminate
alkaline cleaner
alkaline etchant
electically conductive silicone rubber cornpounds for key pad
aluminium-silicon bonding wire
gold bonding wire
strontium pyrophosphate activated by europium
devitrifiable low-meiting sealing frits
dielectric ceramic materials
gold foil
rutile porcelain , rutile ceramics
metal thin films
metal magnetic powder
metal base(core) copper clad laminate
metal wire bolting cloth
antisticking agent
crystal cleaning agent
crystal adhesise
capper strip coated with argentum in part
urethane potting resin
polyurethane waxless polishing pad; waxless polishing pad
polyimide coatings
polyvinyl cinnamate photoresist ;1# photoresist
polyester film tape
polyester photoresist
constantan foil
broad band NiCuZn series ferrite
-blue Phosphor For Color TV Tube-Pigmented Zinc sulfide activated by silver
-blue phosphor for color display tube-zinc sulfide activated by silver and aluminum
-blue phosphor for plasma display panel-barium magnesium aluminate activated by europium()
lead lanthanum titanate (PLZT) ceramics
Li ferrite material series
gallium phosphide monocrystal
indium phosphide monocrustal
indium phosphide epitaxy materials
phosphoric acid
gallium phosphate single crystal; gallium orthophosphate
zincstrontium phosphate activated by tin
potassium titanyl phosphate crystal; KTP crystal
zero dispersion shifted single mode fiber; G.653fiber
zinc sulfide activated by copper
Zinc sulfide activated by copper and chlorine
zinc sulfide activated by silver
zinc cadmium sulfide activated by cooper
sulphuric acid
yttrium silicate activated by cerium()
hex Zinc sulfide activated by silver
lanthanum magnesium hexaaluminate
.calcium halophosphate activated by antimony and manganese
colour polymer for manufacture of color filter
AlSiFe magnetic core
permanent magnet AINiCo
AlNiCo permanent magnet
AlNi permanent magnet
lanthanum aluminate single crystal
magnesium aluminate single crystal
green phosphor for plasma display panel
-green phosphor for color TV tube-zinc sulfide activated by copper and aluminum
-green phosphor for color display tube-zinc sulfide activated by copper and aluminum
green silicon carbide powder
forsterite porcelain
MgZn ferrite
constantan wire
Mn-Zn ferrite
high i MnZn ferrite
dispersion strengthened copper oxygen
free cleaning soldering flux of wave crest
no clean solder wire
free-clean soldering flux
potting material for sound removing magnetic head of recoder ; ZM potting material
molybdenum sheet
molybdenum foil
molybdenum sealing glass powder
molybdenum wire
lead molybdate single crystal
molybdenum-tungsten alloy wire
outside electric conduction graphite latices
adhesive with high temperature resistance
high temperature resistance creped masking tape
flexible copper clad material
potassium niobate crystal; KN crystal
lithum niobate single crystal; LN
Qlithium niobate Q-switch
nickel sheets
nickel strips
nickle alloy wire
nickel and nickel alloy strip
nickel and nickel alloy tube
nickel and nickel alloy wire
Ni ferrite material series
Ni ferrite high power material series
nickel-copper alloy
nickel wire
Ni-Zn ferrite
anti-EMI NiCuZn series ferrite
NbFeB permanent magnets
NdFeB permanet magnetic powder
NdFeB magnets(sintered)
metal coated solders Pl38
pure zinc wires for spraying coating
cadmium borate activated by manganese
cesium lithium borate crystal; CLBO crystal
beryllum bronze foil
lanthanum beryllate laser crystal
other MnZn ferrite
blouing & melting quartz
gas semltime quartz glass tubs
CVD boron nitride ceramics; PBN ceramics
hydrofluoric acid
ammonium hydroxide
flux for hot air plating
synthetic quartz crystal; -SiO2
lithium triborate crystal; LBO crystal
ternary system piezoelectric ceramic
SmCo permanet magnetic powder
scintillation bismuth germinate single crystal
sintered permanent magnet materials
gallium arsenide monocrystal
gallium arsenide epitaxy material
magnesium arsenate activated by manganese
quartz glass
quartz gradient type multimode fiber
RTV expoxy resin compound
RTV-2 potting and encapsulating silicone rubber
RTV silicone rubber (one package)
one-component RTV silicone rubber ; RTV silicone adhesives/sealants
RTV silicone rubber (two components)
getter mercury dispenser
rosin cored tin solder wires
data quartz fiber
biaxially oriented polypropylene film
water soluble photoresist
water soluble photochromatism dry photoresist
water flux
water soluble soldering flux; water cleaning soldering flux
silk screen photosensitive emulsion
ink for plastics silk screen printing
lithium tetraborate single crystal; LBO
plastic fiber
acid cleaner
Ti-doped saphire
titanium foil
barium titanate thermosensitive ceramics
barium titanate ferroelectric ceramics
lead titanate piezoelectric ceramics
lithum tantalite single crystal;LT
silicon carbide epitaxial materials
Fe-C magnetic core
tin coating solding aid
ceramic inorganic base copper clad laminate
VHF soft magnetic ferrite
special cutting fluids
gallium antimonide monocrystal
indium antimonide crystal
lead antimony manganese zirconia titanate(SM-PZT) piezoelectric ceramics
iron sealing glass powder
FeCoV soft magnetic material
Fe-Ni alloy; permalloy
FeNiCo magnetic core
FeNi soft magnetic alloy
permanent ferrite materials
general garnet material series
copper base copper clad laminate
copper ion inhibitor
transparent quartz glass instruments and wares
electro-conductive adhesives remover
outside electric conduction graphite latices
Qmicroweve high-Q ferrite resonator series
tungsten-rhenium alloy wire
W-Ce electrode
tungsten wire
calcium tungstate activated by lead
non-magnetic stainless steel
electroless copper plating liquid
ODShigh performance cleaning agents containing no ODS
ethanol absolute
oxygen-free copper; high-conductivity copper; OFHC
rare earth cobalt permanent magnets
dry photoresist for silk screen printing
tin-antimony-silver-nickel solder for hermetical sealing
solder oxide reducing reagent
nitric acid
shape memory alloy; memory alloy
polishing & cutting oil; PC oil
hydrochloric acid
anaerbic adhesive
dysprosium oxide
thulium oxide
erbium oxide
gadolinium oxide
zirconium oxide
zirconia ceramics
holmium oxide
scandium oxide
lanthanum oxide
iutrcium oxide
alumina porcelain
alumina ceramics
nickel oxide electrochromic ceramics
neodymium oxide
beryllia ceramics or beryllium oxide
prasecdymium oxide
samarium oxide
cerium oxide
terbium oxide
-Fe2O3 thin films
tungsten oxide electrochromic ceramics; wolframium oxide electrochromic ceramies
zinc oxide
zinc oxide voltage-sensitive ceramics
yttrium oxide
europium oxide
liquid crystals for display
soldering flux
n-butyl acetate
ethyl acetate
silver foil
siliver-copper braging alloy
soldering flux for printer circuit boayds
phosphor for monochromatic display tube
hard & flexible decorations adhesive
hard ferrite powder
europium () active yttrium oxysulfide coated by zinc oxide
silicone potting materials
silicone dipping compound
organic active fluxes and solders
pre-dip salt
precoated soldering flux
deep ultraviolet negative photoresist
deep ultraviolet positive photoresist
narrow linewidth garnet material
bonded NdFeB magnets
bonded Permanet ferrite materials
LEDphosphor for LED illumination
monocrystalline germanium
bismuth germinate single ctrstal; BGO; bismuth germanium oxide
evaporable getter
yttrium vanadophosphate activated by europium
developer for positive photoresist
LCDLCD positive photoresist
direct bonded silicon wafer
neutral transmutation
diazo silk screen printing photosensitive emulsion
barium disilicite activated by lead
crepe paper tape
solding aid
alexandrite tunable laser crystal
UV alkaline soluble etching resist ink
ultraviolet positive photoresist
self-drying etchin gresist ink
brown fused alumina powder
flame retarding encapsulating material
flame retarding epoxy potting compound
flame retardant sealant (for high voltage focusing potentiometer)
flame resistant colored pressure sensitive adhesive tape
flame resistant RTV silicone rubber (two components)