Premier Wen Jiabao Answered Questions at Press Conference 温家宝总理首先向中外记者介绍了各位副总理。 Premier Wen Jiabao first introduced the vice premiers to the Chinese and foreign press. 温家宝:第十一届全国人民代表大会第一次会议闭幕了,会议产生了新一届政府。现在我把和我一同出席这次记者招待会的各位副总理向大家介绍一下:坐在我旁边的是李克强,他是我们副总理中最年轻的,也是中共中央政治局常委。这位是回良玉,大家都熟悉了,他是上届政府的副总理,这次是连任。我们还有两位新任副总理,一位是张德江,一位是王岐山,他们都曾经担任过“地方大员”。 Premier: The First Session of the Eleventh National People’s Congress was just concluded and a new government was formed at the session. Now I would like to introduce to you the vice premiers who accompany me at this press conference. Sitting on my right is Li Keqiang, the youngest vice premier of this government and also a Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. This is Hui Liangyu, whom I am sure you know well. He was a vice premier of the previous government and is reelected this time. We have two other new vice premiers. They are Zhang Dejiang and Wang Qishan. Both of them served as top local leaders. 凤凰卫视记者:上届政府曾经遇到两次令全球华人为之牵挂的突发性灾害。5年前,新任总理的您经历了非典,人们还不知道您当时的心路历程。5年之后,突如其来的南方冰雪灾害,人们又看到您奔走在抗击雪灾的前线,这场灾害让您感受到了什么?未来5年您将还会面临什么样的挑战? Phoenix TV: The previous government encountered two sudden disasters about which the Chinese all over the world were deeply concerned. Five years ago, you, as the newly elected premier, led the fight against the SARS epidemic. People still want to know what was on your mind at the time. Five years later, when the disaster of sleet and snowstorms hit Southern China, people once again saw you at the forefront of the fight against the disaster. What was on your mind this time? What kind of challenges do you expect in the next five years? 温家宝:5年已经过去了,“行事见于当时,是非公于后世”。历史是人民创造的,也是人民书写的。一个领导者应该把眼睛盯住前方,把握现在,思考未来。我脑子里在盘旋四件事情: Premier: Five years have passed. What one did at the time will be judged by history. History is created and written by the people. A leader should look ahead, he should think about both the present and the future. And I have four goals in mind. 第一,要使中国的经济继续保持平稳较快发展,同时有效地抑制通货膨胀。这就必须解决经济发展中的不稳定、不协调、不可持续的问题。 First, we need to ensure fast yet steady development of China’s economy and effectively curb inflation at the same time. To attain this goal, we must resolve problems causing instability, and lack of coordination and unsustainability in economic development. 目前最大的困难是物价过快上涨和通货膨胀的压力,隐藏的风险是经济可能出现的波动,我们必须在这两者之间走出一条光明的路子。 The biggest difficulty we face now is the excessive price rises and the inflationary pressure they have created, which pose a potential risk of drastic economic fluctuations. We need to find a way to meet both challenges and ensure a bright future. 第二,经济体制改革和政治体制改革要有新的突破。这就必须解放思想。解放思想需要勇气、决心和献身精神。解放思想和改革创新,如果说前者是因的话,后者就是果。5年前,我曾面对大家立过誓言:“苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之。”今天我还想加上一句话,就是“天变不足畏,祖宗不足法,人言不足恤”。 Second, we need to make breakthroughs in the reform of political and economic systems. To attain this goal, we must free our minds. To free our minds, we need to have courage, resolve and a spirit of dedication. Only by freeing our minds can we succeed in carrying out reform and innovation. Five years ago, in front of a similar audience, I made a pledge: One should uphold his country’s interests with his life. He should not do things just to pursue personal gains and he should not evade his responsibilities for fear of personal loss. Today, I would like to add one more thing: One should not fear the changes under the heaven. One should not blindly follow past conventions. And one should not be deterred by complaints of others. 第三,要推进社会的公平正义。如同真理是思想体系的首要价值,公平正义是社会主义国家制度的首要价值。公平正义就是要尊重每一个人,维护每一个人的合法权益,在自由平等的条件下,为每一个人创造全面发展的机会。如果说发展经济、改善民生是政府的天职,那么推进社会公平正义就是政府的良心。 Third, we need to promote social equity and justice. As truth is the first virtue of the systems of thought, equity and justice are the first virtue of the state system of a socialist country. Equity and justice mean that we need to respect everyone and protect the lawful rights and interests of all. We need to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to pursue all-round development in an environment of freedom and equality. Just as promoting economic development and increasing people’s welfare is the bounden duty of the government, advancing social equity and justice is the conscience of the government. 第四,要加强社会主义精神文明建设。如果我们的国家有比黄金还要贵重的诚信、有比大海还要宽广的包容、有比爱自己还要宽宏的博爱,有比高山还要崇高的道德,那么我们这个国家就是一个具有精神文明和道德力量的国家。 Fourth, we need to promote socialist cultural and ethical standards. In our country, we should view credibility and integrity as something more precious than gold. We should be more receptive and inclusive than the ocean. We should value fraternity rather than self-love and follow ethical standards that are even higher than the mountains. And this will make China a country of cultural and moral strength. 朋友们,我想对你们说:为了国家的富强,为了社会的公平正义,为了让人们幸福快乐地过得更好,为了让孩子们上好学,为了使我们的民族在世界赢得应有的尊严,我愿献出我的全部心血和精力。 Dear friends, this is what I want to say to you: my goal is to make China strong and prosperous, to promote equity and justice and to ensure that our people will lead a better life, that our children can all go to school, and that our nation wins respect it deserves, and I will dedicate all my life and energy to this cause. 《人民日报》记者:两会期间,人民网和其他十多家网站都做了“两会关注热点”或者“我有问题问总理”的网上调查。参与网民达数千万,提出的问题超过百万。大家关注度最高的是物价问题。您在报告中提出,今年物价涨幅控制在4.8%左右,请问总理,新一届政府将采取哪些措施确保实现这个目标? People’s Daily: During the two Sessions of the National People’s Congress and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, (People's Daily’s website) and a dozen of other websites conducted on-line surveys on the key issues of public interest and collected questions for the Premier. Several dozen million internet users took part in the survey and over one million questions were asked. The biggest public concern is about prices. In your government work report, you set a goal of holding price rise to a level of about 4.8%. What steps will the new government take to ensure that this goal will be attained? 温家宝:两会期间我一直在上网。广大网民向我提问题、提建议,甚至为我分忧,多达数百万条,参与的恐怕有上亿人。这么多群众以如此高的热情关注两会,特别是关心政府的工作,使我深受感动。他们的意见、批评都是对政府的信任、支持、鼓励和鞭策。我一边看网,一边脑子里想起一段话,就是“民之所忧,我之所思;民之所思,我之所行”。群众之所以用这么大的精力来上网写问题、提建议,是要政府解决问题。在这里我不可能一一回答大家的问题。确实,在众多问题中,排在第一位的是物价问题。去年下半年以来,物价上涨过快,给群众生活特别是低收入群体的生活带来很大的困难。如何控制物价过快上涨,抑制通货膨胀,不仅是老百姓关注的问题,也是政府的重要任务。 Premier: During the two sessions, I took some time to surf the internet. Many internet users raised questions and made recommendations to me, and many wanted to share my burden. There were several million responses, and perhaps over 100 million people were involved. The fact that so many people are following with great interest the two sessions and particularly the work of the government has greatly touched me. All their comments and recommendations show the trust, support, encouragement and inspiration they have given to the government. When I was surfing the internet, a few lines came to mind: What people are concerned about is what preoccupies my mind and what preoccupies the minds of the people is what I need to address. Our people spent so much time and energy to raise questions and make recommendations on the internet because they want the government to solve problems. Obviously I cannot answer all the questions now. But I know price rise tops the list of many questions. In the latter half of last year, prices rose too fast and made life difficult for the people, particularly the low-income groups. To stop prices from rising too fast and curb inflation is not only a concern to the people, but also an important responsibility of the government. 我们提出了今年CPI确定为4.8%左右的预测目标。说句老实话,实现这一目标是不容易的,特别是今年头两个月我们遇到了历史上罕见的冰雪灾害,这就给控制物价带来更大的压力。但我们依然没有改变这个目标,主要出于两点考虑:第一,它表明政府的决心,要把控制物价和抑制通货膨胀作为今年政府工作的首要任务。第二,它稳定老百姓对物价的预期。在物价上涨较快时,人们对物价的预期比物价上涨本身更可怕。我们之所以提出这样的目标,也是有根据的。现在我们的粮食储备还是在1.5亿吨到2亿吨之间,主要工业品供过于求的局面没有改变。只要政策得当,措施有力,我们完全有信心控制物价过快上涨的局面。 We have set the goal of holding CPI to a level about 4.8% this year. To be honest with you, it will not be easy to achieve the goal. Particularly in the first two months of this year, China was hit by the disaster of sleet rarely seen in history. This has made it more difficult to hold down price rises. But we are still pursuing this goal, and there are two reasons for this: First, it demonstrates the government is resolved to put controlling price rises and curbing inflation on the top of its agenda this year. Second, it stabilizes people’s price expectations. When prices rise fairly rapidly, people’s price expectations could create more panic than price rise itself. This goal is also solidly based. Our grain reserves now total between 150 and 200 million tons. There is still an oversupply of major industrial products. As long as we pursue right policies and take forceful measures, we have every confidence in bringing the rising prices under control. CNN: Premier Wen, you have the biggest and toughest job in the world. I want to ask a question about two issues that begin with the English letter T. One is Tibet. There is turmoil and violence in Tibet. And China is accused of cracking down on peaceful demonstrations there. The Dalai Lama calls it a cultural genocide. In the latest development, some are advocating a boycott of the Olympics. What do you say to these? The other question is Taiwan. You've always said that China will never tolerate independence of Taiwan. Taiwan this weekend will hold elections and referendum. If the Taiwanese voters approve a proposal in the referendum that Taiwan reapply to the United Nations as Taiwan, will you consider that a de facto declaration of independence? And if so, will China go to war to stop that? And now that Chen Shui-bian is stepping down, do you think there is any better prospect for you to sit down with the new president in Taiwan 温家宝:你提的这两个问题都是涉及中国的统一、主权和领土完整的问题。首先,我回答一下关于西藏的问题。 Premier: The two issues you have raised are both important to China's unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity. First, I would like to address the issue of Tibet. 最近在西藏,主要是在拉萨,发生了打、砸、抢、烧事件。详细情况,昨天西藏自治区政府领导人已经向记者做了通报。 Recently in Tibet, especially in Lhasa, there has been an incident of beating, smashing up properties, looting and arson. The detailed information about the incident was released yesterday by a leading official of the Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region at a press conference. 在这起事件中,极少数人打伤以至致死无辜群众,手段十分残忍。 In this incident, a small number of violent rioters attacked or even killed innocent people with extreme cruelty. 他们砸毁车辆和公用设施,烧毁民房、商店和学校。 They smashed up vehicles, public facilities, and burned down private housing, stores and schools. 这起事件严重破坏了拉萨正常的社会秩序,给拉萨市人民群众生命财产带来极大的损失。 As a result, public order in Lhasa was gravely disrupted and heavy losses of life and property were inflicted. 我们有足够事实证明,这起事件是由达赖集团有组织、有预谋、精心策划和煽动起来的。 There is ample evidence that this incident was premeditated, masterminded, incited and organized by the Dalai clique. 这就更加暴露了达赖集团一贯标榜的“不追求独立”、“和平对话”是一派谎言。 This once again shows that the claims made by the Dalai clique over the years that they seek peaceful dialogue and not independence are nothing but lies. 伪善的谎言掩盖不了铁的事实。 Their hypocritical lies cannot cover the indisputable facts. 当地政府和有关部门依照宪法和法律,采取十分克制的态度,迅速地平息了这起事件,维护了拉萨以至西藏各族人民的利益。 The local government and competent authorities exercised great restraint and took prompt measures in accordance with the Constitution and laws to quell the situation and protect the interests of people of all ethnic groups in Lhasa and in Tibet. 我想在这里回答你,从西藏和平解放、实行民主改革到现在,西藏在进步、发展。那种所谓“中国政府灭绝西藏文化”,完全是一派谎言。 What I would like to stress here is that since its peaceful liberation, particularly since the democratic reform was introduced, Tibet has made steady progress. The allegation that the Chinese Government is carrying out cultural genocide is totally unfounded. 我们不仅有能力维护西藏的稳定和正常的社会秩序,而且要继续支持西藏的经济发展和社会进步,提高西藏各族人民的生活水平,保护西藏的文化和生态环境。这个立场是不会动摇的。 We are fully capable of maintaining stability and order in Tibet. And at the same time, we will continue to support Tibet in making economic development and social progress. We will continue to improve the livelihood of people of all ethnic groups and protect the culture and natural environment in Tibet. We will never waver in this position. 第二,关于台湾问题。我所关心的是要维护台海的和平与稳定,促进两岸关系和平发展,这应该成为两岸关系的主题和主旋律。 Second, on the issue of Taiwan, what I am concerned is to maintain peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and promote peaceful development of cross-Strait relations. This is our general goal in growing cross-Strait relations. 我们之所以反对“入联公投”,就是因为如果这样一些主张得逞的话,它将改变大陆和台湾同属于一个中国的现状,势必冲击两岸关系,势必危害两岸人民的根本利益,势必造成台海局势的紧张,破坏台海和平以至亚太地区的和平。 The reason why we are opposed to the referendum scheme for Taiwan joining the United Nations is that if such a scheme should succeed, it would deny the reality that both Taiwan and the mainland belong to one and the same China. And that would deal a serious blow to cross-Strait relations, harm the fundamental interests of people on both sides, cause tension in the Taiwan Strait and threaten peace in Taiwan Strait and even in the Asia Pacific region. 我在这里想再一次重申,凡属涉及中国主权和领土完整的事,必须由包括台湾同胞在内的全中国人民共同决定,任何人想把台湾从祖国分割出去都是不会得逞的,也是注定会失败的。 I would like to reiterate here that all issues that are important to China's sovereignty and territorial integrity must be decided by the entire Chinese people, including our compatriots in Taiwan. Any attempt to separate Taiwan from China is doomed to fail. 我还想强调,我们希望在一个中国的前提下,尽早地恢复两岸对话与谈判,什么问题都可以谈,包括结束两岸敌对状态这样重大的问题。 I would also like to stress that we hope to resume peaceful negotiations under the precondition of one China at an early date, and everything can be discussed, including such important issues as ending the state of hostility between the two sides.